Popular News

Does Individual Sovereignty Pre-empt Abusive Government?

October 17, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Once you accept that you are not sovereign, it is just a matter of maneuvering for governments to do whatever they want.They don’t play by any rules. But they force you to follow them. Some governments do this by blunt force. Other governments do it by controlling the media narrative. Still, others twist the law to fit their purposes and appear legitimate. Most use a combination of tactics t...Read More

Media: Islamic Faith Prevents Sexual Assault

October 16, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The propaganda machine is firing on all cylinders. Harvey Weinstein must have pissed someone off to be sacrificed by the elite. Perhaps it was a religious sacrifice of sorts. One arm of the propaganda machine is pushing the idea that adherence to the Islamic religion can prevent sexual assaults and oppression against women.The media is now running stories which claim that the Islamic religion pre-...Read More

How “Seasteading” Might Just Solve All the World’s Problems (Book Review)

October 15, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

When I first read the title of Joe Quirk’s book, I laughed.The full title is, Seasteading: How Floating Cities Will Restore The Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians.Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of seasteading: creating floating city-states free to experiment in governance. But I figured Quirk must have been overselling the prospect...Read More

Survey Find Americans’ Views on Free Speech is a Whole Bunch of Crazy

October 14, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The biggest thing this survey proves is that Orwellian double-speak is working.If you are unfamiliar, doublespeak is a term from the novel 1984. It is speech intentionally meant to confuse, or obscure reality.What does free speech mean? What is hate speech? And what laws currently or should exist in regards to speaking freely?The answers from Americans prove just how successful the media and poli...Read More

Power Corrupts: A Culture of Compliance Breeds Despots and Predators

October 12, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible."?EURo Frank HerbertPower corrupts.Worse, as 19th-century historian Lord Acton concluded, absolute power corrupts absolutely.It doesn't matter whether you're talking about a politician, an entertainment mogul, a corporate CEO or a police o...Read More

Media Says You’re to Blame for Shootings Unless You Report Odd Behavior

October 11, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

“How do we fit the latest tragedy into our political agenda?” The media wondered. “Gun control is so clich?(C). And even though the tragedies get bigger and bigger, we still have little luck!”“I have an idea!” Exclaimed one outlet, “We can convince people that if they don’t report their neighbors and family members to authorities for acting subjectiv...Read More

Hollywood’s War on Humanity

October 10, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Oh, Hollywood… It’s only in this demented part of the planet that a man could give birth to his own mother!If you haven’t seen it yet check it out.mother!Its another stillborn of a film slipped out from between Hollywood’s fetid thighs. A movie midwifed by none other than the talented, anti-human auteur Darren Aronofsky.Thanks, Darren, for sharing with us your great messa...Read More

How Trump Keeps the Government on Your Mind

October 09, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Trump is the counter-punch to political correctness.He is the answer to what the left has long tried to shove down American throats. That is, belligerent tolerance, single-minded diversity, and the PC policing of our thoughts.People were energized to get out and show publicly that they reject that mind and social control.Trump captured that reflexive energy. That energy could have swelled the ran...Read More

Warning: Legal Racket Robs Elderly of Property and Rights

October 08, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Corruption and racketeering invoke images of the mafia, drugs, violence, and connected judges or politicians. But sometimes organized crime covers more mundane businesses than nightclubs and casinos.There is a racket in Nevada that is robbing the elderly not only of their property but of their rights.People are being deemed unfit to look after themselves for superficial or trumped up reasons. Then...Read More

How Trolls Use Patent Law to Make an Easy Buck

October 06, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Patents seem like a good idea on paper. If you come up with something innovative, you should reap the rewards. That safeguards the hard work and money someone puts into an invention or technology.But patents really amount to a legal monopoly, granted by government. And as is typical with government, this intervention into the economy creates some interesting side effects.Patent trolls are business...Read More

Everything You Need to Know About the Catalan Independence Referendum

October 05, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

It’s all illegal! That’s Madrid’s position on the referendum in Catalonia. Of about 5.5 million eligible voters, about 2.4 million chose–or were able–to cast ballots. 90% of them voted in favor of independence from Spain.Spanish courts have ruled, and leaders have repeated, that the country’s Constitution does not allow a region to separate. European Union cour...Read More

Is it Wrong to Question the Official Story When Tragedy Strikes?

