Popular News

Survey: Industrial Metals Have 'Greater Case For Investment' Than Precious

March 08, 2018 / www.kitco.com

Editor's Note: Gold and silver has been, at best, a frustrating trade. Exclusive to Kitco News, expert trader, Todd "Bubba" Horwitz, chief market strategist and founder of 'Bubba Trading provides a strategy investors can use in a range-bound gold price environment. Sign up before March 10 for the Kitco News Weekly Rundown newsletter to receive Horwitz's exclusive report and trading strategy.(Kitco...Read More

Get Ready for Same-Sex Reproduction

February 28, 2018 / marketsanity.com

Rachel Lehmann-Haupt is the editor of The ART and Science of Family and author of In Her Own Sweet Time: Egg Freezing and the New Frontiers of Family.Continue...Read More

The SEC Lowers the Boom on Bitcoin

March 09, 2018 / dailyreckoning.com

I've warned repeatedly that government regulators would be putting the squeeze on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.Well, the noose just got tighter.The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced yesterday that bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies meet the government's definition of a security and are therefore subject to regulation. Importantly, crypto exchanges must register with the...Read More

EXPERT VIEW: Tariffs and trade wars - watch for unintended consequences

March 08, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

And so it begins. The United States will impose import tariffs on steel and aluminium, and with depressing inevitability other nations and trading blocs will cry "foul" and reach for the drawer marked "retaliation", almost certainly leading to a wider and broader trade war.It is not difficult to imagine how this will pan out for the wider global economy, geopolitics, overall trade flows and even t...Read More

Big Brother Is Coming for Bitcoin

March 09, 2018 / dailyreckoning.com

Many advocates of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have a na??ve belief that their digital assets are "beyond the reach of governments," "cannot be traced" and "cannot be frozen or seized."They're beginning to learn otherwise.When it comes to bitcoin, I take a laissez-faire approach. Do your own thing. If you want some bitcoin in your portfolio as part of a diversified bundle of assets, that's u...Read More

How Mattresses Went Online and How To Profit From Them

January 01, 1970 / avalaresources.com

The idea of selling mattresses online has remained largely ignored for decades, which is not really surprising. If you think about it, shipping these bulky and huge beddings seem like a ridiculous idea with how unwieldy they are. It's not like you can just squish them into a box, ship them off and be done with it. Traditionally, to get mattresses delivered, you'll need to have burly guys carry the...Read More

Unleash Superhuman Powers From Your Own Cells

March 09, 2018 / dailyreckoning.com

In late January, Michael West, Ph.D., and pioneering stem cell researcher, gave a groundbreaking presentation to the World Stem Cell Summit (WSCS).In his presentation he showed how we could be steps away from solving the problem of aging.West's research indicates that by reactivating dormant embryonic genes in our bodies damaged cells could restore themselves to perfect health.Normally, we only ad...Read More

My Very Best Free Airfare Hack

March 09, 2018 / dailyreckoning.com

Cutting expenses is just as good as finding new sources of income.According to the U.S. Travel Association, direct spending on travel by resident and international travelers in the U.S. averaged $2.7 billion per day in 2016.That's a lot of dough. So, here's a roadmap to start saving lots of travel money…You may know that many airlines partner with banks to create special rewards credit cards...Read More

Here's How You Know You've Found a Great Trade...

March 09, 2018 / dailyreckoning.com

"Don't fight the tape" is an old Wall Street saw you might have seen before.What does it mean?It simply tells you to go with the trend when investing and trading. If you fight the tape, you make boneheaded moves like investing in stocks that are in a downtrend. Most of the time, buying stocks that are going down ain't a good idea.But many traders ignore this simple truth. They think they're being...Read More

Is Your Paycheck Safe From Robots?

