Popular News

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn Calls Muslims ‘Peacemaking’ and Isolates ‘Radical Islamists’

July 22, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

We Will Win the Global War Against Radical Islamists ... "What good comes from slowing down immigration of people from the Middle East?" This is what we are hearing from the so-called smart pundits on the news this morning after a butcher dragged and crushed innocent people down a street for a mile in Nice France. This is just the latest battle in a global war being waged against anyone that...Read More

Is CIA Secretly backing Erdogan to Marry Islam to Russia and Create a Wider War?

July 21, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Behind The CIA Desperate Turkey Coup Attempt Column ... On the evening of July 15, a group of Turkish army officers announced that they had staged a military coup d'etat and had assumed control of the country. They claimed that Erdogan was in a desperate flight for his life and that they were now in the process of restoring order ... Behind the coup attempt is a far more dramatic story of the huge...Read More

Hillary Clinton Declared Guilty by GOP Convention, but Story Is Even Bigger Than That

July 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Chris Christie Made a Case Against Hillary Clinton. We Fact-Checked. ... ... Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, whom Donald J. Trump passed over to be his running mate, was one of the stars of the Republican convention's second night on Tuesday, delivering a detailed case against Hillary Clinton with a prosecutorial zeal ... Like many indictments, the facts presented to the Republican jury were so...Read More

As Predicted, Wise Globalism Trumps Populism but Doesn’t Explain the Chaos to Come

July 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Global elites must heed the warning of populist rage ... Real income stagnation over a longer period than any since the war is a fundamental political fact. -Financial TimesThis article acknowledges that globalism is failing but then concludes if it does that Western civilization will end as well.We entirely disagree with this argument, but we see why it is being made.In fact, we predicted it last...Read More

Hillary Says Trump Is Most Dangerous Presidential Candidate Ever - But She Is

July 19, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Hillary Clinton said Monday that Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, was the most dangerous presidential candidate in the history of the United States. -CNNClinton, in an interview with CBS News’ Charlie Rose, believes Donald Trump has “no self-discipline, no self-control, no sense of history, no understanding of the limits of the kind of power that any president should i...Read More

Trump Is Said to Be Ignorant About National Security, but Maybe That's Good

July 19, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

The trouble with Trump and national security ... Trump is consistent only in his inconsistency on national security issues ... There are the growing challenges abroad — the rising threat of ISIS, the resurgence of al Qaeda, the menace of Putinism and a newly aggressive China, all of which should mean the party historically most trusted on national security would make the crumbling world a sp...Read More

Golden Arrow Options Antofalla in Argentina's Catamarca Province

July 18, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Below, see news from our sponsor. You can see an interview HERE.If you have questions about Golden Arrow, you can reach representative Shawn Perger at 1-800-901-0058 or 778-686-0135. See the website HERE. This article will be printed next week by Northern Miner.Golden Arrow Resources (TSXV: GRG; US-OTC: GARWF) is best known for its Chinchillas silver-lead-zinc project in Argentina's Jujuy p...Read More

If Trump Tries to Remove ISIS, Will He Be Removed?

July 18, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Donald Trump accused his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton of enabling Islamic State's emergence with "her stupid policies" in a joint interview with running mate Gov. Mike Pence, while pledging to "declare a war" on the terror group. "Hillary Clinton invented ISIS with her stupid policies. She is responsible for ISIS," Trump said launching a scathing attack on Clinton's legacy as US Secretary of S...Read More

Bloomberg Editorial in Support of Inflation Misses the Point

July 18, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Overcoming Our Inordinate Fear of Inflation ... Why do we care so much about preventing inflation? When I put this query to baby boomers, they tell me that if I had lived through the inflation of the 1970s and early 1980s, I would understand. But … why does it stand out so strongly in our collective memory? -BloombergThis Bloomberg editorial provides us with lots of reasons why moderate i...Read More

Hillary Wants to Overturn Citizens United – Why Not Corporate Personhood?

