Popular News

Man Uses Gun to Save Fiance From Abduction; Police Arrest Him

April 03, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Imagine you just had to defend your fiance from two masked men attempting to kidnap her. That experience would be harrowing alone, but imagine if you were then immediately kidnapped by the people who are sworn to protect you.Police arrested Jeremiah Morin, the fiance of the woman who was almost kidnapped. Morin had run outside his Texas neighborhood home, pursuing the would-be kidnappers and firi...Read More

Why the Consumer Wins When Walmart and Amazon Battle Over Prices

March 31, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Walmart and Amazon have surely benefited from government protectionism, but the economy is still free enough to promote competition which ends up benefiting consumers.Back in 2011 Walmart invested in pricing tools, realizing that Amazon was doing better. Amazon has algorithms which search the internet for the lowest prices, and then set their products to that price. Generally even when the lowest...Read More

How to Be Alert to Risks but Not Engulfed by Fear

March 30, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

If you are flying a jet, and approaching a thunderstorm, is it better to go through the thunderstorm, or to fly above it, safely out of range? The thunderstorm exists, and is dangerous; you cannot change that. But what you can change is how you interact with that storm, and therefore how it affects you. Avoiding the danger still requires recognizing the storm, to understand it’s scope, and t...Read More

How Space Tourists Will Benefit From No Government Regulation

March 29, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Space tourism industry has a chance to show benefits of less regulationIf space truly is the final frontier, then it won't be long until the first pioneers are making the journey, as several companies race to take paying passengers out of the Earth's atmosphere and beyond. And true to form, right on its heels will be the regulators, red tape lassos in hand.But like any brand new industry, the slig...Read More

Another DHS “Exercise” Planned: The Risk of Terrorism Drills Becoming Reality

March 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

If government had the citizens best interests at heart, we wouldn’t have to worry when they planned an exercise for our safety. In fact, it would be a good thing, if we could trust the government, that they were training so hard to keep us safe in the event of an emergency.But the government does not care about the citizens and is not interested in keeping us safe. You cannot trust the gover...Read More

Robots are Taking Our Jobs, and That is a Good Thing

March 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Robots are going to take all our jobs, and it doesn’t matter. We should actually be thrilled about the prospects of automation, because it means freeing up economic resources, including arguably the most valuable resource, time.One analysis says as many as 38% of U.S. jobs could be automated by the 2030’s, and another puts the number at 47% by 2033. As always, many worry about what ef...Read More

The Real Reason Governments are Blaming Youtube for Terrorism

March 25, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Ban all the things, and when we all live in padded prison cells, we will be safe from terrorists!That is the plan. Because access to information is really the problem, according to the British government. As soon as people don’t have access to extremist material online, all this madness will surely stop!The Prime Minister's official spokesman said: "The fight against terrorism and hate speec...Read More

How to Steal From Your Employer Using the Courts and Grammar

March 22, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

What is the point of law? Is it to settle disputes that arise between two individuals; the way common law was born? Or perhaps law is meant to spur debate on the use of the oxford comma, like a high stakes schoolhouse lesson on grammar.The whole situation is silly from the beginning. You have to peel back layers of ridiculousness before you can even get at the issue: that truckers just won millio...Read More

What Everyone Should Know About the New Quarantine Regulation

March 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Imagine men in bleach white bio suits with medical masks show up at your door. You are suspected of carrying a communicable disease. You will now be arrested and held without due process, indefinitely.The government could do this any day.They have the "authority". They have the personnel. They have the funding. Now all they need is the excuse.The AuthorityThe federal government claims the right to...Read More

3 Exciting New Ways to Destroy Humanity That Everyone is Talking About!

March 19, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

You know what everyone is really nostalgic for? The good old days during the Cold War when everyone thought humanity was going to be wiped out by a nuclear holocaust. There was something cozy about nuclear fallout shelters and cowering under a desk as the air raid sirens blared in the distance.Now-a-days, people don’t seem to be peeing their pants as often about the possible extinction of ou...Read More

