The AOCE and WB have moderate overall forecasts for the metals in 2025 inline with IMF forecasts for a decline in economic growth and inflation, although we see the probability of a stagflationary scenario as still reasonably high.Read More
The past year was a difficult one overall for the metals, with the main standouts to the upside being a geopolitical risk-driven gain in gold, a China-driven rise in iron ore and a surge in uranium on broadening global support for nuclear power (Figure 1). A jump in global interest rates to near two-decade highs saw recession fears persist all year, and while one still did not actually eru...Read More
This year the post-global health crisis boom was brought to an end by a surge in inflation to forty-year highs, a major rise in global interest rates in an attempt to curb the rising prices and surging geopolitical risk after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. While precious metals held up reasonably well as markets turned to them as a risk hedge, by Q2/22 the higher interest rates put an end t...Read More
Chile is the world leader in copper production, at 28.5% of the total in 2020, and this looks set to continue, with the country having the largest global reserves, at 23.0% of total. It is also the global leader for molybdenum, which is often found along with copper, and is a major lithium player, holding 51.1% of global reserves. Read More
Newfoundland has become a gold exploration hotspot over the past few years, with the sector seeing some of its strongest activity ever. While the province remains a small contributor to Canadian gold production, it has a substantial mineral industry well supported by the government, focused on iron ore, copper and nickel, and the surge in exploration suggests that gold output from the...Read More
Nevada is the core of the U.S. gold output, accounting for by far the majority, at 75.4% on average for the past year. The state looks set to remain a dominant player in U.S. gold, as it accounts for 49% of total U.S. reserves, with Alaska slightly ahead with 51% of reserves, but just 8.6% of current production. The U.S. accounts for 6.1% of global gold output, making Nevada one of the largest gol...Read More
The Golden Triangle in northwestern British Columbia has historically been a major site of Canadian gold production, beginning as early as the mid 1800s. There was a wave of production in the 1990s which cooled as the gold price declined, but larger scale production resumed in 2017, and the area has seen surging exploration interest over the past year, given that the region has some of the largest...Read More
In this report we outline the Quebec gold mining industry, including its major producers, and a survey of many of the junior miners focused on the province. Quebec accounts for 34% of Canadian gold production (second to Ontario, with 44%) and remains a major focus for both producers and junior miners.Read More
Red Lake has been one of the most prolific gold mining districts in Canada and the world, with exploration having started in the 1920s, and production, which began in the 1930s, continuing to the present day. The district is known for the high grade of its gold, its infrastructure, and strong institutional support, given the long history of mining in the area.Read More
Hot Chili knock, knock, knockin' on tier 1 doorSPONSOREDhot chiliAuteco has the right ingredients with PickleSPONSOREDauteco mineralsAzure's Western Australia nickel success could get golden hueSPONSOREDazure mineralsEnvironmental and social governance (ESG) is critical to the success of miningSPONSOREDonyen corporationSpeaking on a webinar last week, S&P commodities analyst Jason Sapp...Read More
Hot Chili knock, knock, knockin' on tier 1 doorSPONSOREDhot chiliGiven the LME copper price rallied to an almost 10-year high on Tuesday, it is no surprise Jefferies continues to push the red metal as its "preferred" commodity.Read More
Eldorado Gold (TSX: ELD; NYSE: EGO) has released an initial resource estimate for the Ormaque deposit within its Lamaque operation in Quebec. The deposit, halfway between the operating Lamaque-Triangle mine and the Sigma processing facility, includes 2.6 million inferred tonnes at 9.53 grams gold per tonne, and contains 803,000 gold ounces. Ormaque is also next to an ore haulage decline that is un...Read More
Toronto-based gold and copper producer Dundee Precious Metals (TSX: DPM) has announced the results of a prefeasibility study on its Timok gold project in Serbia, as well as the decision to go ahead with a feasibility study.The latest engineering study outlines an 8-year, approximately 6,925 tonne-per-day heap leach open pit mine, producing an average of 80,000 gold oz. annually in its first six ye...Read More
Copper was already trading near eight-year highs in January but prices for the red metal surged again in mid-February, with March contracts reaching US$4.12 per lb. on Feb. 22 - nearing an all-time high of US$4.58 per lb. in 2011, as investors bet that supply tightness will increase as the world gradually recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic. Natalie Scott-Gray, a senior metals analyst at StoneX...Read More
The U.S. state of Nevada is the new most attractive region for mining investors, replacing iron ore-rich Western Australia in the 2020 survey of resource and exploration companies released today by the Fraser Institute.The new version of the think-tank's popular ranking is based on answers from 276 participants, which provided sufficient data to evaluate the overall investment attractiveness of...Read More
This week's episode features Rio Tinto's conference call with new CEO Jakob Stausholm, who outlines his vision for the company after 'a year of extremes' in 2020. The call also includes Interim Chief Financial Officer Peter Cunningham, who gives an update on the fundamentals of the world's second-largest miner. This week's Mining Minute features Micromine's Derek Cooper, General Manager for North...Read More
Solaris Resources (TSX: SLS) has doubled the drill campaign, from six rigs to 12, following a significant new discovery at its Warintza copper project in Ecuador's main mining district in the southeast, as geophysics revealed a much more extensive porphyry system than previously anticipated."It's a much larger, more extensive system than surface geochemistry and mapping implied," said Solaris CEO,...Read More
We've talked a lot about renewables and energy over the years around here. We've brought a lot of that to you.However, our coverage - while I stand by it - leaves a whole lot we haven't discussed.Sure, we talk a lot about transportation and how battery power fails to scale well to heavy vehicles. It will drive alternative power source engineering and manufacturing for decades to come, but that is...Read More
Rover Metals has launched its campaign on the Investing News NetworkRead full newsRead More
MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. is pleased to announce the appoiRead full newsRead More
FenixOro Gold Corp is pleased to announce the recently received rRead full newsRead More
Arizona Gold has launched its campaign on the Investing News NetworkRead full newsRead More
Metals Creek Resources Corp. is pleased to announce it has receivRead full newsRead More
Spruce Ridge Resources Ltd. is pleased to report the value of itsRead full newsRead More
Empress Royalty Corp. is pleased to announce it has executed a 2.Read full newsRead More
FPX Nickel Corp. is pleased to report that it will be participRead full newsRead More
It's a Good Time to Unload Those Silver Coins and CandlesticksRead full newsRead More
Carlyle Commodities Corp. is pleased to announce it has granted aRead full newsRead More
Triumph Gold Corp. announces that further to its news release onRead full newsRead More