Popular News

How Bitcoin, The Internet, and The Startup Societies Foundation Got One Man Out of Venezuela

April 30, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Say what you will about Bitcoin–whether it is a real currency, a government conspiracy, or a Ponzi scheme–but for one Venezuelan man, it was a very real ticket out of a crumbling socialist country.Guillermo Hernandez is now safely in Santiago Chile after The Startup Societies Foundation crowdfunded his travel out of Venezuela. It had to be funded with Bitcoin, as PayPal does not work...Read More

Female Circumcision is Not the Only Genital Mutilation That Needs to be Stopped

April 28, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Female circumcision, more accurately termed genital mutilation, is a barbaric assault carried out on young girls for religious and cultural reasons. While female genital mutilation is most widely practiced in regions of Africa, and small pockets in the middle east, the process of removing some or all of the clitoris is unfortunately carried out across the world.Although confusion remains about th...Read More

Why Taxation is Slavery: Words From Frederick Douglass

April 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

What do you call it when someone takes 100% of your labor by force? Slavery.Slavery is being forced to work against your will for the benefit of your master, your owner. The only reason they own the products of your labor is because they own you. If you had exclusive control over what is done to and with your body, the most basic right of self-ownership, you would not owe anybody your labor.So the...Read More

The Fed is Not Political, And I Have a Bridge To Sell You

April 25, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

There is an old saying that one should never talk about politics or religion. I think that is just a way to make sure people don’t talk about anything productive or eye opening.And I think it is basically the same attitude that makes the New York Times tell us not to “politicize the Federal Reserve.”Yes, I had to do a bit of a double take there as well.The article was written by...Read More

How Sane Cannabis Policy is Blocked by the Machine

April 24, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The federal ban on cannabis is one of those policies which make living in Americ feel like the dark ages. It wastes tax dollars with enforcement, and it tramples states’ rights to make their own laws.Worst of all though, it threatens legal businesses in states which are pot friendly and threatens the life, liberty, and property of countless individuals who harm no one while using marijuana f...Read More

5 Ways "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" is an Anti-Government Metaphor

April 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Can you imagine being stuck in an insane asylum, when you aren’t really crazy?That is sometimes what society feels like, living life in this government controlled nut house.One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a great source of parallels between the abusive nature of government power, and the treatment of those living in an insane asylum.The book was written by Ken Kesey after he worked...Read More

Why We Really Don’t Know What the World is Like

April 20, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

If you lived in North Korea, you might think your government had attacked a U.S. aircraft carrier which was approaching the country. You would probably think North Korea had the capabilities to hold their own against the U.S. including “super mighty” preemptive nuclear strikes which could hit mainland USA.But we live in America, so we believe that North Korea is a backward communist co...Read More

In a Police State, Be Careful Trying to Sell Souvenirs

April 19, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

You know what a good use of law enforcement resources is? Detaining old women for attempting to sell moon rocks and space shuttle pieces.Of course, NASA is one of the many federal agencies with their own police force. One thing they decided to use this police force for was setting up a sting to catch a woman selling a piece of a space shuttle and moon rock she had received from her deceased husban...Read More

How Governments Justify Theft is a Fallacy: Wealth Was Created before Taxation

April 17, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Do we owe society taxes?Tax day is tomorrow. Some people get excited because they will get money back which the government withheld–a clever trick that makes people feel less oppressed and plundered by filing taxes.Something the regressive left likes to say is that taxes are justified because of the infrastructure of society, provided by the government, makes all earning possible. It is, th...Read More

Body of Executed Terrorist Mysteriously Goes Missing

April 16, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

ROME- Inciting riots, making terrorist threats, destruction of property, treason, and impersonating a King are just some of the charges this man faced last week.When the regional authorities of the Sanhedrin finally had enough of his sedition, agents of Rome moved to arrest the terrorist who has been in the news constantly over the past few years.Last week the target was located on a tip from foll...Read More

