Popular News

Look Around! Common Law Works. Government Statute Doesn’t.

September 22, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

How can something be considered a crime if there is no victim?This is a problem. You can go through life making sure you don’t hurt anyone, and still break the law. Wouldn’t that be great if you could simply base your actions on common sense and respect for the standards of a community?Instead, people must also make sure they don't do anything labeled wrong by the government. Of course...Read More

Public School Accuses 5 Year Old of Making Terrorist Threats

September 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

When I was in kindergarten, I found a knife in the pocket of a hand-me-down jacket I was wearing for the first time. I gave it to my teacher, and I don’t remember her reacting at all. She gave the knife to my parents when they picked me up at the end of the day. And that was that.I used to run around at recess at that age with the other kids, and use bent sticks as fake guns. We shot at each...Read More

There's always a market in crisis... you just have to look!

September 19, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel, an American politician, was talking about politics when he said this. But he may as well have said it about investing in troubled financial markets.If you're looking to invest when the odds are in your favour then look for a crisis. When asset p...Read More

Are We Witnessing the Death Spiral of Cable Television?

September 18, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Cable television has long been the coveted propaganda arm used to program American sentiments. But because of the internet, viewer choice for news, sports, and entertainment has proliferated. Content is becoming decentralized, and that makes it harder to control the attitudes of the masses.Since 2013, pay tv subscriptions have been declining, losing more customers than they gain. Over one million...Read More

How The Wall Street Journal Turns the Truth On its Head

September 17, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

And the award for most misleading headline goes to the Wall Street Journal.What do you think an article entitled, Unlike Most Industries, Drone Makers and Operators Clamor for Federal Regulation, is all about?If you guessed it is about drone makers and operators clamoring for more regulations, you are wrong.Exactly the opposite is true. The drone industry is being stifled by overbearing regulatio...Read More

"If you were a drug dealer, a murderer. . ." open an account at JP Morgan

September 16, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Via Sovereignman.comOn Tuesday afternoon, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of banking giant JP Morgan, let loose on Bitcoin.He was speaking at the Barclays Financial Services conference, and when asked whether his bank employs any Bitcoin traders, he responded-"If we had a trader who traded Bitcoin, I'd fire them in a second," calling any trader who deals in the cryptocurrency "stupid".He went on to say that...Read More

How Sex Traffickers Are Fighting for Your Rights

September 15, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

If you support free speech, you support sex trafficking. At least that’s what politicians hope the public will think.Clever politicians seem to be learning. If they want to censor the web and destroy free speech, they need to pick the right targets for their legislation. Of course, in reality, the legislation will end up affecting all of us.Their efforts really amount to holding websites acc...Read More

Do You Trust What JP Morgan CEO Says About Bitcoin?

September 13, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon commented that he thinks Bitcoin is a fraud, and that “it will eventually be closed.”CNBC continues its amazing economic news coverage with his interview.Yes, the CEO of a major financial institution thinks Bitcoin will be “closed.”Look, however unlikely, it is possible that the Bitcoin price goes to $0. It is not, however, anywhere within the re...Read More

Warning: Don’t Take The Drugs Your Doctor Gave You Until You Read This

September 12, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Your waitress wants you to get another round of drinks. We get it. She wants to sell more and boost her tip.But what if your doctor is doing the same thing when it comes to drugs? Unfortunately, they also want to sell more, and boost their tip… from the pharmaceutical companies.But unlike the waitress, the doctor relies on a system of lies and manipulations.Some doctors don’t even know...Read More

Yes, This is a Real CNBC Article on “Economics”

September 10, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

A chicken in every pot, and a unicorn in every garage. That’s the progressive dream.No, seriously, they are dreaming, and they must have smoked something crazy before bed.I almost couldn’t even write about this subject because I just kept staring at my computer screen wide-eyed and shaking my head. Really? Is this seriously being passed off as economics and news?The larger the universa...Read More

