Bob Hoye is a trained geologist, successful resource investor and economic historian. Bob is the chief investment strategist for More
Links to slides and sources: Submitted Questions:forcaster777: ?EURRead More
One of the questions that has popped up often over throughout the precious metals bear market is whether China is aware that the U.S. is rigging gold and silver prices. It turns out that China has known about it for years, according to Dave Kranzler, which makes it even more interesting to think about all of the gold that's currently standing for delivery. Dave Kranzler spent many years working in...Read More
Claudio breaks down the current event of the pandemic. This event was used to control the people, remove their rights and to push a new world order. Claudio believes a great awakening is happening now and people are starting to see what is really happening, change is coming.Cladio's website: More
In America you are now allowed to have an opinion, as long as the thought police agrees that it is the right opinion. That is basically what Cornell University said at Continue...Read More
Spray-painted on the monument appear to be the letters 'ACAB', which may stand for 'All Cops Are Bad' - an acronym which has been used at Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the past. Continue...Read More
Is the FED's dual mandate equal in their minds or is 9% unemployment more reprehensible than 9% INFLATION? This is the policy question that appears to be driving Wall Street higher and higher.Continue...Read More
It's incredible how quickly the media can spin the narrative. Two weeks ago, the media labeled anyone who dared to step foot outside as a psychopathic grandmother killer. Now, they're urging the Continue...Read More
Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall Street was not like the movies, he moved on to get a medical degree and practiced medicine as a Physician Assistant. He also served in the United States Naval Reserve Medical Service Corps, having attained the rank of Lieute...Read More
New cases of COVID-19 are rising faster than ever worldwide, at a pace of more than 100,000 a day over a seven-day average.Continue...Read More
It's called "Going Direct." That's the financial bailout plan designed and authored by former central bankers now on the payroll at BlackRock, an investment manager of $7 trillion inContinue...Read More
BlackRock, the international investment management firm run by billionaire Larry Fink, has played an outsized role in Federal Reserve bailouts of Wall Street. As it turns out, it's also Continue...Read More
It was all the way back in 2012 when we first described in "How The Fed's Visible Hand Is Forcing Corporate Cash Mismanagement" that the era of ultra cheap money unleashed by the Fed is Continue...Read More
Like copper, nickel, lithium, cobalt and other metals, silver is set to become a major beneficiary of emerging industrial applications.Continue...Read More
If the correction continues in price and time, then the next few weeks should be an opportune time to put your capital to work.Continue...Read More
While the use of gold to protectagainst inflation is well known, it has other investment attributes that arepotentially even more valuable, and this is particularly true in times of crisis.In this analysis, we will examine therelative performance of gold and stocks (as represented by the S&P 500)between early February and late May, as the coronavirus pandemic and theresulting economic shutdown...Read More
By: Ira EpsteinGold has strong support around $1653.50+ / 18 week moving average. Momentum rolled over. Read More
The US Dollar Index is getting close to thebreakdown that will signal a massive Silver rally. A type of Silver rally thatwas last seen in the 70s, when Silver went from around $5 to $50.The market has virtually completed a fullcycle to set up the next Silver rally. See this long-term US Dollar Index chart: On the chart, I havemarked two fractals (1 to 3), with a fractal virtually representing...Read More
Could 2020 end, please? The pandemic is not over and the US suffers now from mass riots across the country. They could aggravate the coronavirus crisis and increase the demand for gold. On May 26, a black man, George Floyd, was killed by the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. During his arrest – he allegedly used earlier a $20 counterfeit bill in a nearby store – the police officer put...Read More
From the March 23rd low in the PM complex we’ve enjoyed the first easy part of this rally that should have many years to run yet. Every bull market will consist of an impulse move followed by a consolidation period, rinse and repeat until the bull market ends with some type of reversal pattern. Normally in a secular bull market the turning points will generally be very large to buildup the e...Read More