Popular News

Hillary’s Economic Proposals Will End in Despair

June 22, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Hillary Clinton Makes Dire Predictions for Economy if Donald Trump Wins ... Clinton Skewers Trump's Economic Policy ... Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, spoke in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, criticizing Donald J. Trump's plans for the economy. -New York TimesEvery time a law is passed or a regulation is applied, it diminishes prosperity for some at the expense of ot...Read More

Speculation: Lagarde Is Out and India’s Rajan Is In

June 22, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

The head of the United Nations' International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, is facing charges in France for embezzlement. If found guilty, she could go to prison for ten years. – RebelMediaThis has been little-reported despite its significance: The head of the IMF is going on trial over a ?315million payment to businessman Bernard Tapie in 2008.According to an insightful commenter who w...Read More

Nothing to Admire in Bush’s Attack on Trump

June 21, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Sending a coded message: Bush 43 skewers Trump without saying a word ... George W. Bush just pulled off something rather remarkable. He got himself on the front page of the New York Times as helping to save the Republican Party from Donald Trump without uttering a word. Nice work if you can get it. - Howard Kurtz/FoxSo George Bush is "saving" the GOP from Donald Trump.Too bad someone couldn't...Read More

How Zuckerberg Stands in the Way of a New Renaissance

June 21, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

A FORMER World Bank vice president has said history shows Britain will leave the European Union (EU) on Thursday – and branded David Cameron "lazy" for not realising it. - UK ExpressThis article makes the case that Brexit will happen and quotes Ian Golden as saying these are "unusual times."Ian Goldin is author of some 20 books according to the Express and is an Oxford professor and former...Read More

The Internet Just Debunked the NY Post’s War on Terror

June 21, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Why did the White House just humiliate Loretta Lynch? ... Idiotic: That's the only word for the Obama administration's move to scrub references to Islam or ISIS from the transcripts of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen's calls. Under an avalanche of ridicule, the Justice Department on Monday relented and released the full transcripts. But what was the point? -NY PostThe war on terror is a Western in...Read More

Hillary Seen as Winning, According to Dems and GOP Establishment

June 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

The U.S. administration sought on Friday to contain fallout from a leaked internal memo critical of its Syria policy, but showed no sign it was willing to consider military strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces called for in the letter signed by dozens of American diplomats. – ReutersTwo statements issued recently show that Left and Right both expect Hillary to be...Read More

India Sheds Central Banker Rajan, Revs Up Monetary Printing Presses

June 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

El-Erian: Raghuram Rajan's departure is bad news, and not just for India ... Saturday's announcement that Raghuram Rajan would not serve a second term as governor of the Reserve Bank of India, the country's central bank, is bad news. -YahooIt is bad news, according to Yahoo, because the next central banker in charge of the central bank of India will print more money than Rajan did.Of course, centr...Read More

Putin Suggests Cameron Actually Blackmailed EU

June 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Russia’s Putin: why did Britain call Brexit referendum ... Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday questioned why British Prime Minister David Cameron had called a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union. “If it’s such a problem, why did he initiate this, if he is against it himself?” Putin said of Cameron at a meeting on the sidelines of the St...Read More

NY Times: Hiroshima Mushroom Cloud Actually 'Smoke from Raging Firestorm'

June 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

President Obama plans to visit a memorial in Hiroshima, Japan, that displays a large photograph of the city's destruction seven decades ago. The striking image is typically identified as a mushroom cloud. But nuclear experts say it actually shows billowing smoke from a raging firestorm. -NY TimesWe missed this report from the New York Times last month pointing out that the photograph of the atomic...Read More

Too Big? Brazil and Olympics on a Failing Path

June 19, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Brazil’s Rio state declares financial disaster before Games ... The acting governor of Rio de Janeiro state has declared a state of financial disaster so he has more leeway to manage the state’s scarce resources less than two months Brazil hosts the Olympic Games. Francisco Dornelles announced the decision on Friday. It will allow Rio’s state government to change its budgetar...Read More

The Clinton Foundation’s Corruption Captures Supporters, Including Bill Gates

June 18, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

When it comes to which candidate is best prepared to tackle matters of public health, the choice is clear to Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates. [He] told STAT News in an interview published Friday that while his organization would “approach any administration with a positive open mind,” he has more experience with both Hillary and Bill Clinton through the Clinton Found...Read More

Will Hillary Survive Barrage of Email Leaks From Russia and WikiLeaks?