July 17, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Democrat Hillary Clinton will call for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision in her first 30 days as president, her campaign said. Clinton first made the pledge to overturn the decision in 2015 during the opening week of her presidential campaign. The 2010 high court ruling, which allowed unlimited corporate and union spending in elections, has hel...Read More

Manipulative Idiocy of New Gingrich's Attempt to Demonize Islam and Make War

July 16, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Newt Gingrich Argues U.S. Should Conduct Shariah Test ... Newt Gingrich, a former speaker of the House and a finalist to become Donald J. Trump's running mate, said in an interview on Fox News that Muslims in the United States should be subject to a test to see if they support Shariah law. "If they believe in Shariah," Mr. Gingrich said Thursday night, referring to the legal code of Islam based...Read More

Negative Mainstream Media Articles on Gold and Silver Don’t Tell the Truth

July 16, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

NEW YORK, July 15 ... Hedge funds and money managers again raised their net long positions in COMEX silver futures and options to fresh record highs in the week to July 12, as spot prices hovered near two-year highs, data showed on Friday. As gold’s safe-haven appeal waned, speculators cut their record bullish bets for the first time in five weeks and raised their net longs in copper, U.S. C...Read More

French Attack: Media Focuses on Aftermath Instead of Asking Relevant Questions

July 15, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

This is the first picture of the ISIS fanatic who killed 84 people including at least ten children found on an ID card next to his body after he was shot dead by police in the 25-tonne lorry he used as a murder weapon on his mile-long killing spree. The killer, named locally as French Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a married father of three, mounted pavements at high speed and ploughed thro...Read More

Atlantic Article on Hollywood Misses Powerful Points About CIA Control

July 15, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

How the CIA Hoodwinked Hollywood Since its inception, the agency has wooed filmmakers, producers, and actors in order to present a rosy portrait of its operations to the American public. -AtlanticThis is a good article by the Atlantic, a neo-con publication that aspires to be a "thought publication."This article rehearses the history of the CIA in Hollywood and, in fact, is fairly comprehensive a...Read More

No Liberal: Hillary Is Pro Multinational and Pro Military-Industrial Complex

July 14, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

That's why I pledge that in my first 100 days as president, we will make the biggest investment in new good-paying jobs since World War II. We need more jobs you can support a family on, especially in places that have been left out and left behind, from Coal Country, to Indian Country, to inner cities, to every place that has been hollowed out when a factory closed or a mine shut down. -Recent H...Read More

Newsweek Is Back and More Liberal Than Ever

July 14, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Republicans Should Embrace A Hillary Clinton Presidency ... Republicans who abandon Trump should admit that a Clinton presidency is hardly apocalyptic. In fact, having Clinton would be a boon to Republicans. – NewsweekThe new Newsweek, complete with a renewed print edition, seems strongly pro-Hillary Clinton and has recently published two eye-opening articles that seem to take journalistic...Read More

The Trend Is Higher as Silver and Gold Move Up Once More

July 14, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Silver jumps 50 percent, but beware the devil’s metal ... Silver prices have leapt nearly 50 percent so far this year, reversing three years of losses, but history shows investors hoping to hop aboard the bandwagon should be wary. -ReutersSilver is back at two-year high as gold marks its first gain in five sessions, according to MarketWatch.But you wouldn't know about that from Reuters (...Read More

Finally, China Pushes Too Hard and Rare-Earth Mining Begins Elsewhere

July 14, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

By monopolizing the mining of rare-earth metals, China could dictate the future of high-tech ... This year, global consumption is expected to be about 155,000 tons, far more than the 45,000 tons used 25 years ago. Demand will only grow - likely at an accelerated pace - as the world tries to rein in climate change. At the moment, only China can satisfy that hunger. Yet in 2010, Beijing cut rare-e...Read More

More Questions About Skewed Hillary Polls Based on ‘Younger’ Voters

July 13, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

A majority of Americans disapprove of the FBI’s recommendation not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime over her handling of email while secretary of state, and a similar number in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll say the issue leaves them worried about how she would handle her responsibilities as president if elected. Most also say the email controversy won’t affect their vote i...Read More

Elon Musk and Tesla Are the Face of Bubbling Stock Market, but Maybe Not for Long

July 13, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

I can’t think of any governance red flags during the Steve Jobs era at Apple (the one exception being the stock-option backdating issue, which was settled). By contrast, there have been many at Tesla. Perhaps the Tesla bulls would say that the combination of Musk’s brilliance as well as the potential size of the electrical car market more than compensates for a few red flags. My gues...Read More

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