Popular News

Ron Paul: Will Coronavirus Kill - Or Embolden - Neocon Foreign Policy?

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

Will a bankrupt nation suffering from a massive six trillion dollar bailout hangover lose its appetite for interventionism overseas? Or is the global coronavirus just the kind of "Pearl Harbor event" the neocons have long pined for to again launch their global war plans? Dr. Ron Paul is a physician and former twelve-term congressman from Texas who ran for president in 2008. He is the author of eig...Read More

Prof. Francis Boyle: Covid-19 Bioweapon Is A Crime Against Humanity

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

Francis Boyle implemented The Biological Weapons Anti Terrorism Act of 1989 signed into law by President George Bush Senior...Read More

Jim Grant Podcast - Class Is In Session

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

With special guest Bruce Greenwald, academic director of the Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing at Columbia University, adviser at First Eagle Investment Management and former electrical engineer at Bell Labs.James "Jim" Grant is an American writer and publisher and the founder of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, a twice-monthly journal of the financial markets. He is the author , most...Read More

The Bubbles are Bursting Everywhere - Gordon T. Long

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks when decades happen. -Vladimir Lennin. Everything Gordon and I have been talking about has come to fruition. The size and magnitude of the problem has been grossly understated. Oil companies, state and local government debt. Globally it's even worse. 50-60 percent of S&P profits are coming out of the global economy. The forward PE is 20,...Read More

Michael Snyder: Economic Collapse, Food Shortages, Love, God

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

Join Jason Liosatos as he goes One-on-One with Michael Snyder, creator of TheEconomicCollapseblog.com.Read More

Poll: Majority of Canadians Think Coronavirus Vaccine Should be Mandatory

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

A new poll finds that the majority of Canadians - 60 per cent - think that when a vaccine for coronavirus becomes available it should be made mandatory.Continue...Read More

Florida medical examiners were releasing coronavirus death data. The state made them stop.

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

"This is no different than any other public record we deal with," Nelson said. "It's paid for by taxpayer dollars and the taxpayers have a right to know."Continue...Read More

John Rubino: Will Airbnb's Implosion Trigger A Housing Bust?

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Airbnbs were the next wave in hospitality, taking market share from hotels and motels and backed by a tech network that made running a virtual bed and breakfast fun and easy.Continue...Read More

Gold prices going to "pop" to $2,700, easily - Frank Holmes

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

Despite a weakened economy, stocks continue to rise on the back of monetary stimulus, which is bound to push gold prices even higher, this according to Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors.Stocks are going up "because of the trillions and trillions of dollars of money printing from the helicopters of central bankers. The G20 central bankers, the G20 finance ministers, that's a cartel, like O...Read More

Doug Casey: Here's What the Government Should Really Do in the Greater Depression

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

It's hard to have a conversation today, or even overhear one, without being exposed to moronic - and I now use that word in its colloquial as well as its clinical sense - opinions about what "we" should do.Continue...Read More

Nouriel Roubini: The Coming Greater Depression of the 2020s

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

The world has long been drifting into a perfect storm of financial, political, socioeconomic, and environmental risks, all of which are now growing even more acute.Continue...Read More

"What The F**k": In Conference Call Meltdown, Elon Musk Blasts "Fascist" Shelter-In-Place Orders

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

"But to say that they cannot leave their house and they will be arrested if they do, this is fascist. This is not democratic, this is not freedom, give people back their goddamn freedom."Continue...Read More

Nurse Speaks out That People Are Being Murdered in Hospitals

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

Urgent Nurse in NYC gives dire warning please share!!"...left to rot and die."Read More

Germany faces having to bring back strict coronavirus lockdowns as cases surge just days after easing them

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

"We are on thin ice, the thinnest ice even." "We are still far from out of the woods. We are not living in the final phase of the pandemic, but still at the beginning."Continue...Read More

Chinese Navy 'expels US warship from territorial waters'

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

We urge the US side to focus on epidemic prevention and control on its homeland... and immediately stop military actions against regional security, peace and stability.Continue...Read More

It's now 'mandatory' to hold gold as Fed supports infinity QE - Peter Grosskopf (CEO of Sprott)

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

The Federal Reserve is wrapping up its first regularly scheduled monetary policy meeting since the global economy was turned upside down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since early March, the U.S. central bank has thrown all it can at the growing economic crisis; in less than two months, it lowered interest rates to the zero bound range and introduced unlimited quantitative easing measures.Peter...Read More

Alasdair Macleod - This Is Why London Gold Pool II Is On The Verge Of Blowing Up, Plus A Note From James Turk

April 30, 2020 / marketsanity.com

Continue...Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs FinanceAndEconomics.org, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More

Iranian semi-finished steel export prices dip on lower bids, offers

April 30, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Iranian export billet and slab prices dipped in late April as lower offers and bid prices were heard in the market.A few offers for Iran-origin billet were heard at $345 per tonne fob southern ports, compared with the $350-355 per tonne fob targeted by mills a week earlier.However, even with the discount, the price was considered to high by market participants. Bids...Read More

CHINA REBAR: Traders roll over prices in pursuit of more sales

April 30, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

China's domestic traders kept prices for rebar unchanged on Wednesday April 29 despite rising futures in an attempt to generate more sales.Domestic Eastern China (Shanghai): 3,400-3,430 yuan ($481-485) per tonne, unchangedRebar futures picked up during the day, but traders in the spot market refrained from raising prices in the hope of drawing down their stock levels more ahead of the May 1-5 Labo...Read More

A Favorite Explorer Is at a Good Price

April 29, 2020 / www.theaureport.com

Money manager Adrian Day reviews a exploration company that he rates a "strong buy." Lara Exploration Ltd. (LRA:TSX.V, 0.54) is a diversified prospect generator, mostly with copper and copper-gold projects in Brazil and Peru. It aims to generate royalties from properties it generators, whether by staking or in some cases acquiring. Its main assets include a 30% free-carried interest, plus royalty...Read More

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