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Don't Just Free Rating Agencies From the State - Free Fiat Money Itself

February 21, 2013 /

Stop Mandating Reliance on Ratings … The Justice Department's suit against Standard & Poor's is a fresh reminder of the large mistakes by the three major rating agencies – S.&P., Moody's, and Fitch – in their evaluations of mortgage-based bonds during 2004-2007. There's an understandable urge to further regulate bond raters to prevent such mistakes in th...Read More

How Fascism Grows? Prison Company Buys Boca Stadium Naming Rights

February 21, 2013 /

Florida Atlantic University's Stadium Named After a Prison Company … The GEO Group (GEO) is a for-profit prison company based in Boca Raton, Fla., that calls itself "the world's leading provider of correctional and detention management and community reentry services to federal, state and local government agencies." It can also call itself the world's leading provider of...Read More

The Honey Wilders - covering Thin Lizzy - 'The Boys are Bac

February 21, 2013 /

Aaron Madsen on lead vocals and lead guitar, Marshall Brengle on rhythm guitar, Jeff Fitzgerald on rhythm guitar, Lucas Lundin on bass guitar, Erik Johnsgard on keyboard, and Loren Rendler on drums.Performed at Murphy's Law in Sunnyvle, CA in November 2012.Read More

China's Dollar Optimism Signifies Larger Economic Shift?

February 20, 2013 /

China loves the US dollar again as America roars back … China's central bank has radically revised its view of US economic and strategic power, predicting that the dollar will remain the world's paramount reserve currency for decades to come. Dr Jin said the world was moving to a '1+4' system, with the greenback serving as the anchor of global payments … Jin Zhongxia, h...Read More

Economist's Wishing and Hoping Won't Make a Minimum Wage Effective

February 20, 2013 /

Minimum human wages … The empirics of the minimum wage debate are complex, but it isn't impossible to draw some conclusions. A recent Free exchange column attempted to do just that: America's academics still do not agree on the employment effects. But both sides have honed their methods and, in some ways, the gap between them has shrunk. Messrs Card and Krueger moved on to other work...Read More

Movement on the Neo-Pecora Front: Senator Warren Rebukes Regulators

February 20, 2013 /

Senator Warren's rebuke of regulators goes viral … Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren's strong criticism of U.S. financial regulators last week has inspired a liberal political action committee to launch an online petition urging the Securities and Exchange Commission to take more Wall Street banks to trial. The petition, introduced by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee on Su...Read More

China's Dollar Optimism Signifies Larger Economic Shift?

February 20, 2013 /

China loves the US dollar again as America roars back … China's central bank has radically revised its view of US economic and strategic power, predicting that the dollar will remain the world's paramount reserve currency for decades to come. Dr Jin said the world was moving to a '1+4' system, with the greenback serving as the anchor of global payments … Jin Zhongxia, h...Read More

Economist's Wishing and Hoping Won't Make a Minimum Wage Effective

February 20, 2013 /

Minimum human wages … The empirics of the minimum wage debate are complex, but it isn't impossible to draw some conclusions. A recent Free exchange column attempted to do just that: America's academics still do not agree on the employment effects. But both sides have honed their methods and, in some ways, the gap between them has shrunk. Messrs Card and Krueger moved on to other work...Read More

Movement on the Neo-Pecora Front: Senator Warren Rebukes Regulators

February 20, 2013 /

Senator Warren's rebuke of regulators goes viral … Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren's strong criticism of U.S. financial regulators last week has inspired a liberal political action committee to launch an online petition urging the Securities and Exchange Commission to take more Wall Street banks to trial. The petition, introduced by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee on Su...Read More

Chris Martenson: Is The Coronavirus Now Unstoppable? New Data Suggests So

February 20, 2013 /

To Watch Update #20, CLICK HEREOh, boy...the scientific research on covid-19 (the new name of the Wuhan coronavirus) continues to reveal what a huge challenge containing this virus is. A new report from Los Alamos Labs calculates its R0 at between 4.7 to 6.6. That is massively contagious! It's little wonder then why we're seeing more and more reports of doctors and health workers falling sick, des...Read More

Craig Hemke: Is it really the coronavirus that's causing the markets to go up or down?

