Red Lake Explorer Keeps Making Discoveries

By Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports / September 10, 2019 / / Article Link

Maurice JacksonChris Taylor, CEO of Great Bear Resources, talks with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about his company's exploration efforts in Canada's prolific Red Lake District.

Maurice Jackson: Joining us for our conversation is Chris Taylor, the president, director and CEO of Great Bear Resources Ltd. (GBR:TSX.V; GTBDF:OTC). Pleasure to be speaking with you today to share the value proposition before us in Great Bear Resources. Before we delve into project specifics, Mr. Taylor, please introduce us to Great Bear Resources and what is the opportunity you present to the market?

Chris Taylor: Great Bear is a Canada focused high-grade gold explorer. Our project, the Dixie property, is located in the Red Lake District of Ontario, which is quite famous for being probably the premier high-grade gold district in the country.

Maurice Jackson: Speaking of opportunity, I think you're being quite modest here. Great Bear has rewarded shareholders in the last 52 weeks with a 400% return. Congratulations. The company's been able to answer a series of questions with very impressive results and they are all responding with yes. Let's find out why the stock price is soaring. Great Bear Resources is focused on a new high-grade gold discovery in Red Lake, Ontario. Take us there and provide us with some historical context on the region.

Chris Taylor: Red Lake is known for producing a large number of high-grade gold ounces. It's quite road accessible. You can connect in through the remainder of Ontario and down into the U.S. just below that. There's about 30 million ounces of gold produced in the district to date. The majority of that is from Newmont Goldcorp's main Red Lake gold mine. What we have in our project is effectively a large high-grade gold discovery, with multiple gold zones, and it's located about a mile or two off the side of the highway, with a power line that runs over the project and therefore we have low exploration costs. This is an area where investors and the dollars that they provide to the company turn into meters of drill core drilled with very cost effective structures due to excellent infrastructure.

Maurice Jackson: There's some strategic advantages that Great Bear Resources has over its peers that are exploring for gold with regards to brownfields exploration. Please share some of those virtues on exploration and from a capital standpoint.

Chris Taylor: In this area, one of the main advantages is low-cost exploration. And this is because effectively, rather than looking for minerals on the top of a mountain or up in the Arctic Circle or in the heart of Africa, you're in a civilized jurisdiction that's politically stable. This means that you end up with lower drill costs, lower operational costs. There are assay labs within a 20-minute drive from our project in downtown Red Lake, which has a full service community, skilled population of workers and obviously a very extensive history of mining. Effectively this is cost effective exploration where investment dollars turn into meters and that turns into performance in the share price as long as you continue to be successful, and Great Bear certainly has been up to this point.

Maurice Jackson: We've covered the region. Mr. Taylor, please introduce us to your flagship, Dixie gold project, and share some of the project highlights.

Chris Taylor: The Dixie gold property is located about a 20-minute drive from downtown Red Lake, so that means it's also about a 20-minute drive from one of the largest gold mines in the area. And the property is located in greenstone type rocks. These are Archean age greenstones that are mesothermal gold faults.

Effectively from tip to tip on this large LP fault structure, which is where we've made three of our most recent gold discoveries, is about 22 kilometers long end to end. Within the fault itself, the main area of it, we think is the most prospective is about 18 to 20 kilometers long. We've only drilled at this point about 15% of that structure, but every drill hole that we've put into the fault itself and the immediately adjacent area has gold mineralization. This is truly what could be characterized as a brand new district scale gold discovery.

Great Bear is working on a big greenstone-hosted, high-grade gold system. And quite exciting with the discoveries that we've been making is that a lot of the gold that we're drilling goes right to the surface. And that's quite exceptional in Red Lake because Red Lake, other than being famous for high-grade gold, it's famous for mines that go down a mile, a mile and a half deep vertically from surface. And on our project, excellent gold results have been generated really right to the surface bedrock interface. It's quite exciting.

Maurice Jackson: It certainly is. And to really appreciate the opportunity before us, please share some of the similarities between Newmont Goldcorp's Red Lake gold mine and the Dixie gold project.

Chris Taylor: Newmont Goldcorp is working on high-grade quartz veins. Gold is hosted in high-grade quartz veins that extend down to, I'll use Canadian terminology here, down to about two and a half kilometers or more in depth. And that's very, very similar to the first gold zones that we found on our Dixie property, the Dixie Limb and the Hinge zones. These were exciting discoveries that we had over a year ago now, and that's very similar geometrically in terms of the types of mineralization and the gold grade distributions. The size, when you look at it from a surface map perspective, very much like what we found early on. And that's similar to two of our zones and very dissimilar from a bunch of the other major zones that we found recently on our property.