Hypocrite: CIA Director Who Delighted in Wikileaks DNC Release Threatens Julian Assange

April 15, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The CIA should be thanking Wikileaks for revealing vulnerabilities in their department. If you run the supposedly best, most expansive and powerful spying agency in the world, shouldn’t you be able to stop leaks revealing your secret hacking tools?But instead CIA Director Mike Pompeo threw a hissy fit Thursday and called Julian Assange “a fraud–a coward hiding behind a screen.&...Read More

Warning: Never Accept America’s Foreign Policy “Help”

April 13, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

It’s no secret that the U.S. unleashes all sorts of death and destruction with its foreign policy. But it is all for the greater good… so they claim.Actually consider for a moment the obscure possibility that the U.S. foreign policy–drone bombings, supplying weapons to rebels, and rogue missiles attacks–is actually well intentioned. Even if America is truly trying to do the...Read More

Court Rules Facebook Can’t Challenge Demands for User Data (and Can’t Tell Users)

April 12, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Facebook is not exactly the champion of user privacy, but at least in one case, the company did go to bat for its users. Facebook took New York law enforcement to court over secret warrants that allowed authorities to collect user data.Unfortunately, Facebook just lost their case in the New York courts. The court ruled that only users themselves, not facebook, can challenge law enforcement demands...Read More

Shovel Ready: How The Fed Makes Us Dig Our Own Graves

April 11, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

I just read an article from what the mainstream considers a reputable source of news, the New York Times. The article talked all about monetary policy and didn’t say a thing about the real world.Because the Federal Reserve is not operating in the real world. They are operating in a world of currency manipulation that they pass off as saving the economy. They act like they are guardians of th...Read More

Everyone is Doing it: Injecting Micro-Chips is Cool!

April 10, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The government isn’t quite ready to force microchip injections on citizens. But if you want to do it on your own, it just makes tracking you and your data that much easier!You can be just like the cool kids who are having microchips injected in their hands in order to open locked doors and store payment information. A wave of the hand is all it will take to start your car, buy a latte, or sh...Read More

Colonizing Somalia: The Fall of Xeer Law

April 09, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Via Startup Societies Foundation25 years ago, Somalia's central government collapsed under the communist leader Siad Barre. The world watched as the country was plunged into widespread discord. Famine, hyperinflation, civil war, political violence, terrorism, and piracy are just a few of the horrors which emerged after the chaos.When Americans imagine Somalia, they think of Black Hawk Down. This...Read More

False Flag: How the U.S. Armed Syrian Rebels to Set Up an Excuse to Attack Assad

April 08, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Evidence suggests a false flag chemical weapons attack on the Syrian people was initiated by Syrian rebels with the help of the United States in order to justify Thursday night’s U.S. Military attack on a Syrian base.President Trump approved the bombing of the Syrian military base controlled by Dictator Bashir al-Assad supposedly to destroy the Syrian government’s ability to launch fur...Read More

Why New Regulation Banning “Synthetic Marijuana” is Ignoring the Root Issue

April 07, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The government’s solution to every problem they create is to just pass more draconian rules on top of the immense pile of crap they have already dumped on Americans.The Drug Enforcement Agency will publish a new rule on Monday banning five forms of synthetic marijuana, sometimes called “spice” or “K2”.This action is based on a finding by the Administrator that the pla...Read More

Why You Should Hate Uber, According to the New York Times

April 05, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Uber is psychologically manipulating their drivers in order to exploit them. I know this because a New York Times article told me so. The article is titled, How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers' Buttons, and starts, “The secretive ride-hailing giant Uber rarely discusses internal matters in public.”From this alone, I can deduce that Uber is run by tricksters who are...Read More

Why So Many People Believe the FBI Killed Martin Luther King Jr.

April 04, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The FBI is super sketchy. Questions abound over their role in various assassinations. The case of Martin Luther King Jr. is no exception.Today is the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., a man who stood for peace and encouraged everyone to not judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.The personal attacks that MLK suffered at the hand...Read More

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