Popular News

China Blinks?

June 21, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

China Money Rates Retreat After PBOC Said to Inject Cash … China's benchmark money-market rates retreated from records after the central bank was said to have made funds available to lenders amid a cash squeeze. The one-day repurchase rate dropped 384 basis points, or 3.84 percentage points, to 7.90 percent as of 9:33 a.m. in Shanghai, according to a weighted average compiled by the Nati...Read More

To Tolerate Spying, We Need to Trust Government

June 21, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Trusting in our new security state … Big data? No. Vast data, enormous data, unimaginably colossal data ties our world together. Some have said it also ties us down, since departments like the National Security Agency are combing through a part of our huge reservoir for intelligence on foreigners who might threaten the U.S. Yet this behavior is now the status quo, one that will not go away,...Read More

Obama Versus the Tea Party

June 21, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Twice As Many Turn Out at DC Tea Party Rally Than See Obama in Berlin … The Tea Party Patriots held their Audit The IRS Rally today on the West Lawn of the US Capitol. Speakers included: Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Jenny Beth Martin, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Dave Camp, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Dana Loesch, Jim Hoft, Niger Inn...Read More

Money Power: Even a Whisper Is a Shout

June 20, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

No Taper Tipoff: Fed Keeps the Easing … The Federal Reserve will keep its version of the monetary printing press running a while longer, though Chairman Ben Bernanke provided hints Wednesday that the days of extreme easing are coming to a close. At a news conference, the central bank chief said if the economy continues to improve the asset-purchasing program could start winding down towards...Read More

Shale Oil: Desperation of the Globalists

June 20, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Comeback: Why the US Sits at the Brink of a New Boom … It's the best-kept secret in the economics media: The United States is on the brink of a period of solid, long-term growth rivaling that of the 1950s and 1960s. It is not a finance-driven, self-destructive boom, like the 2000s' housing bubble. No, the new economy will be durably grounded in energy and heavy manufacturing, even th...Read More

Rubio Advances NAU or Just His Own Career?

June 20, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Sen. Marco Rubio on immigration bill: No 'parades' for me … Marco Rubio is defending his participation in the Gang of Eight's immigration bill efforts, saying he knows it won't win him any "parades" among conservatives, but it's necessary. – PoliticoDominant Social Theme: It is a difficult task but one that the Gang of Eight has tackled courageously.Free-M...Read More

The Strange Case of Lagarde, Influence Peddling and the IMF

June 20, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Christine Lagarde's 'allegiance' letter to Nicolas Sarkozy: 'use me' … Christine Lagarde, one of the most powerful women in the world as head of the International Monetary Fund, is facing acute embarrassment after a letter in which she urged former French President Nicolas Sarkozy to "use me" was found during a police raid on her Paris flat. – UK Telegraph...Read More

Gallup: Faith in Basic US Institutions Erodes

June 20, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Majority of Americans Don't Trust Newspapers and Television News … Only 23 percent of Americans have confidence in newspapers, according to Gallup. Majority of Americans Don't Trust Newspapers and Television News … According to a new Gallup poll, confidence in mass media continues to fall … Continuing a decades-long downward trend, fewer than one-fourth of Americans have...Read More

Is India's New Snooping a Good Idea?

June 20, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

India sets up elaborate system to tap phone calls, e-mail … India has launched a wide-ranging surveillance program that will give its security agencies and even income tax officials the ability to tap directly into e-mails and phone calls without oversight by courts or parliament, several sources said. The expanded surveillance in the world's most populous democracy, which the government...Read More

UK Telegraph: 'We No Longer Have Free Markets'

June 19, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

If Bernanke really shakes the tree, half the world may fall out … We no longer have a free market. The world's financial asset prices have become a plaything of central banks and the sovereign wealth funds of a few emerging powers. Julian Callow from Barclays says they are buying $1.8 trillion worth of AAA or safe-haven bonds each year from an available pool of $2 trillion. Nothing like...Read More

