London Metal Exchange three-month base metals prices consolidated near recent highs in the morning session on Wednesday July 15, becoming firmer on macro rhetoric after a price drop following the previous day's sell-off."It seems the market has been able to overlook reports of rising Covid-19 infections rates and growing US-Sino tensions," Fastmarkets research analyst Andy Farida said. "News of a...Read More
The cobalt alloy grade, in-whs Rotterdam trade log including business, bids and offers reported to Fastmarkets. The cobalt alloy grade, in-whs Rotterdam trade log including business, bids and offers reported to Fastmarkets. Fastmarkets publishes trades logs for its key price assessments and indices to bring more transparency...Read More
The cobalt standard grade, in-whs Rotterdam trade log including business, bids and offers reported to Fastmarkets. Fastmarkets publishes trades logs for its key price assessments and indices to bring more transparency into the markets it covers and the pricing process it applies. Fastmarkets assessed cobalt standard grade, in-whs Rotterdam, at...Read More
An overview of the minor metals markets andthe reasons for any price moves.Read More
The provincial government of Yunnan, China, has announced details of incentives for companies that purchase base metal products. The incentives came into effect on July 10, according to an announcement on the Yunnan Commerce department website. Major Yunnan corporates are being subsidized to stockpile: 110,000 tonnes of copper cathodes, 70,000 tonnes of lead ingots,...Read More
Asian-Pacific equities were mixed this morning, Wednesday July 15, with markets in China and Hong Kong lower, while other markets in the region and pre-market major western equity markets were firmer.The base metals traded on the London Metal Exchange and Shanghai Futures Exchange gave a similarly divergent performance; three-month base metals prices on the LME mostly edged higher this morning, wh...Read More
An overview of the noble alloys markets and their latest price moves.Read More
Key data from the pricing session in Europe on Wednesday July 15. Key drivers Deals were done around the low end of the latest assessment of the ferro-titanium market. There were lower offer prices and deals reported because of the seasonal summer slowdown that has started in heavy industry in Europe. Steelmakers are taking extended closures due to slumps in end-user steel product industries...Read More
Based on the strong economics of the Phase III Expansion study for the Island Gold mine in Ontario, which includes a new 1,373-metre shaft, Alamos Gold (TSX: AGI; NYSE: AGI) announced that it is proceeding with an expansion of the underground mine to 2,000 tonnes per day, up from 1,200 tonnes per day.The expansion study outlines average gold production of 236,000 oz. annually starting in 2025, onc...Read More
Kinross Gold's (TSX: K; NYSE: KGC) Lobo-Marte gold project in northern Chile could produce a total of 4.5 million oz. gold over a 15-year mine life at an estimated cost of US$995 million, according to a newly released prefeasibility study (PFS).The nearly US$1-billion price tag for the project, located in the country's Maricunga mining district, includes a US$230 million contingency.The project wo...Read More
Fastmarkets has refined the names of its global aluminium wheel alloy silicon 7 ingot premiums to reflect the product's usage in the market. As part of a market consultation, Fastmarkets received market-wide support for changing the premium's group name to aluminium primary foundry alloy silicon 7 ingot. The aluminium wheel alloy silicon 7 ingot premiums are commonly known in the market as primary...Read More
Cardinal heading down familiar gold roadSPONSOREDcardinal resourcesSarama right in the middle of big exploration, corporate build-upSPONSOREDsarama resources Asiamet Resources: Copper's Best Kept SecretSPONSOREDasiamet resourcesIronRidge shows its mettleSPONSOREDironridge resources Saturday papers are not what they were. Time was, when the weekend rag was something to behold.Read More
Russian miner Nordgold (LSE: NORD) is offering to buy all shares in Ghana-focused Cardinal Resources (ASX: CDV) it does not already own, valuing the Australian-listed company's equity at A$347 million (US$243 million).Nordgold, whose non-executive chairman is billionaire Alexey Mordashov, is Cardinal's largest shareholder with a voting power of almost 19%.The Moscow-based company had attempted to...Read More
Cornerstone Capital Resources (TSXV: CGP) plans to call a meeting of SolGold's (TSX: SOLG; LSE: SOLG) shareholders to replace the company's entire board, the investor said today.The move by the Ontario-based junior, which has an 8% interest in SolGold, comes after it rejected the Ecuador-focused mining company's second takeover approach on July 14."The current SolGold board is incapable of managin...Read More
Putting nature above business considerations has the potential to generate 395 million jobs and US$10 trillion in business opportunities by 2030, the World Economic Forum (WEF) says in a new report.Unprecedented job losses and economic uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic have governments looking at ways to stimulate growth safely. Experts at the WEF say the answer can be found in what they...Read More
Fastmarkets has settled the benchmark premium for the supply of aluminium to main Japanese ports (MJP) in the third quarter of 2020 at $75-79 per tonne over the London Metal Exchange cash price. The premium is 6% lower than the second-quarter benchmark of $82 per tonne and significantly lower than the third-quarter of 2019 which settled at $108 per tonne cif MJP. The sharp drop was driven by...Read More
TORONTO - Yamana Gold Inc. says the Canadian Malartic mine in Quebec has ramped up production more quickly than anticipated following a COVID-related shut-down. The mine, one of North America's largest gold producers, milled more than 60,000 tonnes per day of ore in both May and June, partially offsetting the down time and ramp-up in production that began April 15 after the province allowed wo...Read More
It's a good time to be a gold miner.Gold prices have been on the rise after briefly falling along with equities when investors first ran to cash as the pandemic initially spread to the U.S. Gold futures have gained more than 20% from their March lows to where they are today -- trading for moreRead full newsRead More
MP Materials, owner and operator of Mountain Pass, the only rare earth mining and processing site of scale in North America, today announced a definitive agreement to merge with Fortress Value Acquisition Corp. (NYSE: FVAC), a special purpose acquisition company sponsored by an affiliate of FortressRead full newsRead More
The latest company news releases.Read full newsRead More