Maurice Jackson: The Dixie gold project hosts five zones. What has Great Bear Resources most excited here?

Chris Taylor: We were very excited up to the last six-month period with the types of consistent and repeatable high-grade gold numbers that we were generating from the Hinge zone discovery and the Dixie Limb discovery. And this was very, very similar in terms of the gold grades and other patterns of mineralization and rock type to what you see at the main mines in the district. However, just over the last number of months, which has been the fuel for a very strong response in our share performance as well, is this very large fault structure. The LP fault structure down the project hosts an entirely different type of disseminated high-grade gold mineralization, and those are two words, disseminated and high-grade, that you don't often hear in the same sentence. And to make that more exciting from our point of view is that gold mineralization extends, again, right to the near surface. This is a new type of gold mineralization in the Red Lake District, and that's what makes this so compelling as an exploration story is that we're really just beginning the discovery process along this big new target.

Maurice Jackson: The company has been issuing a series of very impressive drill results. Please share some of the results and what this means going forward for the company.

Chris Taylor: Recently, one of the new zones that we've discovered called the Auro Zone on the LP fault generated a near-surface intercept of about 42 meters of about 5.28 grams per ton gold. Now, that's exceptional in a sense that that's a high-grade gold intercept in and of itself, but the fact that that's sitting right in the near surface is very interesting. And within that zone, there was about a meter and a half of about 100 grams per ton gold. That's over 3 ounces per ton gold, and what we're seeing as we drill along that fault are additional very high gold grades, including at the Bear-Rimini discovery. Near surface, we had a zone that was about 2 meters of just about 200 grams per ton gold, and then below that there was about a 14 meters zone of about 12 grams per ton there below that.

And then just beside that, there was another zone which was about 50 meters of about three quarters of a gram per ton, showing us that we have these large intervals of bulk tonnage-type gold mineralization adjacent and flanking and surrounding the high-grade zones that we've been finding. Before that, within the Dixie Limb and the Hinge zones, these are the high-grade Red Lake-style gold veins, which they're located about a kilometer to the west of the zones that I was just describing. Noteworthy of mention, at some intervals, we had a couple of meters with an ounce per ton range, so somewhere in the 20 to 40 gram per ton range. That's very typical for some of the intercepts that we've seen, but once in a while you get true bonanza grade gold intercepts.

I remember releasing a result, it was about a meter of about 900 grams per ton gold at the beginning of 2019, and I think that included, it was approximately 0.6 meters of about 1,600 grams per ton gold. These are phenomenally high-grade gold results, which is what the district is associated with, and those results were also a driver for value appreciation in Great Bear.

Maurice Jackson: Take us to the Hinge zone, which has been quite active the last year, and walk us through a cross section comparison between the Dixie and the Red Lake gold mine.

Chris Taylor: These are effectively very similar types of deposits, the Hinge zone and the Red Lake gold mine. They have similar types of alteration around the gold veins, the red brown hydrothermal biotite alteration. What you're looking for in this district typically to make grade at most of the deposits is about 2 meters of about 10 grams per ton gold. And the reason being the 10 gram per ton gold number tends to be economic in this area that you can extract it and pay and make money at those levels, and then the 2 meter width is about what the mining equipment width is.

The 2 meter's is about the minimum width that would flank the vein and that's what you'd be aiming for. When considering the district, one would be looking these veins that range from 30 centimeters wide to a couple meters wide, and they'll mine these things in the district all the way down to many kilometers depth, and that's what Goldcorp and now Newmont Goldcorp have been doing for many years. That's very similar to what we're seeing within the Hinge zone, except the Hinge zone has been surprising us repeatedly with multiple gold veins in many of the drill holes.

Great Bear Resources has been locating intervals that are wide zones of gold bearing quartz veins, sometimes up to over a hundred meters in drill quartz where you see repeated gold veins of anywhere from 30 centimeters to several meters in width. And I believe the widest that identified is about 7 meters of about an ounce per ton gold. And those are incredibly robust developed gold bearing vein systems, definitely on par with some of the best in the district.

Maurice Jackson: Moving on to the Bear-Rimini Zone, what would you like to share with us? Because there's some impressive stuff going on there as well.