Some Journalists are Just Arsonists Pointing Fingers

September 09, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Setting a fire is easier than putting one out.And sometimes the people who fail to put out a fire are persecuted by the ones who don't show up at all–or worse yet, fan the flames.A recent Gizmodo article basically criticizes a volunteer fire department. No, not literally. This has nothing to do with actual fires of fire-fighters.This has to do with an article called, "Some Crypto-Capitalists...Read More

The world's most powerful bank issues a major warning

September 08, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Via SovereignMan.comIn 1869, a 48-year old Jewish immigrant from the tiny village of Trappstadt in Germany's Bavaria region hung a shingle outside of his small office in lower Manhattan to officially launch his new business.His name was Marcus Goldman, and the business he started, what's now known as Goldman Sachs, has become the preeminent investment bank in the world with nearly $1 trillion in a...Read More

National Guard Authorized to Seize Guns Ahead of Hurricane Irma

September 06, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The best kind of looter is the kind that you can shoot.Especially in emergency situations, those coming onto your property and stealing from you are a serious threat to your life. You must have the ability and means to protect yourself and loved ones.What other kinds of looters are there, you may ask? In many places, you can protect yourself and your property without fear of prosecution.But someti...Read More

Legal Round Up: 3 Articles on the Law, and Fighting Back

September 05, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

In China, Foreigners Can Buy a MarriageChina is a dystopian nightmare for many who live there. Yet even the hardcore communist regime cannot keep a little freedom off the black market.For many immigrants and foreign workers in China, they are even lower on the social ladder than the peasants. These people cannot own property, and often their children are not allowed to attend school.But someone fo...Read More

The Excuse is Immigration, But Federal Checkpoints Violate Everyone’s Rights

September 04, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Federal agents set up shop in New Hampshire last week. They ran a Constitutionally-illegal checkpoint, violating the Fourth Amendment rights of countless Americans.The big reward? They arrested 25 illegal immigrants, seven of them children. More than half of those detained had overstayed visas. That means they came to the U.S. legally in the first place and did not leave when their visa expired.Wh...Read More

How Society Grew Cold. Dependence on Cold Institutions

September 02, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The downfall of freedom and happiness: dependence on institutions out of your control.I’ve always blamed the government.Governments start the wars, carry out the genocides, steal from the people. Governments lay the foundation of an unjust society, by creating a hierarchy from the beginning. Some make the laws, and some must live by them.But the government is only half of the picture.I alway...Read More

Infuriating: Police Arrest on Duty Nurse For Refusing to Break Law

September 01, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

“Is this patient under arrest?” Alex Wubbles asks the officer, being instructed by legal counsel on the phone.“Nope,” the officer says.“Do you have an electronic warrant?” She asks, searching for a way to legally comply with the officers.“No,” The officer admits bluntly, getting annoyed.The police did not have a warrant. The police did not have proba...Read More

As Babies are Prescribed Pharmaceuticals, Have We Reached Dystopia?

August 31, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Would you let a five-year-old smoke a joint? I certainly hope not. Yet that would probably be less harmful than loading kids up on pharmaceuticals.Currently, over a million American children UNDER SIX YEARS OLD are taking psychiatric drugs. Babies are literally being doped up by the pharmaceutical industry. Over 274,000 babies UNDER ONE-YEAR-OLD are given drugs, mostly for anxiety.Anxiety drugs fo...Read More

How Trading Renewable Energy Will Grow the Industry

August 30, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

As the world becomes more environmentally aware, all eyes are on finding sustainable, long-term solutions to replace the use of non-renewable materials such as fossil fuels. Great steps are being taken to reduce greenhouse gases, notably carbon emissions, with recruiters like NES constantly looking to place talented individuals into key positions within the energy industry - but what could Europe'...Read More

Be Thankful for Price Gouging in Houston

August 29, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Did the hotel crew need the rooms? No. They came to “cover” the storm.But people fleeing Hurricane Harvey were in desperate need of hotel rooms. And the news crew was complaining about paying a high price.The news team reported on the terrible incident of gouging. But they actually demonstrate exactly why prices need to go up when demand goes up.I wonder if they decided to bunk up toge...Read More

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