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Craig Hemke: Are You Ready For The Next Rally In Silver?

March 14, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

"will set off a chain reaction of Large Speculator short-covering and long-buying. This huge amount of..."by Craig Hemke via SilverSeekCOMEX silver prices are largely unchanged year-to-date, despite a falling U.S. dollar and historically bullish CoT structure. So today we ask, are you ready for the next rally?If the title of this post sounds familiar, it should. We posed a similar question regard...Read More

David Morgan: Silver To Outperform Gold In 2018

March 14, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

David Morgan updates his calls on gold & silver and explains what it will take to see upward acceleration in price. Here's the details...David Morgan interviewed by Greg Hunter on USA WatchdogPresident Trump is having much economic success, but he also has an ongoing war with the so-called "Deep State." Gold and silver expert David Morgan contends, "If the "Deep State" gets pushed into a corner mu...Read More

Silver's Trading Range Is Tighter Than The Fit Of OJ's Gloves In A Los Angeles Court Room

March 14, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

SD Midweek Update: Assets correct over price or over time. Gold & silver look nearly done with the latter. Here's the details...We've been talking about corrections.Corrections can happen over price, but they can also happen over time.Gold & silver have been correcting over time.It has been particularly painful because this correction has been slow and agonizing, especially for silver. On Monday I...Read More

Investors Looking To 'Buy Low Sell High' Might Want To Understand The Current Gold-To-Silver Ratio

March 13, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

Gary Christenson says "at silver price peaks the ratio will drop to thirty or even fifteen to one". Here's just how undervalued silver has become...by Gary Christenson of Deviant InvestorSilver prices move farther and faster than gold prices, both up and down.When long term rallies begin silver often lags gold as in early 2018. The current gold to silver ratio at eighty to one is high. Fifty-ni...Read More

Marshall Swing: Look At That Big Blood Silver Moon!

March 12, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

"I have made my trades based on anomalies and from time to time I share them with you to give you insight into what those Commercials DO."by Marshall Swing of The Church Of ActsI actually have less time available than it takes to save and annotate a simple chart and say a few words but here I am...Over the years I have made my trades based on anomalies and from time to time I share them with you t...Read More

There Is A Silver Bullet For Dealing With The Tariffs And The Currency And Trade Wars

March 10, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

"while I can't tell you exactly how it will all play out, I can tell you that we're entering a much more chaotic period for the economy..."by Zach Scheidt of Daily Reckoning"Oh yeah? Well, I'm going to charge you extra for every piece of steel you send our way!""Really? Try this: We're not going to sell any more Harley Davidson's in our country!!""Fine!! See how you like it when we don't buy any...Read More

2017 Silver Coin Sales May Have Been Down In The U.S. But This Silver Category Was Up Impressively

March 09, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

"Among other positive factors leading to these results, there is a growing awareness within the industry that silver..." Silver Institute Press ReleaseSURVEY RESULTS INDICATE SOLID U.S. SILVER JEWELRY SALES IN 2017Posted on 03 08, 2018(Washington, D.C. - March 8, 2018) Jewelry retailers in the United States described strong silver jewelry sales last year, with 59% reporting increased sales in 20...Read More

Lior Gantz: It Is VERY RARE To See Silver As Cheap As It Is Right Now

March 08, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

Lior says things are looking good in the gold space right now, and things are especially looking good for silver. Here's why...Lior Gantz interviewed on the X22 Report SpotlightIn this important update, Lior joins Dave to discuss the latest happenings in the economy.Lior opens by stating that the Fed is stuck here, and their only options are to tighten or to pause. Lior says the Fed will not be re...Read More


March 08, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy tells Silver Doctors the stock correction last month was just the tremor before the earthquake...Bill Murphy of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) interviewed by Silver DoctorsThe stock correction last month involved the largest point drops on the Dow in history. But this correction was just the tremor before the earthquake.Trump's protectionist policies will be...Read More

Ted Butler: JP Morgan Is FULLY PREPARED For A DRAMATIC LIFTOFF In The Silver Price

March 08, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

"I'm not kidding when I say that JPMorgan's massive physical position is the single most bullish factor I've run across in silver in all my studies..."by Ted Butler via SilverSeekTo be sure, there are many who reject, out of hand, my allegation that JPMorgan has accumulated a massive amount of physical silver over the past seven years, amounting to 700 million ounces or more. That's completely und...Read More

If Silver Follows The Last Two Large Spec CoT Lows Then We'll Be Over $18 On The Next Rally

