Popular News

Silver Headed to $5/oz.!

June 20, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

Silver has declined from nearly $50/oz. two years ago to under $20/oz. today.Clearly, the bull market in silver and gold is over, and silver is headed back to five dollars per ounce, and for good reasons.Obviously, Obama's wise economic policies are finally beginning to cause the economy to bloom, with balanced budgets on the horizon that the government has just not yet told us about, but the sil...Read More

Gold Bar Sale!

June 13, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

We buy and sell silver and gold at www.jhmint.com. Call (530) 273-8175 to order now!Sometimes, we run low on cash, because we just bought too much of one item. Now is such a time. We have excess gold bars, so the price is cheaper than normal.3% over spot. While supplies last.Typically, these bars are 5% to 6% over spot, and in tight markets, can be as high as 10% or more over spot.Jason Ho...Read More

The Way to Have the Most Exciting Church Ever!

June 05, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

Pastors! Are you overworked? Do less! It's God's Way!Are you bored in Church? Show the pastor this!Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. The spirits of prophets are subject to t...Read More

My Changing Views on Slavery, Usury and Prophecy

May 28, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

Math itself testifies that usury is harmful to mankind because it leads to total enslavement. Here's how.At an interest rate of 6%, one dollar will grow to a $719 million, in 350 years.http://www.smartmoney.com/calculator/other/compound-interest-calculator-1302835239643/That might not seem dangerous, but consider, there were billionaires that long ago who started banking. A tiny million at 6%...Read More

Christian Libertarian Resources

May 23, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

If the Bible truly supports Libertarianism, and I believe that it does, then I have a question. Why don't Churches support more libertarian ideas, and promote silver and gold? Or perhaps a better question is, "When will they?"As I see it, one day, they must, because of what is said in the Bible in Ephesians 4 and Daniel 11-12.Ephesians 4:11 And he (God) gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; a...Read More

Jesus Lives!

May 13, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

Jesus came in the flesh.Jesus lives. Jesus is Lord. Any of these three statements is a good testimony, according to the following scriptures:1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt con...Read More

Silver Shortages of April

April 28, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

We at www.jhmint.com have investor silver available, 10 oz. bars, and 100 oz. bars, and we can order more.Rounds and Silver Eagles are sold out, and occasionally it has been difficult to source them, on and off, so far this year.Prices over spot are changing up to 5% per day, and silver eagles are selling for up to 30-40% over spot on ebay.com.Investor buying probably remains about where it has be...Read More

Monopolies are Bad

March 18, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

The government saw that monopolies were bad in 1890, over 123 years ago, when it passed the Sherman Act. http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/youarehere/pages/pdf/FTC-Competition_Antitrust-Laws.pdfMonopolies happen in a competitive "free" market only when the monopolizer engages in many kinds of unfair business practices which are comparable to extortion, usually taking the form of some kind of t...Read More

What If? Ron Paul Just Wanted to Spread the Ideas of Freedom?

February 25, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

Let's review some of the most successful peaceful strategies for promoting freedom recently.1. Ron Paul's Presidential Race. I'm listing Ron Paul first for a reason, as I think he has been the most successful Libertarian who has more successfully advanced the cause of Liberty than anyone else in the past 100 years. He ran for Congress to promote the ideas of Liberty from the national stage....Read More

Are Teachers in Unions Traitors to the Constitution?

February 23, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

Employee at JH MINT to Jason: "Jason, don't go insulting teachers now! We'll lose customers!"Jason to Manager at JH MINT: "It's ok. Teachers don't make that much, besides, the ones who would be likely become our customers won't be offended anyway."Employee to Jason: "Oh, you are bad! I love it!" Ok, let the article and the roasting of teachers commence:If people buy enough silver, and pa...Read More

Silver Bull Market 10 Year Review

February 17, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

The silver to gold ratio is the number of ounces of silver equal in value to one ounce of gold.Silver to Gold Ratio Today: 54:1Silver to Gold Ratio Ten Years ago: 80:1Silver to Gold Ratio for over 200 years: 15:1Silver to Gold Ratio expected in the future: 10:1 or even 5:1Conclusion: You can make 5 to 10 times more money if you buy physical silver, rather than gold, as silver's gains outpace the r...Read More

