Popular News

Exposed: Corrupt Bureau of Land Management Tried to Railroad Cliven Bundy

January 03, 2018 / www.thedailybell.com

The third trial of Cliven Bundy has ended in a mistrial. The prosecution failed to turn over documents that would have helped the defense.Two earlier trials ended in hung juries. On January 8th, a judge will decide if the case will be dismissed “with prejudice,” meaning that it cannot be once again brought to trial.This all started two years ago when Cliven Bundy asserted his rights...Read More

How the Lack of Consent has Made Us All Victims

January 02, 2018 / www.thedailybell.com

Nothing should happen to your body without your consent.Seems pretty straightforward. Yet our society is predicated on ignoring consent.Recently we have heard all about famous and powerful people ignoring consent when it comes to sexual advances.But consent is just as important when it comes to labor, for instance. Completely forced labor is slavery.Taxes also amount to a less intense form of forc...Read More

6 Places You Can Spend Your Bitcoin Fortune

December 31, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

How many times have you heard that Bitcoin isn’t a real currency because you can’t spend it anywhere?Bitcoin certainly has some flaws, and other cryptocurrencies may very well take its place in time. But it is the trailblazer, and early adopters are now rolling in digital dough.Contrary to popular belief, you can, in fact, spend your Bitcoin. Here are ten places to make it rain with yo...Read More

Is That Real Fake News or Real News Called Fake?

December 30, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

At what point does hyperbole become fake news?Because an article on Axios decrying the ill effects of fake news starts:Donald Trump in one year has done more to discredit and diminish truth, facts and media than any other figure in our lifetime.Oh boy. Where to start? I guess the first thing is first: this is not a defense of Donald Trump. Surely he has tweeted and said many things that can be con...Read More

Six Best Ways to Raise Freedom-Loving Kids

December 29, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Parenting for Freedom article series: This is the third in a series of articles that analyzes how freedom-loving people can align their parenting with their political philosophy, and how doing so will allow ideas about personal liberty to carry on to the next generation.When it comes to goal achievement, most people will tell you that the end does not justify the means. But for some reason, that...Read More

Headlines Like These are Why Trump Isn’t Worried…

December 27, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

What does desperation look like? This:The weird thing about trees is that someday, like all of us, they die.This tree was on its way out. In fact, the tree was removed in order to protect anyone standing under it from danger. Who usually stands under it? The press. Melania was trying to protect the same press that now attempts to skewer her over landscaping.(Of course, if the tree broke and killed...Read More

Millionaire Heiress Crusades Against Freedom to Spend Your Own Money

December 26, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

In response to the tax bill which will lead to a lot more money in her pocket, Abigail Disney, heiress to the Walt Disney Company fortune, said she would be donating that tax break to a worthy cause of her choosing.No, wait. That's not it at all. She got in front of a camera and made a video complaining that other wealthy people and corporations won't be forced to keep handing over quite as much o...Read More


May 11, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

The following Metal Bulletin non-ferrous European free market scrap prices changed on Friday May 11:Aluminium ingot Duty paid delivered works...Read More

How to Start Creating a Home Business Today

December 23, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Freedom is found the ability to determine the course of your life. So how can you be truly free when each day's activities are dictated to you?The short answer, you can't. Asking for time off to spend your precious life as you see fit is not freedom in any sense. So how do you escape and take back your financial freedom?We've discussed the gig economy and the freedom found in becoming a freelancer...Read More

The Long and the Short of Parenting

December 22, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Parenting for Freedom article series: This is the second in a series of articles that analyzes how freedom-loving people can align their parenting with their political philosophy, and how doing so will allow ideas about personal liberty to carry on to the next generation.In my previous article, I talked about how parenting is a sentence. It is served by parents to their children for the "crime"...Read More

