Popular News

Government to Run Out-of-Control As Basic Income Expands in France

October 24, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

France: Senate Report Marks Another Milestone for Basic income ... After months of hearings and discussions with experts, the French Senate released a report on Basic Income recommending pilot projects. -Basicincome.orgIn Canada, a basic income project is being tried, and now France is ready to try such projects as well.You can see a DB commentary on the Canadian program here, one that expanded...Read More

Monopoly AT&T Plan Will Further Control the Internet, Content

October 23, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

AT&T Mulls Reinvention for Web With $86 Billion Time Warner Deal ... DirecTV parent wants to own leading Hollywood film, TV studio ... Merger accord could be reached Sunday, announced by Monday ... Time Warner Inc. and AT&T Inc. have survived the evolution of color TV and cable over the decades. Now they're merging to adapt to the latest technological shifts: smartphones and streaming. -...Read More

Immigration Versus Isolation: The Coming Storm

October 23, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Wnd Exclusive U.N. Goes All-In For Unlimited Migration ... The United Nations has cooked up a "New Urban Agenda" coming soon to a city near you. It was unveiled this week in Quito, Ecuador, at the so-called Habitat III conference. Hillary [is] an enthusiastic supporter of globalist plan for U.S. cities ...World Net Daily has posted articles recently that provide insights into how elite glob...Read More

Fear Won’t Drive the Failure of Globalism, But Blinding Contempt Will

October 21, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

An Establishment In Panic ... Pat Buchanan: Ruling class fears the people won’t accept its political legitimacy ... Pressed by moderator Chris Wallace as to whether he would accept defeat should Hillary Clinton win the election, Donald Trump replied, "I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense." ... "That's horrifying," said Clinton, setting off a chain reaction on the post-debat...Read More

Russian Central Banker Lauded as Putin Confronts the System?

October 21, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Elvira Nabiullina hunts down Russia's banking 'banditry' ... Former economy minister has shut 276 lenders and forced 28 others to reform ... When Elvira Nabiullina took over as governor of Russia's central bank, she came face to face with a sobering statistic: regulators listed as many as 150 banks that were regularly involved in dubious transactions. Financial TimesThis is a strange article bec...Read More

Three Kinds of Globalism Deepen the Movement and Create Resilience

October 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Is globalism actually demonic? ... From immigration and trade to abortion and national security, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump seem light years apart, almost like they're from different political planets. That's because, according to an expert on globalism, they approach every issue from an opposite perspective - one, Clinton, is globalist, while the other, Trump, is anti-globalist. -WorldN...Read More

Trump Has Split the GOP, But What About the USA?

October 20, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Donald Trump hasn’t succeeded in discrediting Hillary Clinton, but he has managed to tarnish one target: Paul Ryan, the top Republican office holder in the country. – BloombergThis Bloomberg article explains that Trump has not succeeded in “dragging down” Hillary Clinton but has effectively reduced Paul Ryan’s favorability and credibility.The article argues, therefore...Read More

Foreign Affairs: Fight Populism With Even Bigger Government

October 19, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Populism on the March Why the West Is in Trouble ... Trump is part of a broad populist upsurge running through the Western world. It can be seen in countries of widely varying circumstances, from prosperous Sweden to crisis-ridden Greece. In most, populism remains an opposition movement, although one that is growing in strength; in others, such as Hungary, it is now the reigning ideology. But almo...Read More

Government Destroys National Central Banks to Build Global One

October 19, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Mess With Central-Bank Independence at Your Peril ... There are worrying signs that, against the current backdrop of record-low interest rates, politicians are tempted to start meddling. -BloombergThe idea of nationalizing banks is probably part of a continued strategy to destroy local and regional central banks in favor of one that is worldwide.It is surely true that the indefensible nature o...Read More

Nobel Prize Loses Further Credibility After Presidential Endorsement

October 19, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

70 Nobel Laureates Endorse Hillary Clinton ... A group of the world's leading experts in science, medicine and economics threw their support behind Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, endorsing the Democratic presidential candidate and arguing that her election is crucial for safeguarding freedom and preserving a constitutional government.The Nobel Prize long ago turned into a meme that reinforces speci...Read More

