The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 1.08% to finish the week at 35,061.55 and the S&P 500 climbed 1.96%% to 4,411.79. Spot gold dropped US$10.00 per oz., or 0.55%, to US$1,802.20 per ounce. Fortuna Silver Mines fell US48 ? to US$4.35 per share. The company reported second-quarter production from its three operating mines in the Americas - San Jose in Mexico, Caylloma in Peru, and Lindero in...Read More
Australia-listed Jervois Mining has agreed to purchase the Freeport Cobalt refinery in Finland for $160 million from Koboltti Chemicals Holdings, it said on Tuesday July 27.The deal, Jervois said, could lead to the company growing into the world's second-largest producer of refined cobalt outside of China. Koboltti is a holding company owned by Freeport McMoRan and Lundin Mining. The...Read More
The Cobalt alloy grade, in-whs Rotterdam, $/lbtrade log including business, bids and offers reported to Fastmarkets.Fastmarkets publishes trades logs for its key price assessments and indices to bring more transparencyinto the markets it covers and the pricing process it applies.Read More
The Cobalt standard grade, in-whs Rotterdam, $/lb trade log including business, bids and offers reported to Fastmarkets.Fastmarkets publishes trades logs for its key price assessments and indices to bring more transparencyinto the markets it covers and the pricing process it applies.Fastmarkets assessed...Read More
Offer represents a 69% premium to Noront's closing price on Monday and is 129% higher than the closing price on May 21, a day before Wyloo's proposal.Read full newsRead More
Kuya Silver Corporation (CSE:KUYA) has released results from its phase I drill program at the Bethania project.Read full newsRead More
VANCOUVER, BC, July 26, 2021 /CNW/ - Equinox Gold Corp. (TSX: EQX) (NYSE American: EQX) ('Equinox Gold' or the 'Company') reports that the union b...Read full newsRead More
Commander Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has grantRead full newsRead More
The S&P/TSX Composite Index has yet to lose steam in July 2021. Investors can take advantage of buying opportunities, such as these three hot growth stocks. You don’t need substantial capital, as the share prices range from $3.50 to $6.50 only.The upside potential of Capstone Mining (TSX:CS), NuVista Energy (TSX:NVA), and Alcanna (TSX:CLIQ) could be anywhere from 30% to 62% in the next 1...Read More
Jeff Bezos thinks he's real hot shit, huh?Flying off into space on his little rocket, trying to show the whole world he's over his divorce.Sorry, am I being too harsh?Are these attacks too personal for a guy who forces his employees to work in 114-degree heat, fires them for getting breast cancer, and demands delivery drivers to pee into Gatorade bottles?Forgive me, then.After all, this isn't real...Read More
Here are five Fastmarkets stories you might have missed on Wednesday July 28 that are worth another look.German steelmaker Salzgitter has delivered green strip steel to automotive producer Mercedes-Benz, the company recently announced.The main workers union at Escondida, the world's largest copper mine, has called on its members...Read More
An arbitrage between two of the world's main copper contracts has had the market chasing shadows over the week ended Wednesday July 28.On July 26, the Comex active (September) contract traded at more than $300 per tonne above London Metal Exchange price levels for the month to date, in what was a record spread between the two contracts.The massive premium came at the end of a month in which the Ch...Read More
A summary of London Metal Exchange warrant premiums from across the globe for the week to Wednesday July 28.Please click...Read More
An arbitrage between two of the world's main copper contracts has had the market chasing shadows over the week ended Wednesday July 28.On July 26, the Comex active (September) contract traded at more than $300 per tonne above London Metal Exchange price levels for the month to date, in what was a record spread between the two contracts.The massive premium came at the end of a month in which the Ch...Read More
China's domestic and imported ferro-chrome prices were both boosted again in the week ended Tuesday July 27 after major stainless steel mills raised their August tender prices by 2,400 yuan ($369) per tonne from the previous month, to a level not seen in the past 13 years.Due to continuing supply interruptions and strong demand for material, Tsingshan announced its tender price for August-delivery...Read More
The main workers union at Escondida, the world's largest copper mine, has called on its members to reject BHP's last wage offer and vote for industrial action, the union said in a statement on July 28. "After analyzing the conditions of the last offer of Minera Escondida, controlled by Anglo-Australian BHP, it has been found that [the company] seeks to increase working times, decrease breaks, chan...Read More
The record iron ore price saw Rio's operating net cashflow jump 143% to US$13.66 billion for the six months to June 30. Free cashflow jumped 262% to a record $10.2 billion.Read More
An overview of the specialty steel raw materials markets in Europe and their latest price moves.Janie Davies, Fleur...Read More
An overview of the consumer electronics markets and their latest price moves.Janie Davies, Cristina Belda and...Read More
Summer maintenance work at steel mills was continuing across Japan but reduced generation volumes and strong prices paid by South Korea were continuing to support export scrap prices, sources told Fastmarkets on Wednesday July 28.On the lower-grade H2 material, reduced supply has been balanced by continued poor demand from Taiwan and Vietnam, sources said."I feel that the market is not so strong,...Read More