Popular News

The Danger of Obedience: Fake Police Crime Spree

June 30, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The police do not care about keeping you safe. If they did, they wouldn’t put innocent people in danger every day by driving unmarked cars, behaving unprofessionally, and performing no-knock raids. All these things make it quite easy to impersonate an officer in order to commit a crime.People know their lives are literally in jeopardy if they disobey even the most minor order from a police o...Read More

FBI Investigations Have Become Like Tabloid Stories

June 29, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Is the FBI a political organization run rampant, using trumped up charges against anyone with whom they or the political elites disagree?That’s what you would be told from the likes of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and now Bernie Sanders. All three (or Bernie’s wife rather) have been embroiled in some sort of FBI shenanigans within the last year.For Hillary, even though she was obvio...Read More

Why Congress Should Not Ban Cat and Dog Meat

June 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Finally, Congress is doing something about a serious issue on everyone's mind; they have introduced a bill to ban dog and cat meat from being sold and eaten in the United States.But wait, isn't this cultural insensitivity towards those from countries who regularly eat dogs and cats?China is still the most likely country to see dog or cat meat eaten, even hosting a dog meat festival every year. But...Read More

Why “Hate Speech” is Protected Free Speech

June 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Freedom of speech is up there with guns for rights that Americans hold sacred. The political elite has to get creative when they try to take these rights away, lest the backlash makes them lose ground rather than gain it.By and large, that has been the case with guns; everytime talk starts about restrictive gun control, gun sales soar. Most people realize banning guns would not be feasible, and ev...Read More

How New Hampshire is Fighting for Independence

June 24, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

New Hampshire is in an abusive relationship, according to Carla Gericke, the President of Foundation for New Hampshire Independence. Uncle Sam won’t let New Hampshire leave; he arrests the citizens for victimless crimes, he overrides the legislature for policy and regulation, and he takes her money.The state is a net payer of federal taxes, meaning they pay more federal taxes than they get b...Read More

How the Government Conditions Citizens to Obey

June 23, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Can you count how many ways the government manipulates people to be the type of citizen they can easily control?I think that would be impossible to come up with an actual number when every facet of government is dedicated to shaping the citizen in ways contrary to his or her nature.It ranges from tax credits for having kids to increased welfare for being a single mom; from subsidies for growing co...Read More

Who Cares About the “Wealth Gap” if Everyone is Richer?

June 20, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

How many successful people can there be? It seems like, after every article you read these days, the author bio talks about a book they have written, an invention they created, a prestigious award or some other indicator of great success. Yet I’ve never really heard of most of them.I used to get pings of jealousy when I would see descriptions like that of successful people; it almost felt li...Read More

Why the Government Fails at Welfare

June 19, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The leviathan created by the modern welfare state is one of the gravest threats facing the American republican system. Dangers levied by the continued use of the government's dole come both fiscally and socially. Fixes being floated from Congress to community organizations still lack a cohesive focus on reform in the mainstream public discourse.The federal welfare apparatus has bloomed into a disa...Read More

Why Bankruptcy is Not a Magic Wand for Illinois

June 18, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

What if everyone declared bankruptcy, would that solve all financial woes? Or rather, would it be the ultimate debt bubble burst? Bankruptcy is a “solution” that would become disastrous if everyone were to use it. So can it truly be considered a solution at all? It just shifts the financial burden to someone else.Most people just don’t care though, because usually, it is the bi...Read More

Invest in the Highest Value Asset: Personal Skills

June 16, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

That’s what this world needs: skills. Raw resources are useless without the skill to properly apply them.There are skills for financial gain, skills for personal gain, and skills for a backup plan. Most of them overlap; something once a hobby can become a career, for instance becoming a tennis instructor. Or a skill that is a “backup plan” can become the bread and butter in an em...Read More

Help Wanted: Desperate Police Departments Ditch Standards

June 14, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

I would take one properly trained officer over 10 thugs any day. Yet while departments across the country are facing police shortages, the only thing they can think to do is cut the standards for hiring.But with killings by officers forcing a public reckoning over whether the police deserve to be seen automatically as the good guys, departments in major cities are struggling to fill thousands of o...Read More

Warning: EPA Fighting to Keep Water Fluoridated

June 13, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Why does it seem like the one time you want the government to do something, they aren’t interested?Supposedly, the EPA exists in part to protect public health. So you might think they would want to get harmful chemicals out of the drinking supply, or at very least, prevent them from being added.Yet despite mountains of evidence that fluoride is not only ineffective at preventing tooth decay...Read More

Death Sentence for Facebook Post: America Funding Human Rights Violations

June 12, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Ideally, America would stop giving out all foreign aid, but a good place to start would be nixing aid to countries with horrible human rights records.For instance, Pakistan just sentenced a man to death for blasphemy. It is far from the first time someone has been sentenced to death for blasphemy, but it is the first time a death sentence has been handed down for blasphemy on social media. The 30-...Read More

Wrong Way! Why Would Puerto Rico Want to Become a State?

June 10, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Secession has been a hot topic lately from Brexit, to Catalonia, to California; so why is Puerto Rico voting on statehood tomorrow?It is a non-binding referendum which asks Puerto Ricans if they would rather the territory remain as it is now, become an American state, or go entirely independent. But some say the election has been rigged for the pro-statehood group.And indeed, they seem to have the...Read More

Facebook Spies on You to Manipulate Your Emotions

June 09, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Learning through observation is an important trait for humans, and can account for many aspects of why we are a highly advanced species. Just as peers’ behavior influences our own, it should come as no surprise that we are also influenced by the emotions of those around us.Those who inject themselves into our lives also influence our emotions. It is no longer just face to face contact that h...Read More

7 Years of Work on Food Forest Destroyed Over Permit

June 07, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Imagine working for seven years to build a community food forest. It would be a very fulfilling project to take a neighborhood and transform it into a living food source full of fruit trees, luscious vines, and edible ground cover.And imagine all your hard work being torn away in an instant by the city council.Literally torn away; what would you be thinking and feeling as they sent landscaping cre...Read More

Why The Money in Your Bank Account is Not As Safe as You May Think

June 06, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Banks are supposed to be the epitome of secure. You can put your money in their vaults, and forget about it. Don’t worry everything will be fine. And even if the bank goes under, the federal government insures deposits of up to $250,000.But that won’t help if the government is the thief. The United States government can freeze your bank accounts for basically no reason, without due pro...Read More

Slavery is Freedom: Submit to the State and be Free from Terrorism

June 05, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Clearly, the only sane thing to do after a terrorist attack is to take rights away. Maybe if we build a prison around society, we will all be safe. Maybe it is just a matter of the government having more power over the citizens, and they will finally rid the world of terrorism.Or maybe the UK’s priorities are all wrong. For instance, did you know that in the United Kingdom, you are required...Read More

Brave Police Save Town From Man Selling Veggies

June 04, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

It is the simplest, most basic aspect of life: you need food, so you grow some vegetables. If you have extra you sell them on a street corner to your neighbors, and if you live in California you get arrested for it.Licensing is when the government takes a right from you, and sells it back. This California man failed to purchase his rights back from the state.But the poor police had pictures taken...Read More

Would You Quit Your Job to Build a School in Nepal?

June 02, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

After a nerve-racking, jam-packed five-hour bus ride on a careening mountain road in the Nepalese countryside, I was seriously doubting my life choices. I had quit my job, moved my stuff back home with Mom and Dad, budgeted my modest savings for the next five months, and now I was in the middle of a remote town by a river with an over-stuffed backpack.It had all started with an application to help...Read More

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