March 09, 2018 / dailyreckoning.com

Have you ever wondered if you were reading something that wasn’t actually written by a human?Don’t worry, while I have been accused of being a “little stiff” given my accounting background, I can assure you that I’m very much a real person.However, there is little doubt that at some point today you will read something that was written by a robot. The Washington Post h...Read More

INTL COPPER CONF: Return of protectionism will affect copper market, say panelists

March 08, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

Copper product manufacturers are already suffering from the growing trend for protectionism, panelists at the Metal Bulletin Copper Conference said, and prices could suffer if global trade founders in the coming years.The physical steel and aluminium markets are reeling after the United States said it intends to introduce tariffs on imports of 25% and 10% respectively.The LME three-month copper pr...Read More

LIVE FUTURES REPORT 08/03: LME ali price holds steady with 232 announcement due; other base metals still under pressure

March 08, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

Aluminium's three-month price recovered above $2,100 per tonne at the 5pm close on Thursday March 8, with all eyes on the United States' expected tariff announcement. President Donald Trump is expected to announce the official Section 232 import tariffs after 8pm London time, which held the aluminium three-month price steady throughout the day. It closed $8 higher at $2,106 per tonne. Tin was the...Read More

LIVE FUTURES REPORT 08/03: Comex copper price tumbles to one-month low

March 08, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

Comex copper prices softened to the lowest point since mid-February on Thursday March 8 amid ongoing uncertainty relating to US steel and aluminium tariffs. Copper for May settlement on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange dipped 5.20 cents or 1.7% to $3.0820 per lb. Earlier today, the contract touched $3.0795, the lowest since February 12. Questions over US trade policy and poss...Read More

CHINA COKE WRAP: Prices rise after Chinese New Year, but trading still thin

March 08, 2018 / www.metalbulletin.com

China's coke export offers have risen to track domestic price increases after the country's Chinese New Year break, but trading activity has yet to pick up.Metal Bulletin's price assessment for Chinese coke exports with 65% coke strength after reaction (CSR), 12.5% ash, and in physical sizes of 30-90mm, was $355-365 per tonne fob China for the week ended Tuesday March 6.This has widened upward fro...Read More

Gold extends slide, hits fresh lows under $1320

March 08, 2018 / www.fxstreet.com

Gold decline resumes after ECB meeting.  US Dollar rebounds on easing fears of a global trade war.  Gold dropped further and reached at $1318.80/oz the lowest level since last Friday. The metal was holding near the lows, trading around $1320,  $20 below yesterday’s high.  The decline was triggered by a rally of the US Dollar across the board. The greenback was modestly...Read More

Make Gold, Not (Trade) War!

March 08, 2018 / www.fxstreet.com

“So it begins.” This is what King Theoden said right before the Battle of Helm’s Deep in the Lord of the Rings. Fortunately, the army of Uruk-hai doesn’t threaten the kingdom of men. But something else – also dreadful – endangers us. Trade wars. Are Trade Wars Good? President Trump shook the world last week, saying: “(…) trade wars are good, and eas...Read More

Investors Are Missing Out on the Most "Unloved" Gold Bull in History; Here's How You Can Play It

March 08, 2018 / moneymorning.com

Peter KrauthFrankly, it's crazy.By all accounts, gold has resumed its secular bull market after four and a half long, long years in correction mode.The funny thing is… you wouldn't know it judging by the "mood" of the market.Here's what I mean: The average American has, at least until very recently, given up on precious metals.You couldn't even charitably call coin sales "mediocre."January s...Read More

Rising Asian Demand Is Just What Gold Needs

March 08, 2018 / seekingalpha.com

Asian gold-backed ETF demand on the rise along with jewelry demand.These are prime supporting factors for gold's intermediate-term outlook.Gold's immediate-term trend remains unsettled, however.Gold's 8-week trading range remained intact on Wednesday after a false breakout attempt the previous day. Despite the lack of immediate-term follow-through, however, gold's intermediate-term (3-6 mo...Read More

Gold Prices Edge Higher With All Eyes on U.S. Tariffs

March 09, 2018 / www.investing.com

Investing.com - Gold prices edged higher on Thursday, as investors remained cautious ahead of an expected clarification by U.S. President Donald Trump on his proposed tariffs.Comex gold futures were up 0.11% at $1,329.0 a troy ounce by 0205 a.m. ET (06:05 GMT).U.S. President Donald Trump was expected to give more details later Thursday on his plans to impose tariffs of 25% on steel imports and 10%...Read More

Gold settles lower, extends loss after Fed Beige Book

March 07, 2018 / www.marketwatch.com

Gold finished firmly lower Wednesday, giving back roughly half of what it gained a day earlier, pressured by upbeat February data on U.S. private sector jobs as the dollar tried to rebound from a decline in the previous session. Prices for the metal declined further in electronic trading after the release of the Fed Beige Book, which offered a snapshot of domestic economic activity. Among the find...Read More

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