Chris Taylor: The Bear-Rimini zone hosts some of the numbers I was quoting recently. A couple of meters of a couple hundred grams, 14 meters of 12 grams. This is a zone of a wide disseminated gold mineralization that's within a felsic volcanic unit that we see over many kilometers where we've drilled it so far, and that's entirely new for the Red Lake District. Most of the gold in the area is hosted by these gold bearing veins, but they tend to be within what we call mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks, and those are effectively, if you look at them with your naked eye, those are dark colored rocks, dark green rocks, typical greenstone belt rocks.

The rocks that we're drilling in the Bear-Rimini zone are quite light in color. They're very different chemically, they have a very different origin, and they occur in big thick units of these felsic volcanic packages with other units intruded into them, and that's where we're seeing these new gold discoveries. The Bear-Rimini zone is something that has not been seen before in the Red Lake District to the best of my knowledge, and it has the potential for many kilometers of strike length certainly. We've already drilled it over about 3.2 kilometers and so far it's wide open to extension.

Maurice Jackson: Finally, and equally important, take us to the Yuma zone. Why are shareholders enthusiastic about this zone?

Chris Taylor: The Yuma zone is effectively a 1.5 kilometers stepout along the same structure from the Bear-Rimini zone, and it contains multiple zones of high-grade gold mineralization and those are flanked by wide intervals of this low-grade gold mineralization that you see globally in many open pit deposits. And the Yuma zone is very similar to the new zone that we've recently announced, which is another kilometer stepout along that fault, which is the Auro zone.

Collectively the Bear-Rimini, Yuma and Auro zones all have the same geology that's been intersected in drilling and they all contain a combination of high-grade gold and that's flanked by these wide zones of low-grade mineralization that projects right to surface. The market and our geologists, and everybody involved in the Great Bear story, is very excited by these because it's very rare to see this combination of high grades surrounded by the bulk tonnage mineralization, and especially to see it along drill centers that are spaced kilometers apart, and to see that consistency of geology and gold mineralization. That's what's exciting here is the scale of these discoveries is really something that you don't see very often.

Maurice Jackson: Let's discuss some important topics germane to the project, beginning with reversionary interests. Are there any on your projects?

Chris Taylor: No, actually another fairly unique characteristic of Great Bear and its properties is that the properties are 100% owned by the company and on top of that, there are no royalties of any kind owed to other parties on these projects. All of the benefit of these discoveries flows to our shareholders.

Maurice Jackson: That is quite impressive and something you don't run into quite often. We're going to get into some numbers later in this discussion, but from a capital expenditure standpoint, what is your largest expense, and at what cost?

Chris Taylor: We're spending right now about a million dollars a month on drilling and exploration work. And if you look at the money that Great Bear has raised, about 80 cents on every dollar goes to drilling and exploration work. The remaining costs, probably about 10 cents of that, would be salaries and other things and we obviously have to keep the company moving. And, of course, like every other company in our type of space, we do marketing and promotion and these sort of outreach. That's probably another 10 cents on the dollar. But the vast majority of the money that we raise turns right into meters of gold bearing core, drilled out of the ground. It's been very cost effective that way because of the infrastructure access on the property.

Maurice Jackson: What is your relationship with the indigenous people?

Chris Taylor: We have an excellent relationship with the local indigenous groups. And we've been fortunate that we recently sponsored a student work program for this summer, and we also have ongoing business relationships with some of the community members who are providing, for instance, drill core boxes for the program. That's a very tall order because we drill a lot of core and we look forward to more of this cooperation while we go forward. These are communities in this area that are very familiar with mining and many of the community members are active in the mining industry and also in forestry and other natural resource work.

Maurice Jackson: Are you fully permitted?

Chris Taylor: Yes. The work that we're doing now is fully permitted. There have been no issues regarding permitting or execution of the work that we need to carry out.

Maurice Jackson: Is the ultimate goal for Great Bear Resources to develop the Dixie gold project and sell it or build a mine?

Chris Taylor: This is a question I get asked a lot because a company needs to be prepared to put the project forward through all the exploration stages and through into production. What you need to always think about in the back of your mind though is that very few junior companies in our shoes that make this scale of discovery make it through that production process on their own, typically at some point there are a number of major producing gold companies in the world and they are looking for these types of assets. Their reserves are always being depleted and the combinations of high-grade gold, near-surface gold and access to infrastructure that we have certainly put the Dixie property at the front of the pack when it comes to comparable gold projects that these guys are looking at.

