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Modest changes in Chinese rebar demand spark acute price rises so can the reverse be true?

March 07, 2018 /

China announced that it had terminated steel production in all the country's illegal induction furnaces by the end of June last year. The majority of the operators in China are primarily small size private mills that use low quality scrap to produce substandard rebar. These rebars are mixed with grade III (HRB400) rebar and sold at a discount to construction contractors. For a long period, the gov...Read More

Aecon profits down on lower mining activity as company awaits fate of takeover

March 07, 2018 /

TORONTO - Aecon Group Inc. says its profits dropped in 2017 on lower commodities activity but that the proposed takeover of the company by a Chinese state-owned business helps position it for future growth.The proposed $1.5 billion takeover of Aecon by CCCC International Holding Ltd. has, however, raised security concerns, prompting the federal government in February to order a full national...Read More

Two Quarters to Armageddon

March 07, 2018 /

Good morning, fellow investors. As of this writing, the DJIA is at 24,884, gold is at $1,334 an oz., silver sits at $16.74, and WTI has dropped a bit to $62.42 a barrel.Perhaps the most interesting index of late is the volatility index, which has dropped from 25 to 18.17 over the last two weeks. I wrote about the importance of the VIX two weeks ago in the midst of the sell-off.Funny Thing About Bu...Read More

Life During the Inflation of 1923

March 07, 2018 /

The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Charleston VoiceThe most popular image of German inflation is the flood of paper money that issued from the printing presses and engulfed the nation. The struggle was hard, tragic and often ridiculous.The chief cause was the Reichsbank's policy of simply printing more money to counter the country's debt caused by WWI an...Read More

Socialism...A Guaranteed Route to Hyperinflation

March 07, 2018 /

The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Egon von GreyerzGold is hated by governments around the world because it reveals their deceitful actions in totally destroying the economy. It is not an accident that gold is the only money that has survived for 6,000 years. Gold is the only money that tells the truth. And gold is nature's money, which means it cannot b...Read More

The Faster America 'Grows,' The Faster America Goes Bust

March 07, 2018 /

The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by EconomicaHuge increases in federal debt over the last ten years was accompanied by a minimal increase in interest payable on all that debt. The Federal Reserve is primarily to thank for the cheapening of debt and encouragement to undertake all that debt, but many fear ongoing interest rate hikes.In five months of fiscal...Read More

Silver Investment: The Lowest Risk, Highest Return Potential vs Stocks & Real Estate

March 07, 2018 /

The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by SRSRocco ReportSilver will be one of the best investments as leverage in the stock and real estate markets evaporates. Unfortunately, investors are no longer capable of recognizing when an asset displays high or low risk. Thus, fundamental indicators are ignored as investors continue the insane strategy of buying the di...Read More

Make Your Choice: Change by Pain Or Insight

March 07, 2018 /

The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Chris Martenson"Most experienced investors know the four most dangerous words are: This time is different.It never is.And yet one of my key predictions here at Peak Prosperity is that the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20 years.So am I saying that things really will be different this time?Yes, I am. Bu...Read More

US Stock Market: Conspicuous Similarities with 1929, 1987 And Japan in 1990

March 07, 2018 /

The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Dimitri SpeckThere are good reasons to suspect that the bull market in US equities has been stretched to the limit. These include high fundamental valuation levels, rising interest rates, and the maturity of the advance.The mother of modern crash patterns was the 1929 debacle. It is both scary and sad in light of what i...Read More

10 Year U.S. Treasury Yield,%

March 07, 2018 /

Source: Global Financial Data, Inc.; Federal Reserve Board, Haver Analytics; Goldman Sachs Global Investment ResearchRead More

Interview with Peter Schiff (Bitcoin, US Markets, etc.)

March 07, 2018 /

Nick and Peter talked about a variety of topics including of course cryptocurrencies, gold, silver, the stock market, the US economy, the housing market, financial services and a lot more.Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets. Mr. Schiff made his name as President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital. He...Read More

Peter Schiff: Trump Playing with Fire

March 07, 2018 /

With his announcement last week of broad tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, President Trump launched what could be the first salvo of an all-out global trade war.Continue...Read More

What To Do If The Economy Collapses - Robert Kiyosaki & Doug Casey

March 07, 2018 /

Economies run in bubbles, they expand and then burst. Is our current economy about to burst? In this episode, Robert & Kim talk to Doug Casey, a contrarian investor with decades of experience building wealth during times of crisis. Find out what you can do to protect your wealth and even build wealth in uncertain times.Doug Casey is an American-born libertarian economist and advocate of the free m...Read More

Modest changes in Chinese rebar demand spark acute price rises so can the reverse be true?

March 07, 2018 /

China announced that it had terminated steel production in all the country's illegal induction furnaces by the end of June last year. The majority of the operators in China are primarily small size private mills that use low quality scrap to produce substandard rebar. These rebars are mixed with grade III (HRB400) rebar and sold at a discount to construction contractors. For a long period, the gov...Read More

Modest changes in Chinese rebar demand spark acute price rises so can the reverse be true?

March 07, 2018 /

China announced that it had terminated steel production in all the country's illegal induction furnaces by the end of June last year. The majority of the operators in China are primarily small size private mills that use low quality scrap to produce substandard rebar. These rebars are mixed with grade III (HRB400) rebar and sold at a discount to construction contractors. For a long period, the gov...Read More

You Can Now Be Arrested for Sexism in Belgium

March 07, 2018 /

A Belgian court fined a man ?,?3,000 ($3,700) for telling a female police officer that she should do a job more “adapted to women.”It is the first time that anyone has been convicted of sexism under a new Belgian law.The driver was found guilty of three charges: contempt of a police officer, making threats and sexist remarks in public, and a serious violation of another person's digni...Read More

This may be the dumbest thing that any politician could ever do...

March 07, 2018 /

Via Sovereignman.comWeek before last, I told you about how the brand-new President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, made an impassioned speech calling for the confiscation of real estate from white land owners.It was a pretty remarkable thing to say during what was literally his first week in office.You'd think the new president would take the opportunity to address more immediate, more critical...Read More

Modest changes in Chinese rebar demand spark acute price rises so can the reverse be true?

March 07, 2018 /

China announced that it had terminated steel production in all the country's illegal induction furnaces by the end of June last year. The majority of the operators in China are primarily small size private mills that use low quality scrap to produce substandard rebar. These rebars are mixed with grade III (HRB400) rebar and sold at a discount to construction contractors. For a long period, the gov...Read More

Modest changes in Chinese rebar demand spark acute price rises so can the reverse be true?

March 07, 2018 /

China announced that it had terminated steel production in all the country's illegal induction furnaces by the end of June last year. The majority of the operators in China are primarily small size private mills that use low quality scrap to produce substandard rebar. These rebars are mixed with grade III (HRB400) rebar and sold at a discount to construction contractors. For a long period, the gov...Read More

Modest changes in Chinese rebar demand spark acute price rises so can the reverse be true?

March 07, 2018 /

China announced that it had terminated steel production in all the country's illegal induction furnaces by the end of June last year. The majority of the operators in China are primarily small size private mills that use low quality scrap to produce substandard rebar. These rebars are mixed with grade III (HRB400) rebar and sold at a discount to construction contractors. For a long period, the gov...Read More

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