Swiss Peas In A Golden Pod

By Stewart Thomson / May 05, 2020 / / Article Link

Stewart Thomson

May 5, 2020

Pleaseclick here now. Switzerland loves bunkers and Switzerland loves gold.

The simple difference between the Swiss government and the US government is that the Swiss government loves to prepare its citizens for hardship, and America’s government leaves its citizens totally unprepared for hardship, while engaging in relentless debt-funded bully tactics against the rest of the world.

If US government would spend a few moments of time helping citizens save and prepare for crisis, rather than endlessly bragging about how great they themselves are, US citizens could be sailing through this Corona crisis with relative ease.

Instead, millions of Americans are on their knees, begging the government and central bank to borrow and print even more ridiculous amounts of fiat money than they’ve already been borrowing and printing.The bottom line:

Gold, food storage, preparation for germ and physical warfare... these go together like Swiss peas in a golden pod!

While the US government shows no interest in protecting its citizens with savings, hazmats, or bomb shelters, it shows maximum interest in the stock market.

The stock market is now the government’s “poster boy” for the well-being of the citizens.Pleaseclick here now. Double-click to enlarge this long-term US stock market chart.

Making money in the stock market isn’t that hard.Retaining that money is another matter.

For years, I’ve identified Dow 21,700, 18,300, 15,500, and 14,200 as investor buy zones.

Dow 27,000 and 30,000 are the sell zones.Investors who want to make money that is retained need to focus on these zones.The 21,700 and 18,300 zones were recently touched.

I bought modestly, and suggested investors buy modestly too.

Pleaseclick here now. Double-click to enlarge this short-term Dow chart. The stock market has oozed sideways after breaking down from a bear wedge pattern.

Whether the market now goes higher or lower will be determined mainly by the amount of government borrowing and central bank money printing.

If there’s enough borrowing and money printing, and I think there will be, the market can move higher and the debt-infested government can tell more ridiculous “mightiest economy of all time” stories to anyone stupid enough to listen.

I recommend putting some capital into the US stock market at my key support zones, and then taking some money off the table at key resistance zones.

The stock market is not just a poster boy.It’s an asset class.The skills and willpower of the private sector citizens is a factor that investors need to consider as a positive force that is separate from government propaganda, debt, and money printing.

The bottom line:Put some capital into the stock market, but do it modestly, and with professionalism.

Pleaseclick here now. Double-click to enlarge this short-term GDX chart.

The technical action is solid.April to September is typically the soft season for gold demand, and gold stocks often suffer, but that’s not the case so far in 2020!

Basis GDX, gold stocks are in a range trade, between $31.25 and $34.80.

Pleaseclick here now. Double-click to enlarge this monthly GDX chart.

A move above $34.80 would target the $37-$38 area and define the breakout over $32 as solid.

Note the thick green trendline channels I’ve highlighted on this chart.They show GDX in an uptrend, defined by trading between the dotted Keltner middle line and the upper supply line.

This occurred in the 2009-2011 uptrend and it’soccurring again now, in what could become a much steadier and bigger channel of upside action!



May 5th, 2020
Stewart Thomson
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