Popular News

Warning: Startup Societies are Disrupting Government

June 01, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Startup societies are disrupting the industry called government. New methods of governance are being experimented with that promise to make the old dinosaurs of social control go extinct.When new governments are formed, people can vote with their feet for the best style of governance.If people want to join a commune, they can go right ahead, but they won’t be able to force others into the mi...Read More

How Facebook is Helping China Become a Dystopian Nightmare

May 30, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

A bad credit score can be quite the hardship in America. But can you imagine a bad social credit score? China is implementing social credit scores that will influence the types of schooling, jobs, and housing available to citizens.The population will also have the chance to review and affect their neighbors’ and acquaintances’ scores. They will be ranked in order to decide who gets w...Read More

Spain is Holding Catalonia Hostage

May 28, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Imagine you are in a book club. For a few years, it was great, you liked the books and the discussion with members. But then, the club started reading steamy romance novels that you just weren’t into and would not entertain your opinions for other material. Finally, when you can’t relate to the discussion on the texts anymore, you decide to leave the club.But then, the book club Presid...Read More

The Real Reason Zuckerberg Supports A Universal Basic Income

May 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Every generation expands its definition of equality…Now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract. We should have a society that measures progress not just by economic metrics like GDP but by how many of us have a role we find meaningful. We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.-Mark Zuckerberg, Faceboo...Read More

Don’t End the Fed, Ignore the Fed: How to Distance Yourself From a Collapse

May 24, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

I like mom and pop family owned restaurants, and local craft breweries, two businesses that are currently doing great in America.Giant corporations, on the other hand, are legally bound to the government, which causes most of the corruption in the corporate and government world. They end up taking advantage of people and bludgeoning their competitors using the government.The United States of Ameri...Read More

30 Pillars of “How To Win Friends and Influence People”

May 23, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Turns out, actually being a genuinely good person is the easiest way to have influence over others, and get them to like you–weird, I know.In 1936 Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People after intense study of effective leadership, the psychology behind why people like each other, and how to approach tough situations without giving offense.Far from being sneaky ways t...Read More

Busted: ISIS Really a Guerrilla Marketing Company

May 22, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

ISIS wants to poison our water supply, but the joke’s on them! The U.S. government already beat them to the punch.The extremist group has reportedly poisoned prisoners by spiking their food and water with compounds used in pesticides that are easy to obtainSecurity forces now fear the terror network may hatch a twisted plot to contaminate Western food supplies with formulas that quickly d...Read More

Why Private Prison Stocks Soared When Trump Got Elected

May 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Why did “private” prison stocks soar the day after Trump got elected?It is almost like people in the industry knew something that the public didn’t. The former Attorney General Yates said that private prisons would be phased out. So before any cabinet members had been announced, why were stockholders betting that private prisons would not be phased out after all?It could just be...Read More

The Real Conspiracy: Conspiring to Cast Everything as a Conspiracy Theory

May 20, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Everything is a conspiracy, the elite globalists control us all, they will win, and resistance is futile.Well, in that case, what’s the point of even fighting it? In fact, if all is so hopeless, why even bother pointing out how hopeless it is?Or could it be–gasp, conspiracy!–that those ultra-pessimists are really themselves the agents of the controlling elite?The idea is that tho...Read More

10 Reasons Why the Future Will be Amazing

May 18, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Imagine if a third of your family died of the plague as religious fanatics preached “The end is nigh!” and threatened that the few pleasures you could squeeze out of life would lead to your eternal damnation. As wars raged around you, surrounded by death, disease, and the lowest grimy depths of poverty, it would be understandable to think the world was in the midst of an apocalyptic co...Read More

Of Course Businesses Should Be Able To Discriminate

May 16, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

You are hiring a babysitter. You can choose between a teenage girl who has no babysitting experience, or a paroled child molester who was a kindergarten teacher for 5 years. Is it discrimination to choose the less qualified candidate?Yes. And the right to discriminate is a basic necessity of human interaction. It is about ensuring both parties in any interaction have given consent.Okay, that was a...Read More

Guilty by Investigation: Sentenced to Scrutiny

May 14, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Innocent until proven guilty may be a thing of the past if an investigation itself is punishment.An investigation by government authorities can be quite damaging, even if that investigation turns up nothing in the end.Investigations can be used as a warning to the target and others that Big Brother is watching.Investigations can insinuate guilt, serving as a punishment in the court of public opini...Read More

Why the FBI Has Always Been a Political Tool of Suppression

May 13, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

There is a dangerous myth that permeates the political arena that government agencies and bureaucrats can somehow be non-political and independent.How absurd. On the one hand, there are obvious political appointments, like Eric Holder as Attorney General under Obama, or Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State under Trump. Each was clearly chosen to advance the interests of the President, Holder for h...Read More

Trump is “An Infuriating but Fascinating” Distraction

May 11, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The President is very much a figurehead – he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention...Read More

The Alternative Currency of a 19th Century Abolitionist

May 09, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Have you ever had the dream of starting your own society? What about introducing a new currency? Turns out Bitcoin was far from the first private currency.Josiah Warren didn’t like the political system, and he didn’t like the economic system, so he started his own little alternative community, with a unique medium of exchange. Warren actually started multiple “anarchist” mi...Read More

How Government Literally Makes People Go Insane

May 07, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The most effective way to change the world if you have kids is to treat them right. Everything could change in one generation if there were a radical shift in parenting.Unfortunately, some indicators suggest things are getting worse. For instance, there has been an increase in kids hospitalized for attempted suicide or suicidal indicators.Now we can just hope that parents are becoming more alert t...Read More

How ISIS Helps U.S. Achieve Domestic Policy Goals

May 05, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Whether directly or indirectly, the CIA and U.S. government were certainly involved in creating ISIS.Indirectly, weapons were supplied to rebel forces in Syria, who turned out to be ISIS, among other rebel groups.But it is more than likely that the CIA created ISIS directly, just as it funded Al-Qaeda in the 1980’s to fight the Soviets. Then there are the green screen beheadings staged on w...Read More

It’s Not Free Speech if You Don’t Have a License

May 03, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Should free speech cover criticizing the government? That is kind of the whole point, right?An Oregon man is suing Portland for violating his first amendment right to free speech after he was fined $500 for calculating how long yellow lights stay yellow and then speaking publicly about it.Free speech? No. The city considers making and disseminating calculations about public works “engineerin...Read More

Outside the United States is Terrifying! (According to the Government)

May 02, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

If you stay inside the United States you will remain free, safe, and prosperous. If you even so much as step foot outside of the United States, you will probably be murdered, if not taken. At least that is what the State Department would have you believe.Extremists are on the loose in Europe, where they have demonstrated their ability to carry out various attacks using firearms, explosives, vehicl...Read More

Ben and Jerry’s Scoops Out Half Baked News

May 01, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Did you know that in addition to ice cream, Ben and Jerry’s serves up delicious propaganda? Nom, Nom, Nom. Mmmm. I feel informed.And it is actually pretty good propaganda, in that it contains little chocolaty chunks of truth. You have got to mix some gooey truth morsels in if you want your cold creamy lies to sell.I was actually pretty surprised to be reading news on Ben and Jerry’s ic...Read More

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