Maurice Jackson: We've discussed the good. Let's address the bad. What can go wrong and what is your action plan to mitigate that role?

Chris Taylor: One of the biggest errors that a company can make is effectively, in our situation, when you're onto a district-scale type discovery, is that the company will prematurely focus on resource development and definition on one particular zone to the detriment of wider exploration, and making the discoveries that will ultimately add the most value for a company. Great Bear is very cognizant of that. We try not to get led by the market into drilling hundreds and hundreds of holes onto any particular zone and trying to define it too early.

That's one of the concerns that companies are often forced into just because they have difficulty accessing capital. We've been very successful raising funds and employing those funds on our own terms, and that's led to the sequence of discoveries that we continue to make. Other risks that we would have would be very much like other companies in our space. Besides something geologically that constrains the amount of gold mineralization, that's typical risk. There are no special risks for our project. It's in a fully permitted operating mining district, and it's one of these areas where you don't get the political risks or other risks that you see in other jurisdictions. We are in a safe and a stable area to work in.

Maurice Jackson: Switching gears, let's discuss the people responsible for increasing shareholder value. Mr. Taylor, please introduce us to your board of directors.

Chris Taylor: One of the key members of the board of directors is my partner in business within Great Bear, Mr. Bob Singh. He's a professional geologist and he was responsible with originating contacts of his in the Red Lake district for the Dixie property as a business opportunity for the company. Bob is a member of the board and he's been instrumental in this success to date. We have two relatively famous industry advisors, and they are Mr. John Robins and Mr. Jim Paterson. They were responsible and involved with the Kaminak gold discovery in the Yukon a few years back, and its subsequent sale to Goldcorp for about half a billion dollars.

Other board members include Dr. David Terry and we have Mr. Doug Ramshaw and Mr. Tony Ricci. These are all independent directors of the company, all experienced industry veterans, and they've been down the road on many discoveries over the years, and Mr. Rob Scott is our CFO. We have an experienced independent group of directors, and recently we've added somebody who's quite experienced in the marketing space as a VP of corporate communications, Rita Bennett. Collectively we put a very effective team of people together within Great Bear and I think we're getting the message out, and definitely delivering on our promises to shareholders.

Maurice Jackson: Who is Chris Taylor and what makes him qualified for the task at hand?

Chris Taylor: These questions are always probably the worst to answer for somebody like myself. I don't like talking about myself that much. I'm an exploration geologist by background, but I have an academic background. I have a Master's degree in Structural Geology, at various times in my life I've crawled all over various mountain ranges here, there and everywhere including the Himalayas, the Andes, the various stuff up in Alaska, all over the United States and Canada. My background, I used to be the vice-president in exploration with Great Bear Resources almost 10 years ago now, and during the decline in the mining cycle, I ended up taking control of the company being offered that by the board at the time.

I restructured the board of directors, found financing for the company. Often, when financing was difficult to acquire, I would keep it going using my own bank account. And what we did was find that compelling mix of traits in a project, in this case the Dixie property, that had the opportunity to really build value for shareholders. I've been focused on that for years now. It's been about nine years with Great Bear and I've gone through every effort to make sure that our shareholders have the best shot at success with a project like this, and Dixie has certainly not failed to deliver it.

Maurice Jackson: It certainly hasn't. Who is on your management team and what skill sets do they bring to Great Bear Resources?

Chris Taylor: Well, Great Bear runs a very tight ship in this sense. We have a small number of executives. There's myself as the president and CEO, Bob Singh as VP exploration. We're both on the board of the company. Rob Scott, I mentioned before, our CFO, and we also have Rita, who I mentioned as VP corporate communications, and we deal with a very qualified group of consulting geologists they're based in Red Lake and they've lived there for many years, and I used to work for Goldcorp and other companies in the area that's called Rimini Exploration. The Rimini people were ex Goldcorp people and are helping us run the project on a day to day level.

We have been very efficient using very minimal staffing and extra costs, and we're trying to put as much of the money as we raise as we can into the ground. It's a lean, mean, hopefully very qualified team, and I think the proof was in the pudding with these things. If we keep generating value for shareholders, we don't want to end up with a bloated corporate structure that eats up dollars that could otherwise you put into the ground.

Maurice Jackson: Let's get into some numbers. Please share the capital structure for Great Bear Resources.