Prosecuting Ratings Agencies for Mortgage-Backed Failures Misses the Point

June 19, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Corrupted credit ratings: Standard & Poor's lawsuit and the evidence … In response to the civil lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice in February 2013, Standard & Poor's affirms that its ratings were "objective, independent and uninfluenced by conflicts of interest". This column presents empirical evidence opposing this claim. The data suggests a systemati...Read More

Will Globalism Invade the US via its Cities? The Daily Beast Thinks So

June 19, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

How Cities Are Fixing America … Mired in partisan division and rancor, the federal government appears incapable of taking bold action to restructure our economy and grapple with changing demography and rising inequality. With each illustration of partisan gridlock and each indication of federal, and also state, unreliability, metros are becoming more ambitious in their design, more assertive...Read More

Apple Co-Founder: This Is Not My America

June 19, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Woz: This is not my America … Stopped by Spanish language tech journalists at an airport, the Apple co-founder says that after the NSA revelations, he questions his own government and wonders whether it's behaving like a king. As the passions and justifications swirl around the revelations concerning the NSA, the rest of the world sits and wonders. Is only the U.S. involved? Or might, pe...Read More

Central Banking: From Bad to Worse

June 18, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Ben Bernanke under pressure to spell out QE timeline … Ben Bernanke under pressure to spell out QE timeline. US stocks jumped and the dollar climbed against the yen on Monday, amid expectations that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke will spell out how it will decide when to put the brakes on America's quantitative easing programme, at its two-day meeting this week. Ben Bernanke cauti...Read More

Vietnam Redux? US-Taliban Peace Talks Announced

June 18, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

U.S. says Taliban agrees to Afghanistan peace talks … Senior Obama administration officials said Tuesday that the Taliban has agreed to participate in peace talks based in Qatar, a key step forward in the effort to jump-start a political resolution of the war in Afghanistan ahead of U.S. plans to withdraw troops. Officials said direct talks between U.S. officials and Taliban representatives...Read More

Cameron's Transparent Trade Ploy

June 18, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

EU and US 'in biggest trade deal' … UK Prime Minister David Cameron has announced plans for what could be "the biggest bilateral trade deal in history" between the EU and the US. He announced the start of formal negotiations on a trade deal worth hundreds of billions of pounds, aimed at boosting exports and driving growth. Mr Cameron said a successful agreement would have a...Read More

Central Planning Is Responsible for Germany's Green Catastrophe

June 18, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Tilting at windmills in Germany … The wheels are falling off of Germany's green energy revolution … The quiet backwater in the Ruhr, close to Düsseldorf, is the proposed site for the biggest converter station in Europe. This vast installation will transform high-voltage direct current to alternating current. It will be an important link in Germany's new "power highway...Read More

Shock: Iceland Defies EU, Freezes Membership Bid

June 17, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

"We are going to do it our way, this is our decision," Sveinsson, 45, said in an interview in Brussels today. "This government is not going to keep on pushing forward this application. At some time, there will be a referendum, but I cannot tell you when and by whom." EU leaders had celebrated the prospect of welcoming Iceland — a developed nation where the economy grew 1....Read More

Shut Down the IMF

June 17, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

IMF warns US economic recovery has been slowed by 'ill-designed' cuts but warns Congress against spending less on infrastructure and education … IMF managing director Christine Lagarde said: 'The IMF's advice is to slow down but hurry up.' … The International Monetary Fund said on Friday that an "excessively rapid and ill-designed" deficit reduction plan h...Read More

Syrian War Is Probably a Good Investment Opportunity for Some

June 17, 2013 / www.thedailybell.com

Syria: The slippery slope to an international crisis … The proposed talks in Geneva, under joint American and Russian auspices, remain the only realistic opportunity for producing a solution to the civil war in Syria … With the United Nations this week reporting 93,000 fatalities in Syria since the civil war began, it is arguably somewhat late in the day to be considering intervention...Read More

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