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More Central Bank Communication Is As Ridiculous and Dangerous as Less

October 07, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Via Daily Bell Staff If there's a golden rule for central bankers in the 21st century, this is it: Seek clarity and avoid uncertainty. A central bank's target should be clear. The data it uses should be known. The analysis it conducts on that data should be comprehensible. And, certainly, politics should have nothing to do with its decisions. Yet across the world, central bankers are struggl...Read More

Total Economic Manipulation Builds False Reality While Wiping Out Water-Powered Cars?

October 06, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Inventors Who Invented Water-Powered Cars, but were Killed or Forced to End Their Work ... With all the talk and rhetoric these days, about global climate change, it is worthy to mention the works of some alternative scientists in the automobile industry. Of course, we all know that the so-called scientific community is being controlled by a hidden interest. The purpose of this article is to let...Read More

Preparing for a Resurgence of Globalism

October 05, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

 Backlash to World Economic Order Clouds Outlook at IMF Talks … Policy-making elites converge on Washington this week for meetings that epitomize a faith in globalization that's at odds with the growing backlash against the inequities it creates. From Britain's vote to leave the European Union to Donald Trump's championing of "America First," pressures are mounting to roll back the ec...Read More

Pew Poll on Global Warming Emphasizes American Beliefs Don’t Matter

October 05, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Pew: Most Americans Don't Believe in 'Scientific Consensus' on Climate Change ... Nearly three-quarters of Americans don't trust that there is a large "scientific consensus" amongst climate scientists on human behavior being the cause of climate change, according to an in-depth survey on "the politics of climate" released Tuesday by Pew Research Center. - CNSPerhaps one reason to publish this sur...Read More

Questions Link Assange and Snowden: Are They What They Seem?

October 04, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

WikiLeaks' Assange signals release of documents before U.S. election ... WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Tuesday the organization would publish around one million documents related to the U.S. election and three governments, but denied the release was aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton. He said the documents would be released before the end of the year, starting with an initial batch in...Read More

Worldwide Conspiracy Confrontations Lead to Military Suspensions

October 04, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended a cooperation deal with the U.S. over the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium, marking a new low in relations between the former Cold War foes. -CBSSuddenly war presents itself around the world with China and Russia being top antagonists of America but other countries positioning themselves in warlike postures as well.One needs only look at the major me...Read More

Europeans Should Stay Home, Not Travel

October 02, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

To buck up EU young, free-train idea on a roll ... Younger people used to be the main supporters of the European Union. But as the continent continues to struggle with existential problems that include economic crises and growing nationalism, the continent’s youthful are becoming disillusioned, according to a recent Eurobarometer survey. Some EU politicians have now come up with an idea to c...Read More

Is a Joke? Quartz Bemoans 'Coarseness' Aimed at Clinton and Yellen

October 01, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Janet Yellen's terrible week signals more about the state of US politics than the US economy ... Was Janet Yellen mansplained to by members of Congress who grilled the Federal Reserve chair this week in her semi-annual testimony to the House Financial Services Committee? -QuartzIn this short article, Quartz bemoans how "tough" the treatment was for both Janet Yellen and Hillary this past week.Yell...Read More

Suburban Technology Should Die a Deserved Death

October 01, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Suburbs Will Soar on Wings of Tech ... For a few years it seemed that Americans were moving to the cities, but now the trends are toward the suburbs once again. Long-turn trends favor suburbs even more. -BloombergSuburbs would likely not exist but for zoning and one can well ask if they should exist. They are a large element in the dysfunction of US society and the destructiveness of modern cult...Read More

The World’s Economic System Failing Fast: China on Brink

September 29, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

ECB and Italy’s bank rescue fund head clash over bailout rules ... The European Central Bank and the head of Italy’s bank rescue fund clashed on Monday over the European Union’s tough conditions on state aid for troubled banks. Speaking at the same conference in London, one of the ECB’s most senior supervisors said EU states should follow the bloc’s rules when it...Read More

Madness Swirls at House Judiciary Committee as Comey Attempts to Justify Hillary Innocence

