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India's SiMn market to face pressure from low demand in near term

October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

The Indian silico-manganese export market will come under pressure in the near term because of slow demand and falling manganese ore markets, Fastmarkets heard on Tuesday October 27.The market has been softening in recent weeks although it was now back at a level last seen on August 14.Fastmarkets' most recent price assessment for silico-manganese, 65% Mn min, min 16% Si, fob India, was $860-890 p...Read More

What Determines Success for This Junior? 'It's at the End of the Drill Bit'

October 27, 2020 / www.theaureport.com

In this interview with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, the CEO of Hot Chile provides a detailed look into current operations on its copper-gold prospects in Chile. Maurice: Joining us for our conversation is Christian Easterday, the CEO of Hot Chili Ltd. (HCH:ASX). Glad to finally have an opportunity to speak with you and to share the value proposition before us in Hot Chili, which has ju...Read More

Discovery Harbour About to Begin First Round of Drilling at Nevada Project

October 27, 2020 / www.theaureport.com

Ron Struthers of Struther's Resource Stock Report profiles Discovery Harbour and explains why he believes it offers an opportunity for a major gold discovery in Nevada.I am very bullish on the short term prospects for gold, both fundamentally and technically on the chart. There are records amount of cash on the sidelines because of Covid-19 and election uncertainty. I commented earlier about the i...Read More

Avrupa Minerals Preparing to Drill Soon at Flagship Alvalade Copper-Zinc Project, Closes Financing

October 26, 2020 / www.theaureport.com

The Critical Investor profiles Avrupa Minerals at a time when the company is preparing to drill at its flagship Alvalade copper-zinc deposit, has closed financing and has completed a 4:1 consolidation. As 2020 keeps unfolding as one of the most remarkable years of the last decade with COVID-19 disrupting almost everything, resulting in unprecedented drops in economic activity and considerable vol...Read More

StreetSmart Live! Presents Michael Ballanger

October 26, 2020 / www.theaureport.com

Hear Michael Ballanger, Mike Sieb of Getchell Gold Corp., Sean Hurd of Norseman Silver Ltd. and George Sanders of Goldcliff Resource Corp. as they discuss upcoming catalysts and events, and what companies you should be watching.Read what other experts are saying about:Goldcliff Resource Corp.[NLINSERT]Disclosures:1. The following companies discussed in this broadcast have paid a fee to participate...Read More

FOCUS: New Chinese steel mega plants in SE Asia one step closer to completion

October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Several large steel projects located in Southeast Asia, underpinned by Chinese investment, are nearing completion and will provide a huge boost to production capacity in the region. Of the 59.9 million tonnes of major carbon steel production capacity planned to come on stream in the next decade in Southeast Asia, 39.4 million tonnes will come from Chinese-led projects, according to statistics from...Read More

Gold Stocks Still Correcting / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020

October 27, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

The gold miners’ stocksare still correcting, continuing to rebalance both technicals and sentiment.  This sector’s huge surge into early August spawnedextreme overboughtness and universal euphoria, which are gradually being bledaway.  This same necessary and healthy correctiveprocess is underway in gold itself, which overwhelmingly drives gold-stockprice levels.  This is...Read More

ArcelorMittal restarts No3 blast furnace in Brazil's Tubar??o facility

October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

ArcelorMittal has restarted the No3 blast furnace at its Tubar??o facility in Brazil's southeastern Esp?-rito Santo state, on Sunday October 25, the company announced.The equipment has an output capacity of 2.8 million tonnes per year of crude steel and has been halted since April because of the adverse economic situation from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic."The decision aims to supply client...Read More

Gold and Crypto: Is This How Charts Look Before A Monetary Collapse? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

October 27, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

It is the the massive debt. It cannot beserviced. It will collapse the whole system.The gold, silver and cryptocurrencies chartsare showing signs of going parabolic. The US dollar is close to confirming a massive breakdown.Gold, silver and cryptocurrencies allprovide “crisis value” by simply being an acceptable debt-based fiatalternative. It is only later in this crisis that we will se...Read More

Silver's Coming Double Trigger Shotgun Price Explosion / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