Chris Taylor: Great Bear is a very tightly structured company despite the fact that we've been actively exploring for a few years now. We have about 42 million shares issued and outstanding on a fully diluted basis including remaining warrants, there aren't very many left, and options. We're just over 50 million shares issued and outstanding. The capital structure is very tight in this company compared to most of our peer groups in the industry.

Maurice Jackson: How much cash and cash equivalents do you have?

Chris Taylor: In Canadian dollars, we have about $18.5 million cash in the till right now, and there are several millions, $7 to $8 million, of additional funding available through in the money warrants and options. All told, we're looking at over $25 million in cash and cash equivalents at the moment, which is sufficient for us to drill nonstop at this rate without the requirement to finance again all the way through past the end of 2020.

Maurice Jackson: That's correct because I think you referenced your burn rate was about a million per month, is that correct?

Chris Taylor: That's correct. That's three rigs drilling all the time on the project, 12 months a year.

Maurice Jackson: How much debt do you have?

Chris Taylor: We don't have any debt at all.

Maurice Jackson: This is quite impressive, sir. Who are the major shareholders and what is their level of commitment?

Chris Taylor: The largest individual shareholder in the company is Mr. Rob McEwen. He was in charge of Goldcorp at the time of its high-grade zone discovery, about a decade and a half ago, in Red Lake, and I remember when we put out one of the zones that we discovered, the Hinge zone, we put out news and within an hour of that news hitting the news wires, I was on the phone with Mr. McEwen and he became our largest shareholder at that time. I remember exactly what he said. He said, "Chris, I've seen this story play out before. I know how it ends and I want to be your premier shareholder in Great Bear." Mr. McEwen is the largest individual that we have involved.

We have another shareholder who we've not named, Mr. Rob Cudney. He owns a few percent of the company individually. He was involved with a company called Gold Eagle Mines, which also had a major discovery in Red Lake. They sold that deposit to Goldcorp before they drilled off a resource, for about a billion and a half dollars. And he likewise was very interested in becoming a shareholder of the company. Those of us in management collectively with us and our families, we have about 15% of the outstanding shareholdings of the company. I think Mr. McEwen has about 14%, Mr. Cudney has a few percent, management has 15%. We have institutional ownership, which is increasing on a regular basis.

That would likely be up to the 25 to 30% range at this point, and the remainder of the float is owned by retail. At this point, we have not committed ourselves to any particular large mining company or other large investment institution that would have a say in how we're operating. We operate completely independently and that gives us the ability to make these discoveries without having external mandates supplied to us. It's been a very successful formula for us.

Maurice Jackson: Are there any redundant assets on the books that we should know about?

Chris Taylor: No.

Maurice Jackson: Are there any change of control fees? And if yes, what is the compensation?

Chris Taylor: Change of control fees within Great Bear I believe three of us that would have a change of control provision, and these would be to the tune of probably collectively between the number of people that are involved on the order of a couple million dollars in the event that that occurs. These are very insignificant costs relative to the scale of the project and the value of the company.

Maurice Jackson: Is management charging a consultant fee for any services?

Chris Taylor: No. Management in this case are all salaried, so effectively it's a standard salary commensurate with our level of experience in the industry, and it would be according to standard in industry parameters.

Maurice Jackson: In closing, multilayered question here. What is the next unanswered question for Great Bear Resources? When can we expect a response and what determines success?

Chris Taylor: One of the principal questions that I get asked is how much gold is there on your property? And, of course, we'd like to figure that out as well, and that also goes very nicely into the second part of your question is when will this be revealed? Well, this is an ongoing 90,000 meter currently exploration program and we're funded for way beyond that in terms of number of meters that we can drill, so I would expect that the market and shareholders will understand over time just how big this system is and I believe as the limits of the gold mineralization are sought and they're hopefully eventually found, we will then see commensurate value come in with the story much as it has been doing. The value proposition for investors here is to be part of the discovery process on a project that looks like it has the potential to be much bigger than the majority of prospects like this that have been seen in the last number of years.

Maurice Jackson: Chris, what keeps you up at night that we don't know about?

Chris Taylor: Well, a number of years ago, I was in the same boat as everybody else that had a dream and a vision for growing a company like this through the discovery process that was always about finding enough money to keep that drill rig turning. We've been very successful on that front in the sense that we recently completed a bought-deal placement that was doubly oversubscribed, so we ended up raising twice as much money at a higher price than we had originally sought, and we're currently so well funded that we don't need to go back to the market for a long time.