September 28, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Comey on Clinton email probe: ‘Don’t call us weasels’ … The normally-stoic FBI chief grew emotional as he rejected claims that the FBI was in the tank for Clinton. -PoliticoJames Comey appeared today before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about the FBI's decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton regarding misuse of classified emails - and i...Read More

Trump Won? His Attacks on the Fed and Politics Need to Go Even Deeper

September 27, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Fed on ropes as Yellen seeks to fend off Trump blows ... Populist attacks from all sides make central bank vulnerable to calls to rein it in, say analysts. - Financial TimesThe Financial Times continues to provide a blow-by-blow description of Trump’s attacks on central banking.Trump is hurting the Fed, and well he should. Things will likely get a lot worse before they get better.Janet Yell...Read More

Incredible Mainstream Avoidance of Hillary Debate Collapse

September 26, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Inside the Final Hours of Debate Prep for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ... After more than a year of wall-to-wall campaigning, the outcome of the 2016 election could hinge on 90 unpredictable minutes Monday night in Hempstead, N.Y. The first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is expected to be the most watched in history, with perhaps 100 million viewers tuning in f...Read More

‘Embattled’ Globalists Don’t Intend to Lose

September 26, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Besieged Globalists Ponder What Went Wrong ... Until recently, you didn't hear people being referred to as "globalist" very often. But in a time of rising nationalism, those who see the upside of globalism have become a distinct - and often embattled - tribe. - New York TimesNo. Untrue. Everything we understand about globalism leads us to believe that its "embattled" nature is by design.Globalis...Read More

Loss of FBI Reputation Irredeemable: James Comey Will Resign

September 24, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Fresh proof the FBI's Hillary email probe was a joke ... Yet another surprise revelation suggests strongly that the FBI's probe of Hillary Clinton's e-mail mess was anything but a by-the-book investigation. House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said he learned only Friday that the Justice Department gave immunity deals to Clinton's former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and tw...Read More

Bloomberg: Let Corporations Manage Immigration – Not!

September 23, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Time to Privatize Immigration ... The West, it's obvious, faces a migration crisis. Across the aging, stagnating economies of the developed world, citizens are revolting against what many perceive as an uncontrolled influx of foreigners. The U.S. apart, most of these economies are also facing a prolonged crisis of growth. Under other circumstances, the solution would be obvious: restore vitality b...Read More

Foreign Affairs Magazine Suffers Substantially in the ‘Net Era

September 22, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

ISIS’ Virtual Puppeteers How They Recruit and Train “Lone Wolves” ... The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has taken a beating on the battlefield throughout 2016. U.S. officials estimate that the group has lost half of its territory in Iraq and roughly 20 percent in Syria, including key supply routes from Turkey that had been vital to the group's inflow of foreign fighters. A...Read More

Do Higher Rates Cause Inflation? ... And Does It Really Matter?

September 22, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Monetarists Are Out of Ideas ... Steve Williamson of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for the past three years or so has been trying to convince the macroeconomics world to consider a bold new theory — that central bank policy works in reverse, and that low interest rates cause low inflation. This is an idea sometime referred to as Neo-Fisherism. -BloombergThis article examines the theo...Read More

Central Banks Continue Their Debasement

September 22, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

A heavily divided Federal Reserve left short-term interest rates unchanged but said the case for a rate increase "has strengthened", in a strong signal that a move is likely before the end of the year … Three out of 10 of the US central bank's rate-setters voted against the decision, and called for an immediate increase. But the Fed said that for the time being it wanted to keep policy on h...Read More

Justifying the Fascism of Hillary’s Pay-for-Play

September 21, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Hillary vs. the Hate Machine: How Clinton Became a Vessel for America’s Fury … Decades of right-wing attacks turned a crusader of women’s rights into a major target of hate “The underlying thing about Clinton and her candidacy is it’s not normal. Normal is a male candidate, a male voice, a male tie." -Rolling StoneThis article in Rolling Stone makes it clear that Hi...Read More

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