Embark on an Investing Adventure

By Alexander Boulden / July 26, 2021 / www.outsiderclub.com / Article Link

Dear Outsider,

Sinking into an old creaky chair at Baltimore's Charles Theater, I heard Anthony Bourdain's voice come over the sound system. I turned to fellow Outsider Jimmy Mengel and said, "This is gonna be good."

After the roller-coaster ride of emotions we felt from watching the new "Roadrunner" documentary chronicling the life and death of the famous writer and traveler, we sat down to decompress over some black coffee at a local diner. I knew Jimmy was preparing to travel to Dallas following the launch of his new investment service, so I wanted to pick his brain.

What follows is our conversation, from traveling, investing, and Shaquille O'Neal to psychedelics, fast cars, and surefire ways to grow your wealth...

Jimmy, you're a hard man to track down. It seems that you're always on the go and meeting with top-level executives around the world. And you've said you want to be the Anthony Bourdain of the publishing industry. How are travel and investing related?

I think it's crucial, Alex. Any desk jockey can sit at a computer and look at charts and graphs. There is a place for that, and I do that as well, but it doesn't tell the whole story. With the smaller companies I deal with, you actually need to visit them, see their operations, talk to their staff, and look the CEO in the eye.

Otherwise you're just taking their word for it, and I'm far too skeptical for that.

The other obvious benefit is getting to see the world and have a blast doing it. But for my readers, the more trips I go on, the more investment ideas and contacts I collect. That serves us well for years after that trip.

I don't know of anyone in the investment publishing world taking the time to perform this level of due diligence. And it's certainly paid off with many of your stock recommendations, including gains of 715% on Collector's Universe and an unprecedented 3,200% on Canopy Growth Corp. Word around the office is that you've got a big launch event tomorrow for your new service that combines investing and travel. Can you tell me more about it?

It's called The Adventure Capitalist. I typically hate puns like that, but it honestly sums up what I do: travel the world to find markets and opportunities that others are too lazy to. I just work that way. I'm much better at face-to-face, real-world interactions. I like to think that when you talk to people, it's a mutually beneficial exchange. I learn something new, you learn something new. With investor-relations interviews, you only hear the good stuff. I want to hear everything, warts and all, from the people actually making it happen.

That means talking to janitors, waitresses, and anyone else I'm privileged to meet along the way.

I really like the name because it encompasses what this service is all about... helping others grow their capital through your adventures. Now, you use something called the Profit Runway system to choose the right companies. How can this system help members reach financial independence?

In short, I research an area, a company, and a team, and book my flight - literally.

Figuratively, you get to join me on the flight - from the day I find a place worth visiting, to my interviews with the company, to the adventures I have when I'm there. The "take off," as it were, is when you buy the stock. The "landing" is when you sell the stock and make a bunch of money from my research. If you look at my history, it works to a shocking degree of success - even I'm impressed, to be honest.

The fun part is in between, when I bring my readers the facts on the ground. That's when I'll send you videos from exotic places like Romania or Colombia or Copenhagen where most of us have never visited. Even on my trips where I do not recommend the company, I come back with some treasures. But when I do recommend a company, I sleep soundly knowing that I did all of the due diligence possible.

There's a sort of magic in travel. The first book to make me laugh out loud was "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," where Hunter S. Thompson goes on a work trip that turns into a wild ride through the desert. You were in Vegas recently... Did you get a chance to drive through the desert?

Alex, I'm not sure I can even go into my love of Hunter S. Thompson or Las Vegas without getting myself in trouble.

The short answer is yes. I just went to Vegas this year and rented a Lamborghini Huracan and drove through the desert at high speeds. Thankfully I've grown up a lot since my earlier Vegas days and did so without a suitcase full of drugs, as HST did. I have a fear of imaginary bats.

I did make a trip to a legal cannabis dispensary and interviewed some lovely people about how much money they were pulling in. I'm invested heavily in legal drugs...

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That trip has already proved profitable for your subscribers. What are some upcoming trips that readers can look forward to?

In the next few months, I'll be heading to Boston to tour a psychedelics laboratory. I'll be going to Costa Rica to investigate real estate opportunities. Oh, and next week I'm going to Dallas to meet up with an NBA hall-of-famer.

Not bad for a month or two.

Certainly not. I can't wait to see what the future holds for The Adventure Capitalist, and maybe I'll convince you to let me tag along for one of these adventures.

Thanks, Alex. I'm looking forward to it. Let's say we finish our coffees and call it a night. We've got a lot of work ahead of us.

To find out more about The Adventure Capitalist and how you can travel with Jimmy as he hunts down the best investment opportunities around the globe, just click here or on the swanky picture below. It's totally free to attend, and Jimmy is even giving away three free stock picks just for watching.

I hope you'll join us tomorrow...

To your wealth,

Alexander Boulden Editor, Outsider Club

After Alex's passion for economics and investing drew him to one of the largest financial publishers in the world, where he rubbed elbows with former Chicago Board Options Exchange floor traders, Wall Street hedge fund managers, and International Monetary Fund analysts, he decided to take up the pen and guide others through this new age of investing. Check out his editor's page here.

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