Malaysia Smelting Corp (MSC), the world's second-largest tin exporter, has resumed production following a hiatus related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the company told Fastmarkets."At the moment, MSC has commenced its smelting and mining activities and is operating at approximately 50% capacity," company spokeswoman Mei-Lynn Keow said.MSC had been under a Malaysian government lockdown that began on Ma...Read More
Brazilian mining company Vale expects to find a potential investor to exit its South Pacific nickel asset Vale New Caledonia (VNC) in the next one to two months, base metals director Mark Travers said in a conference call on Wednesday April 29.The company confirmed it was looking to divest from the business in December last year, while talks with interested parties began in November, Travers added...Read More
FYI |Apr 29 2020-The below is a company sponsored announcement-In September 2019, the World Nuclear Association produced a report modelling a predicted divergence in the supply and demand curve globally for uranium. The report showed demand outstripping supply from 2023.In other words, there is a looming uranium supply and demand mismatch and the Association believes the uranium industry is only a...Read More
The supply and demand balance in both nickel and copper markets is expected at a surplus this year despite lower output due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Brazilian mining company Vale said in its first-quarter earnings report on Tuesday April 28. Supply of finished nickel, for example, is forecast to have declined by 12,000-15,000 tonnes in the first quarter because of coronavirus-related closures and...Read More
He said the Fed expected to maintain interest rates near zero until it was confident the economy had weathered recent events."Next week's jobs report is expected to show that the unemployment rate, which was at 50-year lows just two months ago, has surged into double-digits," he told a press conference."Overall, economic activity will likely drop at an unprecedented rate in the second quarter."The...Read More
The St Louis, Missouri-based Fortune 500 company, with operations across the main US coal basins and Australia, experienced severe margin compression during the period, resulting in weak results across the board.Consolidated revenues fell 32% year-on-year to $846.2 million, from $1.25 billion in the comparable quarter last year, reflecting the impact of lower volumes, mainly owing to the closure o...Read More
A summary of Peru-based miner Buenaventura's production results for the first quarter of 2020, as stated in its production report on Wednesday April 29.In brief Zinc and copper output increased year on year in the first three months of 2020 despite lower volumes reported in March due to the Peruvian lockdown enforced to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The...Read More
Vancouver, BC - A2Z Technologies Canada Corp. ("A2Z" or the "Company") (TSXV: AZ), a pioneer in military robotics, services, and innovation in the auto industry, today released an investor update regarding the phased rollout of the Fuel Tank Intelligent Containment System (FTICS) capsule, the Company's innovative product for the automobile industry, and other business updates.Fuel Tank Intelligent...Read More
An overview of the minor metals markets and the reasons for their latest price moves.Read More
More than 70 of the companies in the latest Global METS Investment Report top-100 METS companies listing are publicly traded, or part of public-listed entities.Read More
Here are five Fastmarkets stories you might have missed on Wednesday April 29 that are worth another look.Export prices for Japan-origin plate and structural (P&S) grades of ferrous scrap rose by ?500 ($5) per tonne week on week on April 29, with tighter supplies over recent weeks keeping the values up, sources have told Fastmarkets.Brazilian mining company Vale expects to find a potential invest...Read More
Ira EpsteinGold's daily chart shows a pattern of an inside consolidation defined by the short-term swing lines..Read More
I expect some more additional stimulus measures today. Federal Reserve will copy its counter parts of bank of Japan and bank of England on additional stimulus measures. European central bank meeting tomorrow will have least impact on gold and silver. It can impact Euro versus the US dollar and Euro versus the Yen. In the month of May more and more nations will allow factories and businesses to f...Read More
It had recently appointed drilling executive Ronald Goguen as president, CEO and director, effective March 1, as it accepted the immediate resignation of Karl Boltz.Read More
Turkish steel mills continued to stay away from the deep-sea scrap market on Wednesday April 29, holding out for lower prices, sources told Fastmarkets.After about 10 days of silence, on April 27 one Turkish steel mill booked a Baltic Sea cargo at $242 per tonne cfr for 26,000 tonnes of HMS 1&2 (80:20) and $252 per tonne cfr for 6,00 tonnes of bonus scrap, sending the daily scrap in...Read More
Export prices for Japan-origin plate and structural (P&S) grades of ferrous scrap rose by ?500 ($5) per tonne week on week on Wednesday April 29, with tighter supplies over recent weeks keeping the values up, sources have told Fastmarkets.Japanese scrap collection has decreased over recent months, and was now affecting both prime and obsolete grades of material.Plant closures among car manufactur...Read More
Metals prices generally seem to be consolidating this morning, Wednesday April 29, and for the most part look well placed to extend gains, but whether underlying confidence is strong enough in these uncertain times remains to be seen. Asian-Pacific and pre-market major western equity indices are all positive, as are oil prices that are up around 3%.Market participants likely to focus on US gross d...Read More
These COVID-19 days that have turned into weeks have now officially turned into months as we approach the end of April.Push aside all of the fiery rhetoric being flung from both sides of the political spectrum, and if there's truly one takeaway here, it's how woefully unprepared we were for this kind of crisis.It also showed us how badly we rely on the international community for even the basic we...Read More
Domestic prices for cold-rolled coil in Europe have dropped due to poor demand and lower import offers, sources told Fastmarkets on Wednesday April 29.Fastmarkets' weekly price assessment for steel CRC, domestic, exw Northern Europe, was ?,?530-540 ($574-585) per tonne on April 29, down by ?,?10-20 per tonne from ?,?540-560 per tonne.The assessment was based on a few deals and "workable" prices he...Read More
Domestic prices for hot-rolled coil in Europe have dropped in the week to Wednesday April 29 due to low demand, sources told Fastmarkets.Fastmarkets' daily steel hot-rolled coil index, domestic, ex-works Northern Europe, was ?,?426.25 ($461.99) per tonne on Wednesday, down by ?,?13.75 per tonne day on day from ?,?440.00 per tonne.Wednesday's index was calculated based on deals and workable prices...Read More