June 17, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Hillary Clinton’s emails are a non-scandal ... Given longstanding weaknesses in the State Department system, she made a rational decision. The pseudo-scandal over Hillary Clinton's emails bubbled up again with the recent release of the State Department Inspector General's report. -USA TodayRichard Ben-Veniste has written an editorial at USA Today that argues Hillary's decision to keep her...Read More

Strength of Gold Affirmed by Mainstream Media, Not Dependent on Brexit

June 17, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Gold price hit another high this week – how can you invest? - The WeekGold didn't just have a good week, it's having a good year.Gold prices have moved up significantly since May 2014 and gained even more momentum since the beginning of 2016. Gold is the best performing major asset class this year.A spate of positive articles in the mainstream media regarding the progress of both gold an...Read More

Hey, Mr. Trump: Confronting Homegrown US Problems Is First Step to Making America Great Again

June 16, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Hillary Clinton Plays Trump Perfectly As GOP Nominee Flip Flops On Terror Watch List Gun Ban ... Hillary Clinton is perfectly pulling Trump’s strings as presumptive GOP nominee announced that he is flip-flopping and now supporting a bill that would prohibit people on the terror watch list from legally buying guns. – PoliticoAccording to this Politico article, Donald Trump has decided...Read More

As Fed Struggles With Rates in a Failing Economy, Junior Miners and Bitcoin Bloom

June 16, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

The U.S. Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Wednesday and signaled it still planned to raise rates twice in 2016, though it said slower economic growth would crimp the pace of monetary policy tightening in future years. The central bank’s decision to stick with its 2016 rate path, however, appeared shakier, with six of its 17 policymakers projecting just one increase this yea...Read More

Whether It's Hiroshima's Supposed 'A-Bomb' or the Hadron Collider, Big Science's Main Product Is Propaganda

June 16, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

China’s Supercollider Higgs Factory Will Be Twice The Size Of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider ... China could soon rival Europe and the U.S. as a global leader in the field of particle physics. The world’s most populous country now also aims to build the world’s most powerful supercollider to have a better understanding of the Higgs boson, the so-called god-particle. -Tech T...Read More

Unprecedented Mainstream Media Criticism of Central Banking Bodes Ill for the Larger Economy

June 15, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

DoubleLine’s Gundlach says ‘central banks are losing control’ ... Jeffrey Gundlach, the chief executive of DoubleLine Capital, said on Tuesday investors are dropping risky assets and turning to safer securities including Treasuries and gold because they are losing faith in central banks. -ReutersThere is definitely considerable negativity about central banking in the mainstre...Read More

Congress to Trump: Act Presidential – But That Is Just the Wrong Approach

June 15, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Clinton hits Trump for pushing ‘conspiracy theories’ ... Clinton, who spoke from a union hall, hit Trump for being simplistic on fighting terrorism Clinton also turned her focus to Trump’s most controversial idea: Banning Muslims from entering the United States ... [She accused] the presumptive Republican nominee of peddling “lies” because “he has to distrac...Read More

NY Times Uses Hiroshima to Justify Gun Control, Even as More Evidence Questions A-Bomb Scenario

June 15, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Lessons of Hiroshima ring again in Orlando … Thomas Friedman says we as a nation must address the moral implications as technology gives us more power to destroy move lives … I want to talk today about the horrific human tragedy of Orlando. But first I want to talk about Hiroshima – or, more precisely, the profound speech that President Barack Obama gave there …. -New Yo...Read More

Monsanto and Bayer Finding It Tough to Be Ag Conglomerates These Days

June 15, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Is it conceivable that the planet's most vilified company could be the one that feeds it? That, in short, is precisely what Monsanto hopes it can do. "They believe they're feeding the world, and there's no other good way," Connelly says. "Confidence that they're doing the right thing has blinded them to the fact that they need to be out there defending it." – FortuneAs usual, Monsanto is t...Read More

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