Popular News

Why the Government Hates Your Car

August 02, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

How could The Daily Bell be so clueless and naive about autonomous vehicles? A lot of you pointed out in the comments of a recent article called 5 Huge Benefits of Self Driving Cars, that the government and their media are in favor of anything that takes control away from the individual.You raised a lot of good points. Among them was a strong theme that since we know the government spies on us, se...Read More

Do We Need Trendy Terms to Encourage Recycling?

August 01, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

I don’t know why the media has to come up with stupid terms for everything. Reading about sustainable living, every time I see the word “lifecycling” I feel like I am hearing nails on a chalkboard. Everything has to be trendy and new, so apparently, the word recycle is out. Now recycling is a lifestyle.Lifecycling takes recycling to the next level; it's a philosophy that embraces...Read More

5 Huge Benefits of Self-Driving Cars

July 31, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

New technology can be scary. It certainly presents risks and challenges. But I have to admit, one technology I am very excited about is autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars.We’ve talked about the potential for the Internet of Thing to leave us with nowhere to hide, and self-driving cars are part of that. We have also mused about the possibility of the government ruining self-driving car...Read More

Britain’s Socialized Healthcare Now Recommends Against Herbal Treatments

July 28, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is a shining example of everything socialized medicine has to offer.The NHS prevents parents from seeking experimental treatments for terminally ill children.The government can deem patients close to death, and remove feeding tubes to starve them to death. This was once called the Liverpool Care Pathway, which has since been renamed, but not changed.Th...Read More

Top 5 Ways to “Back Up” Your Freedom

July 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

1. Have Physical, Tangible Assets Secured on Hand.Sovereignman tells you why you should buy a safe, and store some cash and silver in there. Don’t be dependent on institutions.2. Start Today Towards Obtaining a Second Passport, and a Foreign Bank Account.It is always good to have options. Secure some money out of your government’s hands. Secure your ability to travel without your gover...Read More

How Decentralizing Institutions Will Unite the Left and Right

July 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

“Big government is the problem!”“No, big business is the problem!”What if their coexistence on such a large scale is the real problem? They each rely on the other for power. A corporation is a government creation, with legal definitions which protect it from market forces. And government laws and regulations are largely designed by corporate special interests.It is a vicio...Read More

Child Abuse: The Difference Between Gender Identity and Sex Change in Children

July 24, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Adults should be able to identify as any gender they want. Modern science means they can even change their physical characteristics and take hormones, which will mimic the opposite sex.I may not understand it, but it doesn’t affect me, so I should have no say in how another adult lives his, her, or its life.Bathroom policies should be decided by business owners. If a public school has a bath...Read More

Fight: NYC and New York State Should Get Divorced

July 23, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Conflicts are inevitable when a city wide government is also beholden to a larger state. In the United States, it is even worse. Local, state, and federal governments claim control of the same land–not to mention individual land owners.Sometimes the smaller governments want to be left alone and fight for control over their own affairs. But other times they think the larger government should...Read More

5 Articles About the State Taking Parent’s Rights

July 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The state is deciding who is fit to be parents, keeping parents from treating their sick kids, and arresting parents if their kids skip school. Oh but don’t worry about that smart device in the home. All that info it’s collecting on your kids could never fall into the wrong hands.1. State Decides If You Are Smart Enough to Keep Your KidsParents in Oregon have had two of their children...Read More

Should you own bitcoin or gold?That's easy

July 20, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Gold bugs are rarely, if ever, bearish on gold. To them, it's the only real currency in a world of money-printing central banks endlessly devaluing their fiat (that is, paper) currencies. There are few people who believe so fervently as gold bugs.But bitcoin fanatics come pretty close. These folks believe that this decentralised digital currency is the ultimate means of easily transferring value w...Read More

How Digital Nomads Improve Cities

July 19, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Where are you from? Seems like a simple question. As I have been traveling recently outside of the U.S. it has come up a lot. When someone asks me where I’m from, I want to rattle off some stats. Where I was born, where I moved to; I name the broader regions and the closest cities. I am from Massachusetts, outside of Boston, but I moved to Florida. No, nowhere near Miami or Orlando. On th...Read More

Real Fake News: Science Used as Propaganda

July 17, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Did you know that doctors and scientists can be corrupt or simply wrong?People seem to give doctors and scientists the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their findings and opinions on things like global warming, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, chemicals, and how unhealthy certain foods and habits are.But like any other humans, scientists and doctors are, well, human. They can be mi...Read More

5 Ways to Keep a Tax Farm (Citizens) Producing

July 16, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The government depends on the citizens to produce, to create value from which the ruling classes can leech. They need to keep us working and spending in ways that they prescribe in order to insert themselves into transactions which would otherwise have nothing to do with them. Here are five ways that they keep the tax farm going.1. Credit Cards and DebtCredit cards, student loan debt, home loans,...Read More

5 Private City Projects That You Should Know About

July 14, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

1. A Private City in Norway Has Broken Ground! Liberstad is being built.So many of these projects never get off the ground. This one is happening. There is a long way to go, but the initial hurdle has been passed. The land was purchased in June and is currently in development creating a private “anarchist” community. It is being funded by presale of cabins and building sites.2. By 2020...Read More

Why and How to Get a Second Passport

July 13, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

If you don’t have options, you are helpless.If you had only McDonalds to provide you food, you would not be able to make the choice to be healthy. If Monsanto monopolized the agricultural industry (which they are arguably attempting) then you could not help but consume dangerous carcinogenic pesticides.And if the U.S. government controls your ability to travel around the globe, you have no...Read More

Domestic Abuse: A Smart Device Called the Police

July 11, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

This article is not about fear. This article is about common sense.Last week, we discussed the internet of things, and how smart devices could be used to literally know more about us than we know about ourselves.This is not some distant future dystopia we are talking about. It is already happening.A smart device in a home called the police during a domestic violence incident.It appears to have bee...Read More

Nepali Laborers Risk Their Lives For A Better Future

July 07, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

To strive in the face of adversity is the mantle of Nepali tradition. The country has a historically tumultuous government that has dissolved and transformed many times, either due to in-fighting, public pressure, or most infamously, the massacre of its royal family by its own prince.The current state of government affairs cannot be described without highlighting corruption, especially bribery. C...Read More

How "Nothing to Hide" Leads to "Nowhere to Hide" - Why Privacy Matters in an Age of Tech Totalitarianism

July 05, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Editor's note: The following comes from a longtime journalist who specializes in writing for major media outlets and private companies about robots, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).Would you allow a government official into your bedroom on your honeymoon? Or let your mother-in-law hear and record every conversation that takes place in your home or car - especially disagreements with you...Read More

Will the Government Ruin Self-Driving Cars?

July 03, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Over the past several decades, cars have become increasingly high tech allowing for computers to take larger roles in the routine functions of the car. Computerized functions have been a boon to consumers, who advantage from greater reliability and efficiency, but also to criminal hackers who advantage from greater vulnerability.Starting around the turn of the last decade tech enthusiasts starte...Read More

Gestapo is Back: German Homes Raided Over Facebook Posts

July 01, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Germany has taken its war on “hate speech,” also known as free speech, to the people.Already Germany has pretty strict laws against citizens using Nazi symbols and denying that the Holocaust happened. Apparently, lawmakers miss the irony of going full Gestapo on citizens for free speech, as offensive as it may be.But they are not stopping there. The German government has raided the hom...Read More

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