February 20, 2013 /

With the unfortunate Corona Virus affecting many, especially in China, it's not a surprise that it's become the go-to rationale for most of the latest #WallStreet market moves. But is it really the Corona Virus that's causing the markets to go up or down? Or could it again be the #PlungeProtectionTeam (aka the president's #WorkingGrouponFinancialMarkets) that's really dictating the action?Fortunat...Read More

Alasdair Macleod & Max Keiser - There Will Be No End To The Money Printing!

February 20, 2013 /

Max interviews Alasdair Macleod of to discuss the latest in the gold market. They start a two-part-deep-dive into the stockpiling by nation states who now hold the most since 1966 when the world was on an official gold standard. Max Keiser is an American broadcaster and film-maker. He hosts Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on RT. He presents a weekly show about finance an...Read More

YouTube Removes Clip of Rand Paul Speaking on Senate Floor, Citing Concern He Named Ukraine Whistleblower

February 20, 2013 /

"It is a chilling and disturbing day in America when giant web companies such as YouTube decide to [censor] speech. Now, even protected speech, such as that of a senator on the Senate floor, can be blocked from getting to theContinue...Read More

Whistleblowers, Afghanistan & War Powers: A Conversation With Ron And Rand Paul

February 20, 2013 /

Sen. Rand Paul joins today's Liberty Report with an exclusive report on recent Senate actions on War Powers and Iran. Plus - what's happening on the Hill after the explosive "Afghanistan Papers" revealed the 18 year lie. Bonus: Rand on Snowden. Don't miss this one!Dr. Ron Paul is a physician and former twelve-term congressman from Texas who ran for president in 2008. He is the author of eight book...Read More

John Rubino: Poetic Justice Coming For The 1%

February 20, 2013 /

The 1% will lose twice, first when governments take big chunks of their fortunes, and then when whatever is left evaporates in a global financial crisis.Continue...Read More

Bix Weir: Everything Could CRASH as Any Moment!!

February 20, 2013 /

There are 1,000 things that could trigger the Global Economic Meltdown...we just don't know which one will be blamed and WHEN it will happen...but it's coming FAST!Bix Weir has 30 years' experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the "Road to Roota Theory" and his commentary is published at Bix has dedicated his efforts over t...Read More

GOP Lawmakers Pressure Trump To Withdraw Fed Nominee Judy Shelton For Her Views On Gold Standard, Fed Money Printing

February 20, 2013 /

GOP lawmakers are expecting President Trump to withdraw his nomination of Judy Shelton to serve on the Federal Reserve Board following what The Hill describes as bipartisan resistance over her controversial Continue...Read More

Attorney General William Barr says Trump's tweets 'make it impossible for me to do my job'

February 20, 2013 /

"I think it's time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases." "I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me."Continue...Read More

Michael Gayed: Gold, Silver & Other Commodities Will Continue To Climb

February 20, 2013 /

Michael discusses his expectations for the commodity market and outlines why the Fed needs to inflate to reduce debt obligations. He expects the commodity to market to take off at some point. There is tremendous liquidity in the world today and he cautions that history tends to move in leaps, and there will likely be some unexpected black swans along the way. For that reason, it's essential to tak...Read More

Mish Shedlock: Why The Real Rate of Inflation Is Different For Each Individual (And Higher Than 20% For Some)

February 20, 2013 /

"This whole idea that inflation is low - if you fit a precise mold, maybe - but if you fit other molds, it might 20 percent or more."Mike "Mish" Shedlock is a registered investment advisor and representative for Sitka Pacific Capital Management. His articles about the the economy and investing online can be found at Mish Talk. Read More

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