Emgold: 2 million oz. gold for $3 million

February 13, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

The ticker symbols are: US Pink Sheets symbols: EGMCF.PK, EGMCFCanadian Vancouver exchange: EMR.V, V.EMRhttp://www.emgold.com/s/Home.asphttp://www.idaho-maryland.com/s/Home.asp Emgold December 2012 Corporate Pesentation:http://www.emgold.com/i/pdf/CorporatePresentation_Dec2012.pdfAs of Dec. 1, 2012Shares Outstanding: 60,008,605 Fully Diluted including all options and warrants: 100,715,671Share...Read More

God on Guns, and Death

February 01, 2013 / silverstockreport.com

This month, the nation is focused on guns. If you can't defend your life, or your silver, then there is a problem. Here are a few of my God inspired, Biblically based, thoughts.It is a God given right, and a natural right to own, and use, guns for self defense. Here are a few supporting verses, but there are plenty more. [Mat 10:34] Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came n...Read More

Fake 10 oz. Gold Bars: (How to catch the thief)

September 26, 2012 / silverstockreport.com

There are more reports of fake 10 oz. gold bars:http://tinyurl.com/93pdqj6Fox News has a video of the bar:http://tinyurl.com/czkcqufPatrick Heller has commentary on this topic, on which I disagree, and I rarely disagree with him:http://tinyurl.com/9zp9xscSome people are needlessly in a panic, and since I'm a bullion dealer with a bit of knowledge and expertise, I'd like to bring the voice of reaso...Read More

Top 10 Types of Silver and Gold Sold at JH MINT

September 23, 2012 / silverstockreport.com

Top 10 Forms of Silver and Gold SoldVideo Presentation by Lyndsie Lou:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t5mpqH6mCIThis is very important data that I've not seen any other bullion dealer release to the internet. This reveals bullion dealer insider information. You will not see this information anywhere else. Save this page, for when you are ready to order silver and gold in the future. More...Read More

JH MINT Closed Sept. 17-18; Feast of Trumpets

September 15, 2012 / silverstockreport.com

JH MINT, Inc., will be closed Monday and Tuesday, September 17-18, in observance of the Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanna, a Feast of the Lord.I am not Jewish. But Jesus, a Jew, is my Lord. I believe this two day festival of the new moon is a prophetic rehearsal, an appointed time, an appropriate time for the rapture of the Church. Jesus and the apostles, observed the feasts.For...Read More

Ode to Silver

September 12, 2012 / silverstockreport.com

Watch Lyndsie Lou give the poetry some life:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge_H2SLRcswI'm Silver Bullion, Silver Rounds, and I'm available right here.No nation in the world uses me as money, no countries, neither far nor near.I'm available for sale from JH MINT, located in the good ol' USA.I'm real silver, going up in value, Hip Hip Hooray!I'm mined from the Earth every day,Though when I tell this...Read More

QE3 and the coming Election

September 07, 2012 / silverstockreport.com

Many of my customers are asking me if they think they will announce a QE III soon. Of course they will. It's not like the congress went off into some secret room and secretly did the right thing behind closed doors and balanced the budget while we weren't looking and then failed to announce it. Hello? Is anyone paying attention? To balance the budget, and stop printing money (no more QE'...Read More

Top Ten Forms of Silver and Gold Sold

August 21, 2012 / silverstockreport.com

The following are the top ten forms of gold and silver sold through the JH MINT.Here's what customers like about each.Number 10. Silver 90% Half Dollars. Those are 2% of SalesThey are cheap and close to the spot price. Some people think it might be more useful for bartering with in the future. Number 9. Gold African Krugerrands - 1 ounce. Those are 3% of SalesGold Krugerrands are dur...Read More

Emgold: Small Market Cap Gold Mine Developer

August 07, 2012 / silverstockreport.com

Emgold: Small Market Cap Gold Mine DeveloperThe ticker symbols are: US Pink Sheets symbols: EGMCF.PK, EGMCFCanadian Vancouver exchange: EMR.V, V.EMRhttp://www.emgold.com/s/Home.asphttp://www.idaho-maryland.com/s/Home.asp Emgold July 2012 Corporate Pesentation:http://www.emgold.com/i/pdf/CorporatePresentation_Jul2012.pdfAs of July 1, 2012Shares Outstanding: 58,814,504 Fully Diluted including...Read More

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