Immoral and Cowardly to Attack Hillary’s Personally, Bloomberg Says

October 18, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

The public release, via WikiLeaks, of purloined e-mails and documents related to Hillary Clinton and her campaign has produced starkly different reactions. On the whole, the news media is nonplussed.- BloombergThis Bloomberg article makes the case that none of the emails released by WikiLeaks provides evidence of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton.Is suggests that the leaks "may or may not be part of a...Read More

Bush Killings Seen Worse Than Stalin’s, According to Millennials

October 17, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Millennials believe George W Bush killed more people than Stalin, finds survey … One third of younger generation respondents believe that more people were killed under the Republican's tenure than the former Soviet Union dictator … According to a new survey, one third of millennial, generation "X" and "Z" respondents believe that more people were killed while Bush was US president th...Read More

BRICS See Aggressive Globalism as Antidote to Economic Failure

October 16, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Xi warns of globalisation backlash at BRICS summit … Chinese President Xi Jinping said Sunday a rising tide of protectionism and anti-globalisation was endangering the world economy’s still fragile recovery as BRICS leaders vowed to forge closer business and trade ties. -AFPThis summit provides yet more evidence that at the very top, the BRICs are aligned with the Western controller...Read More

Elites Link Populism to Emerging 'Bullyboys' Like Trump

October 15, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Donald Trump Is One More Bullyboy in a World of Strongmen ... Watching Donald Trump skulking behind Hillary Clinton on the debate stage Sunday night, muttering about locking her up if he wins, was a reminder that we are drifting toward a kind of bullyboy-world, where power is everything. - RealClearPolitics/Washington PostPopulism has now been linked directly to tyranny as we can see from this a...Read More

Campaign Blows up Media and Politics as US Society Disintegrates

October 14, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Donald Trump Prepares New Attack on Media, Clinton … Donald Trump will broaden his attack against the media to hit globalism and the Clinton Foundation by charging that Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim is part of a biased coalition working in collusion with the Clinton campaign and its supporters to generate news reports of decades-old allegations from several women. -Wall Street JournalThe...Read More

Citi Should Worry About the End of Central Banking Instead of Yellen

October 13, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Citi Is Worried About the Political Winds Blowing Against Yellen … A premature exit? … Citigroup Inc. on Tuesday posed an unspeakable question: will a political storm sweep Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen after the election that will force her to quit before her term ends in February 2018? -BloombergCiti claims to be worried about the demise of Janet Yellen as Fed head but actua...Read More

Paul, Trump and Sanders Show Elite Control of Society Has Fractured

October 12, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Republican Politicians Have Only Their Fears to Blame ... In calls this morning, many Rs privately want to defect from Trump. But they say the debate gave them pause since he roused their base. ... Remember, there were already an unusual number of high-profile Republicans who had broken with their own nominee, with many saying they would support Hillary Clinton and others just refusing to vote f...Read More

Disgraceful Debate?

October 10, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Schieffer: Presidential Debate 'Was Just Disgraceful' ... Bob Schieffer was not a fan of Sunday night's presidential debate. -CBSBob Schieffer, CBS news contributor and former "Face the Nation" host made news for calling the most recent presidential debate "disgraceful."But the debate was more predictable than disgraceful.In fact, the entire presidential election is predictable. It is the outc...Read More

IMF Wants to Spend Millions on Global Trade to Reduce Populist Anger

October 09, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

World Finance Officials Pledge More Resources to Aid Growth … World finance leaders pledged Saturday to use more resources to try to bolster economic gains as they confront stubbornly slow growth and a rising backlash against globalization. The policy committee for the 189-nation International Monetary Fund said the world has “benefited tremendously from globalization” but that...Read More

Mainstream Media Implodes Over Trump Sex Comments

October 08, 2016 / www.thedailybell.com

Caught on tape making shockingly crude comments about a married woman he tried to seduce, Donald Trump reeled under widespread condemnation Friday ... Donald Trump declared in a midnight video, "I was wrong and I apologize." Yet even as he did so, he claimed the astonishing recording was "nothing more than a distraction" and argued his words were not nearly as egregious as former President Bill Cl...Read More

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