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Reuters: What Great Beast Slouches Toward The Remnants of Western Wealth?

April 21, 2014 /

Time to stop following defunct economic policies … Can economists contribute anything useful to our understanding of politics, business and finance in the real world? I raise this question having spent last weekend in Toronto at the annual conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, a foundation created in 2009 in response to the failure of modern economics in the global financial...Read More

Marijuana and the Nanny State - A Predictable Paradigm That Could Be Good for Investors

April 21, 2014 /

Reefer Madness, and Reason … Marijuana has now been legalized or decriminalized in 17 states and the District of Columbia, with Maryland joining the list just last week. Not to harsh anyone's mellow, but it may be an appropriate time (and day) to bring back another useful verb to associate with marijuana use: stigmatize. The drive toward legitimization will be hard to stop. Most American...Read More

Martenson: Coronavirus Secrets Starting To Be Revealed!

April 20, 2014 /

Pathology results studying those who have died of covid-19 are starting to unveil some of the virus' secrets. First, the damage done to the lungs is far worse than that done anywhere else in the body. And specifically, it's excessive clotting in the lungs that appears to be the root cause. Covid-19 causes a coagulation storm that greatly impairs the lungs' ability to exchange oxygen. An indicator...Read More


April 20, 2014 /

"We have become what we hate the most."Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma,...Read More

Lynette Zang and Lior Gantz - The Beginning Of A Crisis

April 20, 2014 /

Lynette interviews Lior and gets his millennial view of the beginning of a crisis.Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She has been a banker, a stock broker and studied world currencies since 1987. She believes strongly...Read More

Jim Rogers: The Fed Has Killed Free Markets, For Good!

April 20, 2014 /

"This would have been totally inconceivable as recently as twenty years ago."Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973, helping to steer the fund to a 4200% return before "retiring" at age 37. He is considered to be one of the greatest investors of all time. Rogers has made two record-setting journeys - once by motorcycle and once by car - and is in the Guinness Book of Worl...Read More

Real Estate Bust Coming to Neighborhood Near You - John Rubino

April 20, 2014 /

JP Morgan has stopped making business loans and they've tightened up their mortgage lending standards to at least a 700 credit score and 20 percent down. No doubt other banks will follow. It's reminiscent of the their move last year when they completely pulled out of the repo market overnight. Gold coincidentally rose $22 per ounce while we were speaking. Not a bad move for a Monday.John Rubino is...Read More

Mark Yusko & Max Keiser discuss whether the Fed printing the dollar into toilet paper will prevent a depression

April 20, 2014 /

Max interviews Mark Yusko of Morgan Creek Capital about the money printing from central banks in the face of pandemic and what lies ahead for the world economies as entire industries shutdown. Mark Yusko is the Founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Morgan Creek Capital Management. He is also the Managing Partner of Morgan Creek Digital Assets. Morgan Creek Capital Management was founded in...Read More

New Study Exposes More Evidence That Summer Won't Stop The Coronavirus

April 20, 2014 /

It's just the latest curve ball that the coronavirus has thrown at researchers since the outbreak began in Wuhan.Continue...Read More

Fauci's NIAID Gave $3.7 Million To Wuhan Lab To Study Coronavirus in Bats? Ben Swann Investigates...

April 20, 2014 /

Chinese Wuhan Lab Received $3.7 Million From U.S. To Study #Coronavirus in Bats. It also turns out that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the U.S. response may have provided that funding through his department of NIAID.Read More

Rickards: This bear market has a long way to run - get ready for social disorder

April 20, 2014 /

Even the worst bear markets see substantial bouncebacks. And you can expect the market to give back all of its recent gains in the months ahead as the economic fallout of the lockdowns becomes apparent.Continue...Read More

Bad Earnings Equals Higher Stock Prices - Nick Santiago

April 20, 2014 /

On Nick's radar today:1. Earnings season has begun with earnings from JPM, JNJ, and WFC. Earnings season will continue for the next 4 to 5 weeks. Nick doesn't think the numbers will matter much due to the recent shutdown. Tomorrow we get more financial stocks reporting such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Charles Schwab, Citibank, PNC, U.S. bancorp & United health. Earnings season is very cloud...Read More

David McAlvany: DOW 15,000 Is Our Downside Target

April 20, 2014 /

David McAlvany has served as CEO of the McAlvany Financial Group since 2008. Portfolio management began with Morgan Stanley during the 2000 and 2001 tech crisis where he avoided major losses and benefited clients from the early stages of a commodity super cycle. Founding MWM in 2008 he and his team managed portfolio positions through a second period of financial compression, maintaining positive r...Read More

Here is Martin Armstrong's letter to President Trump begging him to re-open the economy

April 20, 2014 /

Martin Armstrong explains in a short letter to the White House that if the economy is not re-opened by May 1st we will have an economic downturn that lasts 13 years. Continue...Read More

US airlines receives $25bn rescue package

April 20, 2014 /

"The support our government has entrusted to us carries immense responsibility and an obligation that American Airlines is privileged to undertake," American chief executive Doug Parker said.Continue...Read More

U.S. coronavirus deaths set single-day record increase

April 20, 2014 /

U.S. coronavirus deaths increased by the most on record on Tuesday, according to a Reuters tally, as officials debated how to reopen the economy without reigniting the outbreak.Continue...Read More

Trump announces 'halt' in US funding to World Health Organization

April 20, 2014 /

"The reality is that the WHO failed to adequately obtain, vet and share information in a timely and transparent fashion," the president said in a Rose Garden press conference. Continue...Read More

The force that's propelled the stock market rally will exhaust itself this week

April 20, 2014 /

The force that has propelled the stock market rally is about to exhaust itself this week. That force is related to a short-squeeze.Continue...Read More

Gold could be $10k before we defeat coronavirus says Frank Holmes

April 20, 2014 /

We are fighting a third world war against the pandemic, an unprecedented event, and monetary policy response is set to drive gold prices to levels never seen before, this according to Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors."We still have negative real interest rates and that bodes extremely well for gold, so I think gold can be easily $2,700 like palladium was last year. It can be $5,000. I do...Read More

Paul Craig Roberts - We Need Debt Jubilee or System Collapses

April 20, 2014 /

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, "We need a debt jubilee. Debt jubilees were widely used in the ancient world. Either the system goes into collapse or you write the debts down and you start over. Again, either you paper it over again or you don't succeed and everything blows up."Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist and a columnist...Read More

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