Right now, what keeps me up is no longer those mundane concerns that are typical of the industry. Right now, my main concern is that we don't make it through enough exploration until we get an offer that's too good to be refused from a large mining company and we end up having to hand over the project at too early of a stage. Fortunately for us, because we're independent in terms of our shareholder base and very well funded, I can't see that that will happen before we have significant room to grow from this point. And that's what I really look forward to.

Maurice Jackson: Great Bear Resources can stand on the merits of his own work, but the coincide with it, you have the catalyst of also having a resurgent gold price, a six-year high. Does that change anything for you though?

Chris Taylor: I would suggest that the increased gold prices probably liven up the space in terms of potential M&A activity. There's always interest on the M&A side, but the ability to consummate deals, if you listen to large mining companies, they'll often tell you that they want to buy assets at the bottom of the market, but if you look at when they actually do buy assets, it's when you have a bit of a bull market scenario going on. For us, the high gold prices, in Canadian dollar terms, gold is now at record levels that have never been seen before.

And that means that projects, projects in Canada, have a potential profitability far beyond what they would have had even just a few years ago, and that means that Canada and Red Lake jurisdictions like ours that are easy to access and have existing mining infrastructure, these are premier destinations for large companies to go and seek major discoveries, and we think that we're on top of one of those.

There are no downsides for us with the rising gold price, but the kind of mineralization that we're seeing, whether gold prices are higher or even quite a bit lower, I would anticipate that these would have robust economics going forward. If you look at comparable deposits in the area, they're quite profitable even well below $1,200 dollars an ounce gold, $1,100 an ounce gold. With the kind of environment that you're looking at now, it's nothing but good news for companies that are in our situation.

Maurice Jackson: Mr. Taylor, last question. What did I forget to ask?

Chris Taylor: I guess, maybe you forgot to ask what gets me out of bed in the morning? And I think that's an easy one to answer. To be on top of a discovery process like this in Great Bear, every morning is a little bit like Christmas. I get updates and the drill rig has gone into a new area and it's found gold here and it's found gold there, but one of the things that I really enjoy that really drives me is just benefiting our shareholder base. These are people, and if you think about it, when we were a tiny little company just two years ago with a sub $5 million market cap, people were taking money and giving it to us to go drill based on our vision of what this project could be.

I love to be able to reward shareholders for their trust. And whether you came in at 50 cents, or $5, or $10 ultimately, whatever it's going to be, I'll do my very best because I'm a big shareholder and I understand that the faith you put in us, you want to see returns on that investment. That's why I'm very focused on limiting dilution in the company, keeping the share structure tight and making sure that the money that we raise turns into money that that's supplied in the ground so that we can find more gold. So that's what drives me. I love talking about it. I love talking to shareholders. I work for shareholders and I'm always happy to talk to them. I guess that's maybe the one thing that you forgot to ask me.

Maurice Jackson: One of the questions I will receive is, Maurice, do you think that the stock is going to melt up referring to Great Bear Resources? I'm like, "You're witnessing the beginning of it."

Chris Taylor: Yes.

Maurice Jackson: And I stress, the beginning. I think this is just the beginning stages for you. The stars are aligning and if you are considering becoming a shareholder, what's the website address to so much to go to, sir?

Chris Taylor: Have a look at That's our website. Have a look at that. You can look at all the technical information. We're very transparent in terms of disclosure. You should be able to find all the maps and drill sections and 3D models and descriptions of where every hole has been and keep in mind we don't hide drill holes. Often when you read releases from companies, they give you highlighted drill holes in the release and everything else is undisclosed. With Great Bear, we disclose everything all the time.

Maurice Jackson: I found that hard to believe that companies would hide the bad results?

Chris Taylor: Well, they say for remaining results, go to the website. Well, you can do that with us, but the results have already been disclosed in a news release. We're very transparent that way and I think that sets us apart from other people as well. So please go, check out our website,, and have a look at the technical information there. Hopefully that will give you something to be interested in.

Maurice Jackson: For direct inquiries, call 604.646.8354 or you may email [email protected]. Great Bear Resources trades on the TSX.V: GBR | OTCQB: GTBDF.

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Chris Taylor of Great Bear Resources, thank you for joining us today on Proven and Probable.

Maurice Jackson is the founder of Proven and Probable, a site that aims to enrich its subscribers through education in precious metals and junior mining companies that will enrich the world.

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