October 27, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

David Smith - Even in the competitivehunting/shooting community, few enthusiasts know about an arcane rifle known asa "double trigger shotgun." Essentially, it's a double-barrel shotgunhaving a trigger for each barrel.This was an early day'sdesign with the triggers located inside the trigger guard, back to front. Itwas possible to press both triggers at once, causing a double discharge,...Read More

Mongolia replaces Australia as top coking coal supplier to China

October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Mongolia shipped twice as much metallurgical coal to the Chinese market than Australia in September, confirming its position as the key supplier of the steelmaking raw material to China.Mongolia sent 3.89 million tonnes of coking coal to China in September, while Australia shipped 1.98 million tonnes. In August, China imported 3.07 million tonnes of coking coal from Mongolia, and 3.02 million tonn...Read More

The $126 Billion Gold Opportunity in Australia / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020

October 27, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

The biggest banks in the world areeyeing gold prices of around $3,000 in just over a year.  Former Citigroup billionaireThomas Kaplan predicts $5,000gold . And even without those predictions, the gold rush is on … Miners are stampeding this single gold rush territory …That’s already produced over 40 million ounces of gold … And still has an estimated 68 million+ oun...Read More

Do You Own Your Gold? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

October 26, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

Whether you’re buying a brand new BMW or a second hand Range Rover, it’s necessary to secure clear title so you can sell or trade the vehicle in the future. If you purchase a home in The Hamptons or in the Vancouver suburbs, the title or warranty deed should ensure the property is unencumbered by a mortgage or tax lien. When acquiring gold, silver or platinum, you need documentation to...Read More

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: 5 key stories from October 27

October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Here are five Fastmarkets stories you might have missed on Tuesday October 27 that are worth another look.Fastmarkets' Steel Success Strategies Online event started on Monday October 26. Here are four things that we learnt during the European Steel Panel on the first day of the forum.Aluminium producer...Read More

The Top Gold Stock for 2021 / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020

October 26, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

Australia’sfirst New South Wales Gold Rush took place over 120 years ago. Back then, prospectorswielded nothing more than pickaxes. Now,a second NSW Gold Rush is on, with a mad rush to this territory with gold explorerswielding the latest technology.  Hugemining names have now gathered. And a sea of junior explorers is attempting tostorm the venue.  But onestands out: Sentinel...Read More


October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

A summary of base metals premiums from across the globe for the week to Tuesday October 27.Read More

LITHIUM CONF: Australia focuses on lithium hydroxide development to diversify supply chains

October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

The development of lithium hydroxide facilities is a priority for Australia's renewed critical mineral strategy, Jessica Robinson, head of the government's Critical Minerals Facilitation Office, said."We are already the largest producer of lithium and we have the second-largest reserves in the world... Now we are looking to move further down the supply chain," Robinson said during Fastmarkets' vir...Read More

Three Unstoppable Forces Set to Drive Silver Prices / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

October 25, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

The threat of economicallycrippling lockdowns, the promise of unending monetary stimulus, and theuncertainty of game-changing political outcomes – this is the “new normal” forinvestors.The COVID pandemic won’t beeradicated anytime soon. And even when it finally is, the economic and socialcosts will continue to be borne for years to come.In such an environment, allconvention...Read More

Further Gold Price Pressure as the USDX Is About to Rally / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

October 23, 2020 / marketoracle.co.uk

Gold, mining stocks, and the USD Indexhave not been doing much recently. However, yesterday, this “inactivity” tookquite a decisive shape, and unfortunately, things are not looking good forgold.As you are all aware, gold tends to moveconversely to the USD Index. Therefore, it’s useful to focus on the latter forsigns that would influence the former. So, what does the current USDX...Read More

LITHIUM CONF: Development of mining regions is 'crucial to lithium sustainability'

October 28, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

The need for governments, communities and lithium industry participants to have a clear focus on how mining assets and the regions in which they operate are developed is crucial for sustainable lithium production, panelists told delegates at Fastmarkets' virtual Lithium Supply & Markets conference on Tuesday October 27. When people talk about the sustainability of a mining project, they tend to th...Read More

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