October 04, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The media says, “Jump.” And the public responds in unison, “How high?”“As high as you ever have jumped before, except maybe after 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination.”Of course, when there is news, it should be reported. Today it is reported sensationally, as entertainment. Is it meant to inform, or induce?Which came first, the media’s obsession with violen...Read More

Honest Philanthropy in a Place You Might Not Expect

October 03, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Of the twenty-five countries I have explored, the most memorable trip I’ve made so far has been to the city of Amritsar. It is the religious center of the Sikhs and border town to Pakistan in India. It is a place of beauty and adventure. Here I had one of the most profound experiences of my life.Walking the streets of every city in the world, you will come across the homeless. You see pover...Read More

“We Can’t Wait for Government.” Pop Star Daddy Yankee Saves Puerto Rican Food Bank and Delivers Aid

October 02, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Puerto Rican authorities are blaming the White House for not properly responding to the disaster caused by Hurricane Maria. Trump, in turn, tweeted that about the poor leadership within Puerto Rico and claimed the politicians were just trying to score political points.There have been unverified reports that officials in Puerto Rico were, in fact, holding back supplies unless there were accompanyi...Read More

Studies Confirm, Free People are Happier

September 30, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

If you don’t feel free, chances are you don’t feel happy either.Both of these words, free and happy, are pretty loose in their official definitions. Scientific studies have used various metrics to measure happiness; self-reporting, brain waves, psychological evaluations, and family member surveys. As for freedom, the studies mainly use the self-reported metric, how free a person feels....Read More

How Everything is Racist, And You’re a Terrible Person

September 29, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Everything you do and think is racist, you probably just don’t realize it because you’re so super privileged.You can’t just sit back and hide in your white supremacist neighborhoods anymore. There’s no more abstaining from taking a side on this one. The sins of your ancestors have caught up to you! (Or at least the sins of the ancestors of people who look like you, consider...Read More

Canada Investigates "Climate Change Deniers"

September 28, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

No scientific fact is ever settled beyond dispute. Challenging the status quo is the best way to ensure scientific findings are as accurate and truthful as possible.It's great that in the scientific community, you are always free to disagree. In fact, it is encouraged! Just kidding!When it comes to climate change, you better tout the official story or keep your mouth shut.It started when the globa...Read More

Who Cares? Headline Debates are Wasting Your Time

September 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

NFL players are kneeling, standing, sitting maybe, and probably laying down at times. Perhaps they are protesting police killings, or maybe they hate America, and some of them are very patriotic and do or do not support Donald Trump. I don’t know. Who cares?How many headlines has this stupid manufactured controversy taken up? How many arguments and fights have ensued? Do people even know wha...Read More

Advice from the trader who made $1+ billion in 1929...

September 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Via Soveriegnman.com[Editor's note: This letter was co-written with Tim Price, co-founder of the VT Price Value portfolio and editor of Price Value International.]In the late spring of 1720, Sir Isaac Newton decided to sell his stocks.Newton had been an investor in the South Sea Company, a famous enterprise which effectively commanded a trading monopoly with South America.The investment had alread...Read More

Forget Taxes: What if Estonia Made More Money Selling Services?

September 25, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

$60 Billion plus is the U.S. dollar equivalent to how much Bitcoin is currently in circulation. That amount of money would keep the Estonian government running at current expenditures for almost 60 years.$60 billion is more than double Estonia’s Gross Domestic Product.So what if Estonia released a cryptocurrency that was that successful? It’s not a stretch to think the first governmen...Read More

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