Popular News

Irony: Former CIA Director Complains the Media Lies

March 07, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Oh the irony of the former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden lamenting that we live in a “post fact world.” The media just isn’t telling the truth anymore. The CIA will set us straight.But what does Hayden have to compare modern journalism to? He is probably just angry at all the media outlets that don’t work directly for the CIA.It is a known fact that the CIA payed thou...Read More

How The Movie “Get Out” is a Genius Piece of Racial Propaganda

March 06, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Warning: Spoiler Alert.It is a cross between The Stepford Wives and A Clockwork Orange, with a touch of Inception; last night my friend Amuon took me to see a movie called "Get Out."I hadn't heard of it, and went into the theater completely blind to the fact that I would be watching the most genius and entertaining piece of propaganda I have ever seen. I loved it.First and foremost I was entertain...Read More

Too Much Extinction: Focusing on Death

March 05, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Biologists Warn Half of All Species to Face Extinction by 2100 ... Today, 20 percent of all species are at risk of being wiped out, scientists at a Vatican conference on biodiversity warn, and that number may rise to nearly 50 percent by the end of the century. "The living fabric of the world [...] is slipping through our fingers without our showing much sign of caring," warned the conference...Read More

Are We Still in a Feudal System of Property?

March 04, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Do you own property? How does it feel to have a piece of land that is yours, that no one can take from you?Unless of course, you don't pay your yearly rent, or rather property tax, to the town.And then of course the government could always just take your land for "public use" providing "just compensation," a price which will be decided by the government.Oh and the government could also steal your...Read More

Government Prescribed Immigration Debate

March 03, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Is immigration really a terrifying threat to our safety? Or perhaps it is yet another source of fear the power elites use to maintain control.There are two paradigms of thought which are both based on premises the government hands down.One seems independent enough; that borders are statist, and therefore bad. The government has no business restricting freedom of movement (which is true), so they s...Read More

Identity Crisis: Where is The Daily Bell Going?

March 02, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

You are about to embark on a journey with The Daily Bell as we shift gears, and cruise down the open road towards freedom.You will still receive relevant daily news insights. And don't worry, we will still be unabashedly biased towards libertarian ideals of freedom.There are a lot of roadblocks for the freedom lover, and it is important to keep those in mind. The Daily Bell will always be here to...Read More

Bush Flogs Book He Probably Didn’t Write, Talks Down Trump With Lauer

February 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

President Bush Defends the 'Indispensable' Media in Rare Interview: 'Power Can Be Very Addictive' … Former president George W. Bush took a few thinly veiled shots at President Donald Trump during an interview with NBC's "Today" show. The Republican ex-president appeared on Monday's program to promote his upcoming book, "Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribute to America's Warrio...Read More

Academic Research May Not Be Accurate 85 Percent of the Time

February 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Universities in America have typically been dominated by a liberalbias. … The mindset of employees at such institutions is quite different than one might think. We’re not going to name any names in this essay; this isn’t about a person or individual University. It’s about the intellectual class, really the only public intellectual class in America with any respect; the Iv...Read More

You Can’t Make the Fed Better by Hiring Different People

February 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Trump’s Fed Can Start a Central Bank Revolution … President Donald Trump will select three members of the Federal Reserve board during his term in office, including a replacement chair for Janet Yellen when her appointment expires early next year. He should seize the chance to refresh the Fed with faces from the business community, adding executives to the roster of PhD economists who...Read More

N. Korean Nukes Exaggerated; More Questions About American Nukes Too

February 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

George W. Bush invaded Iraq to remove its - ultimately nonexistent - weapons of mass destruction. Barack Obama used cyber weaponry and sanctions to deter Iran from building its own atomic bomb. Now Donald Trump faces North Korea, but stopping its nuclear and missile program may prove impossible, creating what may be his first and perhaps defining international crisis. -ReutersPresident Donald Trum...Read More

Google and Facebook Are Not Really Private and Shouldn’t Do as They Please With Alex Jones and NaturalNews.com

February 25, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Google isn’t a state. It’s not a service. It’s a private company. They can censor whatever they want. Use a different company. If they want to cut off 1000’s of people from their services, that’s fine. They are free to do so … This is capitalism, Google isn’t a right. Facebook and Twitter are not free speech. They are private companies. – 4ChanGoogl...Read More

New Anti-Prostitution Law in Ireland Is Not Really About Trafficking

February 24, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Ireland passes law making it a crime to buy sex … The country follows Canada, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Northern Ireland in introducing legislation designed to punish men who use prostitutes without criminalising those driven into prostitution.Now sex is being recriminalized. If people want to work as prostitutes, they should be allowed to do so. Under laws now passed in several countries...Read More

We Need a More Socialist Milton Friedman … Not

February 24, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Milton Friedman had many ideas that I disagree with, and others that I think haven't stood the test of time. But there's no denying his influence over the world of economics; he was one of the field's greatest popularizers and explainers. … For many Americans, the face of Milton Friedman is still the face of economics. -BloombergNo, we don’t need another Milton Friedman. We need a pers...Read More

Auditing the Fed Is Just the First Step

February 24, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Audit the Fed’ movement finally gaining steam? … In early January, Senator Rand Paul reintroduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, and Representative Thomas Massie introduced companion legislation in the United States House of Representatives, thereby continuing the “Audit the Fed” movement started by then Congressman Ron Paul. -American ThinkerThe Paul-Massie bills...Read More

RINOs Pitch Carbon Tax Plan to Trump Admin

February 23, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Top Republicans Propose Carbon Tax Plan To Stop Climate Change … There's a new climate change prevention plan in town, and unbelievably, it's coming from some rather senior Republicans, the de facto party of science denial. Two former Secretaries of State - James Baker III and George Shultz - along with former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr., met with Vice President Mike Pence, Trump's...Read More

McCain Fingered as Trump Leaker

February 22, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped on Trump's Classified Phone … This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen. John McCain's life in politics. – True PunditJust the other day we wrote an article about John McCain and how he was trying to undermine President Donald Trump.We suggested that if Trump could do something to rein in...Read More

States Treating Gold and Silver as Real Money Now

February 22, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

State Deals Blow to Federal Reserve, House Passes Bill To Treat Silver and Gold as Money … As central economic planners at the Federal Reserve continue their vision of "prosperity" through crushing debt and dollar devaluation, some states are fighting back. The Arizona House took a major step toward sound money by passing a bill to eliminate penalties in the form of taxes on gold and silver...Read More

Intellectual Property Rights Give Zuckerberg His Fake Size

February 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Facebook Plans to Rewire Your Life. Be Afraid … Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s manifesto, penned clearly in response to accusations leveled at the social network in the wake of the bitter U.S. election campaign, is a scary, dystopian document. It shows that Facebook — launched, in Zuckerberg’s own words five years ago, to “extend people's capacity to build and ma...Read More

Sunstein Has Major Accident, Mulls More Highway Regulation

February 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Revolution in Highway Safety Needs a Little Help … Three weeks ago, I was walking home on a dark, snowy night in Concord, Massachusetts. The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital, hooked up to some kind of machine. I could not lift my legs or even my head. The doctors told me I had been unconscious for hours. They explained that I had been hit, full on, by a car whose driver apparently coul...Read More

What Trump Should Do to Oust McCain

February 20, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

John McCain Becomes Critic in Chief of the Trump Administration … Senator John McCain has long had a reputation as a political maverick. But with the rise of a president who has vowed to shatter the old order, Mr. McCain has emerged as an outspoken defender of longstanding Republican verities on foreign policy and as one of his party's most biting critics of the new commander in chief. ̵...Read More

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