Popular News

Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammed projected across France in tribute to slain teacher

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

"There must be no weakness in the face of the enemies of democracy, in the face of those who take religion and transform it into a weapon of war," Delga said.Continue...Read More

Jim Bianco weighs in on stimulus talks, rising interest rates and the election

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

?>>?Jim Bianco is President and Macro Strategist at Bianco Research, L.L.C. Since 1990 Jim's commentaries have offered a unique perspective on the global economy and financial markets. Unencumbered by the biases of traditional Wall Street research, Jim has built a decades long reputation for objective, incisive commentary that challenges consensus thinking. In nearly 20 years at Bianco Research, J...Read More

Jason Burack: LIBOR Shift Will Crash The OTC Derivatives Market?

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

What is Rule #1?1. Politicians and governments can and will change the rules anytime they want, perhaps on a daily basis (moving the goal posts, retroactive rules, moving targets)Now do you think that the OTC derivatives market will be allowed to fail without more bailouts and rules changes by the Fed, US Treasury and big banks?Jason Burack is an investor, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austri...Read More

Harley Schlanger: Constitutional Crisis Looms In U.S. As Election Nears

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

The partisan contention is far worse than usual, given that the establishment running the U.S. has been engaged in a regime change coup against Trump since the day of his inauguration, smearing him Continue...Read More

Jo Jorgensen: 'It was impossible from the start' for me to make debate stage

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

"The biggest problem is they both want to spend our money. They both want to make our decisions. Neither one has an answer to our crushing health care problem and neither one is going to bring the troops home. I can see why they don't want me on stage."Read More

Putin: Russia-China military alliance can't be ruled out

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

"Without any doubt, our cooperation with China is bolstering the defense capability of China's army." "The time will show how it will develop," the Russian president said, adding that "we won't exclude it."Continue...Read More

Over half Europe's small firms fear for survival, survey finds

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

The survey was conducted in August, before the most recent wave in new coronavirus cases across Europe that is forcing governments to impose new restrictions Continue...Read More

Ten of Thousands of Doctors Confirm This Pandemic Is A Hoax

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

This conspiracy to rob us of all our freedoms and install Marxism by sheer force is just far beyond anything I would have ever imaginedContinue...Read More

Silver investment demand nearly triples during year of pandemic

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

"Overall, this reflects both silver's role as a safe haven asset and as a leveraged play on gold, as some investors expect silver to outperform the yellow metal,"said the Silver Institute.Continue...Read More

Three Unstoppable Forces Set to Drive Silver Prices

October 20, 2020 / marketsanity.com

At some point, higher silver prices will send market signals that alleviate the supply Continue...Read More

Tim Pool and James O'Keefe discuss independent journalism, Big Tech censorship and Brave Insiders

October 23, 2020 / marketsanity.com

Tim Pool is an independent journalist. His work can currently be found at http://timcast.com and on his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG74...Project Veritas was founded by James O'Keefe. The mission of Project Veritas is to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve...Read More

Europe ferro-silicon market seen stable after Q4 settlements - sources

October 23, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

The European spot ferro-silicon market, which had been recovering in August and September after falling around a quarter in price since February, looks set to extend its recent steady trend in the near term supported by relatively low availability, trade sources told Fastmarkets. Demand from steelmakers has recovered since the seasonal summer slowdown, with consumers showing buying interest initia...Read More

Precious Metals Explorer Signs Option and Royalty Agreement for Quebec Property

October 22, 2020 / www.theaureport.com

UrbanGold Minerals entered into a purchase option agreement with Northcore Resources for its 8,375-hectare Monaco property located 80 km south of Chibougamau, Quebec. In a news release, UrbanGold Minerals Inc. (UGM:TSX.V) and Northcore Resources Inc. announced "the signing of an option agreement between the companies regarding the acquisition of the Monaco property (the Property)." The report ind...Read More

Silver: Minor Dip Possible Before 2nd Major Upleg Starts

October 22, 2020 / www.theaureport.com

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts silver and explains why he believes it is one of the best investments for these times. With hyperinflation looming, silver has to be one of the best investments of these times, especially as it leverages gold's gains. This summer saw a spectacular high volume breakout from the giant base pattern that had been forming for years, as we can see on its latest 13-y...Read More

PRICING NOTICE: Amendment to Chinese vanadium fob price assessments

October 23, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Fastmarkets has today amended its price assessments for ferro-vanadium and vanadium pentoxide, both in the fob China market.After a consultation period that began on September 22, Fastmarkets has amended the fallback measures to its two Chinese vanadium fob price assessments amid a significant drop in spot liquidity in China's vanadium export market. In the absence of spot trades either...Read More

PRICING NOTICE: Launch of two Chinese domestic vanadium prices

October 23, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Fastmarkets today launches two weekly Chinese domestic price assessments for vanadium nitrogen and vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), expanding its current price coverage of the vanadium market.Following a month-long consultation, Fastmarkets has launched two new price assessments, namely vanadium nitrogen, basis 77%V, 16% N, ex-works China and vanadium pentoxide 98% V2O5 min, ex-works China, to complemen...Read More

RESEARCH: Costs uphold prices for seamless energy tubulars, despite weak demand

October 23, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

The latest forecasts from Fastmarkets' team of analysts are ready to view.US ERW OCTG edges higher, seamless could followRising substrate costs helped support US ERW OCTG prices this month, especially at the upper end of the range of offers. Seamless OCTG and linepipe prices, meanwhile, held firm compared with September prices. The fundamentals remain weak, with rig counts going up...Read More

Silver Market / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

October 22, 2020 / www.marketoracle.co.uk

Despite recent headwinds,it looks to be clear sailing going forward for silver, according to recentforecasts from three financial services firms. “A higher gold price, along with the ongoingrecovery in industrial demand, particularly from China, means that the price ofsilver is likely to rise in the year ahead,” Capital Economics said in a reportpublished on Sept. 30.“All in...Read More

Goldman Sachs Likes Silver; Trump Wants Even More Stimulus / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020

October 22, 2020 / www.marketoracle.co.uk

Gold and silver marketsslumped this week as stimulus talks faltered again in Washington. Even though the White House upped its offer to $1.8trillion, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused it – not wanting to give PresidentTrump any kind of political victory ahead of the election. Meanwhile, the President continues to campaign forstimulus. He is bucking Senate Republicans by offering to go even...Read More

EGYPT STEEL BILLET, REBAR: Duty reduction fails to stimulate demand, prices unchanged

October 23, 2020 / www.metalbulletin.com

Demand for rebar and billet in Egypt failed to improve in the week to Thursday, October 22, despite the authorities reducing safeguard duties on the products, sources told Fastmarkets.Steel billet and rebar prices in Egypt were unchanged as a result, they added. The duty for imported billet was cut to 13% for the cif market last week, with a $60-per-tonne minimum, compared with ...Read More

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