Warning: The Media is Trying to Kill You

March 18, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Clearly, the media manipulates the population’s worldview. But less obvious is that this altered perception manifests itself into reality.It is the old, which came first, the chicken or the egg? To what extent does the media encourage the negative events they love to report on?Suicide is the perfect example of this phenomenon: suicides increase when reported in the media. According to Robe...Read More

“There is No Safety You Dumb Bitch” -The Hound

March 17, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Take heed of The Hound’s warning, and let it free you. There is no guarantee of a job or safety net, there is no absolute security from evil doers, and there is only so much you can do to prevent accidents and illness. The silver lining is that recognizing this is the best way to cushion yourself from the vulnerabilities of an unpredictable world.Brienne of Tarth, in Game of Thrones, is nobl...Read More

How to Win an Easy Conviction in Court: Play a Movie for the Jury

March 15, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Court is boring! If you want to get a conviction in the age of short attention spans, you need to entertain the jury!Why would you rely on facts and truth in the U.S. court of law, when you could just play a Hollywood fabrication?We all know how stale and dry court cases can be. But offer up some clips of a cool blockbuster hit, and the jury will love you! You won’t have to bother with pes...Read More

Warning: Uniting Europe Means Conquering and Plundering the Weak

March 14, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

European leaders are now calling for a federal union to salvage the EU. At least four European leaders have asked for a European "Federal Union" to build up the relationship between European nation-states.A number of countries have threatened to leave the Eurozone including at one time or another Greece, Italy, France, Portugal, the Netherlands and Spain.All of these countries are struggling with...Read More

Did Trump Make Liberals Realize Centralized Rule is Bad?

March 13, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Do Democrats suddenly realize that people shouldn’t be forced into groups of which they want no part? Are they starting to understand the detriments of federally centralized power?Or is it just that when the federal government is made up of liberals, it is fine to force their will on the nation, for citizens’ own good? But now that Republicans are in charge, the Democrats don’t...Read More

In Support of Competing Micro-States or “Startup Societies”

March 12, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

There are many types of mixed drinks, dirty martinis being one of them. I love dirty martinis, but I don't want them to be the only drink out there! Without trying all the other cocktails, how could I possibly know if dirty martinis are the best?And when I'm on the beach in the sun, I want a Pina Colada! There are different drinks for different moods and occasions.Likewise, places with vastly diff...Read More

FBI Uses “Geek Squad” for Illegal Spying

March 11, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

As hard as the FBI tries, people’s rights keep getting in the way of their investigations!The latest revelation came out of a court case in which a Doctor is being prosecuted by the FBI. The doctor was nabbed for child pornography, after one image was found on his computer by a Geek Squad employee in the obscure space that requires high tech digging to find deleted images and files stored a...Read More

10 Best Quotes From Henry David Thoreau's Essay "Civil Disobedience"

March 10, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

I won't pretend Henry David Thoreau's writing thoroughly interests me, as much as I admire him. Truth be told, I find much of his work boring and wordy.His ideas on government however, are quite interesting, especially coming from someone of his time period. He is among the ranks of abolitionist thinkers, like Josiah Warren, who correctly see in direct slavery the same basic injustices a subject s...Read More

Modern FBI Is An Outgrowth of the Gestapo

March 09, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The FBI: The Silent Terror Of The Fourth Reich … Lately, there's been a lot of rhetoric comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The concern is that a Nazi-type regime may be rising in America … That process, however, began a long time ago. … In fact, following the second World War, the U.S. government recruited Hitler's employees, adopted his protocols, embraced his mindset about...Read More

Does the CIA Vault 7 Leak Make America Less Safe?

March 08, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Has U.S. intelligence been irreparably damaged by the release of Vault 7, to the point where it puts America and it’s operations at risk?Well, to a certain extent, yes. But that’s only a problem if you think the CIA was targeting and manipulating the right people and entities.You have probably heard by now of the Wikileaks release of Vault 7, a CIA arsenal of cyber weapons including vi...Read More

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