Popular News

UK STEEL SCRAP WEEKLY: Market up on firmer fundamentals

August 15, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

The inter-merchant spot market for light iron scrap in the United Kingdom was up over the week to Friday August 14 due to firmer demand from major shredders that supply consumers in the steel sector combined with persistently tight availability, sources told Fastmarkets.Fastmarkets' weekly price assessment for steel scrap 5C, loose old light, domestic, delivered inter-merchant, UK was assessed at...Read More

Pig iron exporters from south of Brazil bullish, but no sales made

August 15, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Pig iron exporters from the south of Brazil were bullish over the week ended Friday August 14, but no higher-priced sales were made over the period, Fastmarkets heard.Fastmarkets' latest price assessment of pig iron, export, fob port of Vitoria/Rio, Brazil, was $340 per tonne on Friday, unchanged week on week.Offers went up to $350 per tonne fob, but...Read More

Gerald Celente breaks down in tears discussing the collapse of America

August 20, 2013 / marketsanity.com

"My heart is crying because I see the future, and if we don't turn this around and stop this madness we're going to be living in hell on Earth."Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circ...Read More

Eric Sprott recaps a volatile week in the precious metals and discusses some specific mining companies that have caught his eye

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

Sprott Money News ? Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up - 8.14.20Eric Sprott has more than 40 years of experience in the investment industry. In 1981, he founded Sprott Securities (now called Cormark Securities Inc.), which today is one of Canada's largest independently owned securities firms. In 2001, Eric established Sprott Asset Management Inc. Over the years, Eric has personally been the recipie...Read More

Harry Dent: Let's talk GOLD!

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

Harry Dent is a Fortune 100 consultant, new venture investor, noted speaker, bestselling author, and the founder and senior editor at Dent Research, where he dedicates himself to identifying and studying demographic, technological, and geopolitical trends. He has a free daily newsletter at www.harrydent.com called "Survive and Prosper." Mr. Dent accurately predicted Japan's collapse in 1989, the d...Read More

'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

Nephew of President John F. Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, and tireless crusader against the tyranny of the mainstream medical establishment, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joins today's Liberty Report to discuss his startling discoveries about who really killed his father and uncle...and why. Plus, Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer, has been among the most vocal and most successful opponents of th...Read More

Richard Duncan and Yra Harris on Creditism, Debt, the Dollar and Gold

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

http://financialrepressionauthority.c...Yra Harris is a trader with over 32 years of experience in all areas of commodity trading, with broad expertise in cash currency markets. He has a proven track record of successful trading through combination of technical work and fundamental analysis of global trends; historically based analysis on global hot money flows. He is recognized by peers as an aut...Read More

US PIG IRON: Market muted as steel market remains weak

August 15, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

The import pig iron market in the United States remained quiet over the week ended Friday August 14, with the steel market depressed and buyers not ready to pay as much for pig iron as buyers in China.Fastmarkets' weekly price assessment for pig iron, import, cfr Gulf of Mexico, US, was $340-345 per tonne on Friday, unchanged week on week.One buyer in the US estimated that the spot market price in...Read More

Danielle DiMartino Booth on how the Fed is destroying what's left of capitalism

August 20, 2013 / marketsanity.com

"The Fed has a handle on what is going on in the economy and they desperately want for stimulus measures be passed."Danielle DiMartino Booth is CEO & Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence LLC, a research and analytics firm. She spent nine years as an advisor to Richard W. Fisher at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Danielle left the Fed in 2015 to found Money Strong, LLC, an economic consulti...Read More

Mannarino: The Federal Reserve Admits "Working On A New Digital Dollar"

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

Digital dollar article referenced: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/fed-says-it-is-developing-an-experimental-digital-currency-11597352302Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall Street was not like the movies, he moved on to get a medical degree and practiced med...Read More

Mike Maloney Discusses Bernie Sanders' Disastrous Plan To Steal Elon Musk's Money

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

Bernie Sanders wants to chug Elon Musk's beer - but why? Join Mike Maloney as he delves into a recent bill proposed by Sanders, the knock on effects may surprise you.Michael Maloney is a precious metals investment expert and historian. He is the founder and owner of GoldSilver.com, a global leader in gold and silver sales/storage and one of the world's most highly regarded investment education com...Read More

George Gammon - Deflation: Is US Headed For A Great Depression 2.0?!?! (Part 2/2)

August 20, 2013 / marketsanity.com

For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HEREGeorge Edward Gammon is an American real estate investor and entrepreneur. He produces and stars in a popular YouTube Channel. Prior to 2012, George started, owned, and operated multiple businesses ranging from conventions to advertising. The last growing to 24 million in annual revenues and over 100 employees. After 12 years as a successful entrepreneur, at...Read More

Chris Martenson: Mainstream Media's Coverage of Covid-19 Is Still Badly Failing Us

August 20, 2013 / marketsanity.com

?>>?Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. He is the founder of PeakProsperity.com. As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years in advance, Chris rose to prominence with the...Read More

Police in Australia Have Gone Nuts

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

Police in Melbourne have adopted ruthless tyranny. They have been caught on video attacking women because they do not have a mask while Continue...Read More

Why Immunity for the CIA?

August 20, 2011 / marketsanity.com

Here you have a prima facie case of US governmental involvement in the torture and assassination of a U.S citizen, one who was an agent of the DEA.Continue...Read More

Bob Moriarty: Gates and Fauci Belong in Prison for Murder

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

Depending on which liars you listen to, we have had the Wuhan/Covid 19 flu for about 9 months. In that time we should have learned a lot. The quality of our data should be better now Continue...Read More

Martin Armstrong: Democrats Refuse to Help the People & Demand State Pensions Funds Must be Bailed Out

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

The Democratic leadership is deliberately trying to hurt the people in hopes that they will blame Trump. The basis for this approach is traditional during a recession, the President is Continue...Read More

Jim Rickards: The Cases for Biden and Trump

August 20, 2012 / marketsanity.com

The Democrats have tried to catch up, but for now the Republicans maintain the edge, and this will work to Trump's advantage in closely contested swing states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.Continue...Read More

Fed admits it is developing a digital dollar

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

"We are taking the time and effort to understand the significant implications of digital currencies and central-bank-digital-currencies around the globe," Brainard said.Continue...Read More

Trump 'ready' to send $3,400 stimulus checks to families - and says Dems are 'holding this up'

August 20, 2014 / marketsanity.com

"I have directed [Steven Mnuchin] to get ready to send direct payments ($3,400 for family of four) to all Americans. DEMOCRATS ARE HOLDING THIS UP!" the president tweeted Friday.Continue...Read More

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