Why Governments Treat You Like a Number, Not an Individual

December 21, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Governments hate anything that empowers individuals. This is because it makes governing harder. And this holds true regardless of whether you view government as overall good, or generally evil.Say the U.S. government has the best intentions for making the drinking age 21. Surely some 18-year-olds could handle drinking, and surely many 25-year-olds cannot. But the government would have to expend ma...Read More

EUROPE ALLOY STEEL SCRAP: UK prices rise on stronger mill demand

May 11, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

The UK inter-merchant price range for austenitic alloy steel scrap has risen by ?10-20 per tonne over the past week, following stronger demand from UK mills, sources said on Friday May 11."Demand has picked up, and prices are healthy, so scrap is coming in," one UK trader said.Metal Bulletin's weekly price assessment for inter-merchant 18/8 scrap solids in the UK was ?960-1,020 ($1,299-1,381) pe...Read More

3 Recent Free Speech Wins in Court: Free Tweets, Owning Words, and Offensive Trademarks

December 19, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

From politically correct lies to government enforced silencing, and even insane public opinion, free speech is under attack.But sometimes, there is some good news coming out of the courts. Taking a case to the American court system is a bit like flipping a coin. Still, it is encouraging to see pro-free-speech rulings being handed down.The Right to Free TweetsDo Trump’s tweets make you feel s...Read More

ITALY FERROUS SCRAP: Domestic prices stable in May

May 11, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

Domestic prices for ferrous scrap in Italy have been largely unchanged in May so far due to an even supply-demand balance, sources told Metal Bulletin.Metal Bulletin's monthly price assessment for domestic grade E3 scrap in Italy was ?,?285-305 ($339-363) per tonne delivered in May, compared with ?,?285-300 per tonne delivered a month earlier. "Mills have relatively low stocks of the material ...Read More

How to Act Compassionately Towards Transgender People: Do Not Encourage a Delusion

December 18, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

I’m not allowed to say what I am about to say, according to the mainstream media.They claim the only reason I would make this argument is that I am full of hate.The truth is, I don’t want to see the media dupe people with a mental health condition into making destructive decisions.I came across a news story about an entire family in transition. First, the son began a transition to fema...Read More

The Big Con: The Truth Behind Net Neutrality and Why the Sky Is Not Falling

December 16, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

December 14th marked the end of the internet. At least, that is what the media, social networks… and lobbyists would have you believe.Net neutrality has dominated the media cycle lately. But why? Why would the repeal of a rather freshly formed regulation garner all this attention, and anger?Taking a step towards a freer marketplace should be celebrated. Right?But to hear internet activists a...Read More

Why Parents Owe Their Kids for the “Crime” of Creating Them

December 15, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

Parenting for Freedom article series: This is the first in a series of articles that analyzes how freedom-loving people can align their parenting with their political philosophy, and how doing so will allow ideas about personal liberty to carry on to the next generation.For most of my adult life, I have believed that respecting an individual's freedom should be the first goal of society. It seems...Read More

What are Rights? Do Rights Even Exist?

December 14, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

What is a right? Do rights exist? They are intangible, yet philosophical constructs can be real.A right defines a state of being; it describes a condition. "Right of way," is how we describe who has first use of a road. People can certainly ignore the concept of a right of way. But that doesn’t void the concept. Right of way still serves as a tool to establish who is liable should a car acc...Read More

How Government Agents Troll Online to Divide and Confuse

December 13, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

The real story of online deception isn’t about the Russians. Sure, the Russians certainly have their own programs to disrupt and steer online discourse. But how quickly the public has forgotten about the U.S. government’s own internet troll program.Edward Snowden leaked documents used by the “Five Eyes” alliance of governments. The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,...Read More

How Amazon and Google Smart Speaker Competition Reveals The Future of Government

December 11, 2017 / www.thedailybell.com

I wouldn’t invite the Amazon Echo or the Google Home into my home.These smart speakers listen to everything that happens around them. Ostensibly this is to make shopping, playing music, and finding information easy. But the internet of things presents way too many risks to our privacy.Internet-connected technologies are already used to incriminate their owners in court. And that is the main...Read More

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