March 08, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

Craig Hemke says in addition, if you go back to the historic large spec net short position of 2003, price rallied 90% within a year. Here's a silver update...by Craig Hemke via SilverSeekMarch 7, 2018There's been a lot of talk these past few days about the "bullishness" of the latest Commitment of Traders Report for COMEX silver-and rightfully so. However, without some context, it's difficult to d...Read More

Paying Homage To The Net Short Large Specs In Silver Who Are About To Get Taken To The Cleaners

March 06, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

Clive Maund says "you gotta love the Large Specs-they have a time honored tradition of being a very reliable contrary indicator..."by Clive Maund via Streetwise ReportsThe purpose of this update is to commemorate the Large Specs having their first net short position in silver since the site started 15 years ago, and also to consider how we can turn this to our advantage. Before we look at silver's...Read More

The Divergence In Gold & Silver Is The Latest Sign Of Just How Confusing Everything Has Become

March 05, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

"Normally the action in the gold and silver futures markets tends to be pretty similar, since the same general forces..."by John Rubino of Dollar CollapseNormally the action in the gold and silver futures markets tends to be pretty similar, since the same general forces affect both precious metals. When inflation or some other source of anxiety is ascendant, both metals rise, and vice versa.But la...Read More

Silver Is THE Lowest Risk Asset To Purchase Right Now And It's Completely Off The Radar

March 05, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

"it will turn out to be one of the best investments to own as the massive amount of leverage in the stock and real estate market evaporates..."by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportWhile silver is completely off the radar to most investors, it will turn out to be one of the best investments to own as the massive amount of leverage in the stock and real estate market evaporates. Unfortunately, inv...Read More

Disinterest & Cynicism In Silver Is Larger Than It Was Even In 2015 (And That's REALLY BULLISH)

March 05, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

Michael Ballanger shows how the cynics and skeptics are about to learn the hard way that silver is a true "buy" right now. Here's the details... by Michael Ballanger of Streetwise ReportsTwenty-seven months and two days ago, I was under huge emotional duress due to the dreadful action in the gold market as prices had been under severe manipulative pressure since mid-October. Under the excruciatin...Read More

David Morgan: The Silver Market Will Tell You When We're At The Bottom

March 03, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

You don't have to pick whether silver is at its current short-term bottom or not if you just let the market come into your favor. Here's more...David Morgan interviewed by Craig Hemke on TF Metals ReportSilver expert David Morgan joined us for our weekly webinar today. This proved a very informative hour so we urge you to carve out some time to give it a listen.Among the topics addressed over the...Read More

The Gold-To-Silver Ratio Should Be At 9:1 OR LOWER | Keith Neumeyer

March 02, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

The ratio should be 9:1, or lower, which means at least triple digit silver, President of First Majestic Silver Corp tells Silver Doctors... Keith Neumeyer, CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp, interviewed by Silver DoctorsSilver is more than "poor man's gold," he says. Because of how silver is used in technology, it is an essential metal to our modern way of life.Neumeyer updates us on how blockch...Read More

Harvey Organ: The Crooks At The COMEX Are Supplying MASSIVE Paper Silver Right Now

March 02, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

Yesterday's trading volume alone accounted for 47% of global annual silver production. Here's an update on how desperate the crooks have become...by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogMARCH 1/HUGE OUTSIDE DAY REVERSAL FOR BOTH GOLD AND SILVER/GOLD DOWN $12.30 TO $1303.40 AT COMEX CLOSING BUT RECOVER ALL AT ACCESS CLOSING/SILVER DOWN 11 CENTS TO $16.27 COMEX CLOSING AND REBOUNDS TO RECOVER OF THOSE L...Read More

Harvey Organ: JP Morgan Is Stacking More And More Physical Silver Nearly Every Single Day

March 01, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

Harvey is back with an important update on the shenanigans taking place in the COMEX. Here's the latest...by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogFEB 28/DOW DOWN 381 POINTS/NASDAQ DOWN 57 POINTS AND THIS WAS THE WORST FEBRUARY SINCE 2009/GOLD DOWN 70 CENTS AT $1316.70/SILVER DOWN ANOTHER 5 CENTS TO $16.38/JAPAN RECORDS HUGE PLUNGE IN RETAIL SALES AND ALSO A HUGE FALL IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION/CHINA SUF...Read More

Is Silver About To Make A Comeback To The Monetary System?

February 27, 2018 / www.silverdoctors.com

The merging of real money and the blockchain has begun, and it may 'We the People' who put back the silver into our monetary system. Here's why...by Rory Hall, (in addition to an interview with David Morgan) via The Daily CoinSilver has been money longer than gold and has created more wealth for individuals than gold. Silver translates, in many languages around the world to the word money. Silver...Read More

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