Digging Deep

End of Banks in Canada?

September 16, 2024

Defense Metals in the Media

February 16, 2024

Our 2024 Predictions, Part 2

January 11, 2024

Our 2024 Predictions, Part 1

January 02, 2023

Can Gold Hit $3,000 in 2024?

29 December, 2023

Will Bitcoin ETFs Kill Gold?

November 21, 2023

What's Next for Gold?

06 June, 2023

Platinum and Palladium

February 2022

Transition to Production

June 15, 2021

Silver Suppression?!

February 02, 2021

Gold: Year in Review 2020, and 2021 Outlook

January 04, 2021

Gold has big year in 2020 and outlook for this year robust. Learn about monetary expansion and gold future prices.Read More

AbraPlata: CMR's full analysis of an Argentina focussed gold and silver junior

May 2020

The gold futures price reached US$1,767/ounce this week before retreating, which was the second time it has surpassed US$1,760 in the past two months, marking some of gold's highest levels in several years.Read More

Chris Martenson: SVB Banking Collapse and the Chaos in Congress: What You Need to Know

March 11, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Peak Prosperity, Released on 3/11/23In this live stream, we will be discussing the alarming state of the banking industry and the dysfunctional nature of the United States Congress.We will also take a critical look at the ongoing political drama in Congress, with a focus on the ineffectiveness and gridlock that has become all too common in recent years. Join us as we explore the root causes of the...Read More

Martin Armstrong: Neocons, Global Warfare, Digital Currencies, Bitcoin

March 11, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Talk Digital Network, Released on 3/11/23Martin Armstrong is a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model. He is the founder of Armstrong Economics - a public service and blog for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis possible. He published a book in 2019 called Manipulating the...Read More

Peter Schiff: Will the Fed Pivot to Postpone Another Financial Crisis?

March 11, 2023 / marketsanity.com

YouTube/PeterSchiff, Released on 3/11/23 (Recorded on 3/10/23)Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets. Mr. Schiff made his name as President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital. He frequently delivers lectures at major economic and investment conferences, and is quoted often in the print media, including...Read More

Mannarino: Watch For Bank Failure Contagion As Systemic Meltdown Worsens

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

TradersChoice.net, Released on 3/10/23Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall Street was not like the movies, he moved on to get a medical degree and practiced medicine as a Physician Assistant. He also served in the United States Naval Reserve Medical Service Cor...Read More

Bix Weir: Silicon Valley Bank Has Failed!

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Road To Roota, Released on 3/10/23There's no stopping the collapse now. Just a matter of time for the 18,400 Regional Banks to suffer the same fate. Buy physical silver and sit on the sidelines!Bix Weir has 30 years' experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the "Road to Roota Theory" and his commentary is published at www.RoadtoRoota.com. Bix ha...Read More

Trader Aaron Basile: Friday Bloodbath, Key Levels Broken On Weekly Charts....

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Carnivore Trades, Released on 3/10/23For my detailed swing trading service visit - https://www.carnivoretrades.comTo learn my trading methodology visit - https://www.carnivoretrades.com/metho...Trader Coaching Program - https://www.carnivoretrades.com/book-...Follow me on Twitter for up to the minute charts, analysis and commentary - https://twitter.com/aaronbasile Aaron Basile, banking collaps...Read More

George Gammon: The Fed's New Plan To Crush Home Prices (50% Drop Possible)

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

George Gammon, Released on 3/10/23George Edward Gammon is an American real estate investor and entrepreneur. He produces and stars in a popular YouTube Channel. Prior to 2012, George started, owned, and operated multiple businesses ranging from conventions to advertising. The last growing to 24 million in annual revenues and over 100 employees. After 12 years as a successful entrepreneur, at the a...Read More

Bob Hoye: Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank a "Classic" Failure

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Howe Street, Released on 3/10/23Bob Hoye is a trained geologist, successful resource investor and economic historian. Bob is the chief investment strategist for chartsandmarkets.com. banking collapse, banking crisis, bob hoye, contagion, financial crisis, silicon valley bank, stock market crashBob Hoye: Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank a "Classic" Failure added by Herman James on 03/10/2023View al...Read More

John Rubino: Gold the new un-obtain-ium?

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

GoldSeek, Released on 3/10/230.20 - Are We As Prepped As We Think?2.10 - Authoritarian policies?3.50 - Practical prepping and health.5.20 - Recession risks.7.05 - Mortgage rates.7.50 - Domestic stock market.8.20 - Junior mining shares.10.00 - Dollar cost averaging into gold and silver investments.10.40 - Ominous S&P chart - bubble still imploding - 45% decline?12.20 - Big discount opportunities ah...Read More

Kim Dotcom: Want to know why Julian Assange is still in jail?

March 11, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Kim Dotcom - Twitter, Released on 3/11/23Want to know why Julian Assange is still in jail? He would have exposed the truth about the US proxy war in Ukraine and the reasons why the US provokes war with Russia and China. He would have exposed the US Govt role in the creation of Covid-19 and terrorism against Nordstream.- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 11, 2023 Kim Dotcom: Want to know why Julian Ass...Read More

Women In Berlin Now Allowed To Go Topless At Public Pools

March 11, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Zero Hedge, Released on 3/11/23Women in Berlin, Germany will soon be able to whip off their tops at the city's Continue... Women In Berlin Now Allowed To Go Topless At Public Pools added by Herman James on 03/11/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Karl Denninger: So What of SVB?

January 01, 1970 / marketsanity.com

The Market Ticker, Released on 3/11/2Is there a ticking bomb out there in the financial system today? Yes.Continue... Karl Denninger: So What of SVB? added by Herman James on 03/11/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Frank Giustra: And so it starts...

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Frank Giustra - Twitter, Released on 3/10/23And so it starts- remember, when he dominoes start to fall, its starts slowly at first. Think back to 2008. You can't aggressively raise rates in a world saddled with $300 trillion in debt and NOT expect that accidents won't happen. https://t.co/COHZLOcXeW- Frank Giustra (@Frank_Giustra) March 10, 2023 Frank Giustra is a Canadian business executive, who...Read More

Rickards: Good Luck

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Jim Rickards - Twitter, Released on 3/10/23If you had more than $250,000 in Silicon Valley Bank, you can't get your money. But you can call 1.866.799.0959. A trained FDIC help center therapist will be glad to speak with you. Good Luck.https://t.co/PanxiUZWrC- Jim Rickards (@JamesGRickards) March 10, 2023 Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years' experien...Read More

Michael Krieger: Stay alert

March 11, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Michael Krieger - Twitter, Released on 3/11/23I hope I'm wrong, but it's starting to feel like this latest crisis may result in a further consolidation of banking and power into the tentacles of the mega-banks (which are just arms of the state anyway) and from there an attempted rollout of the CBDC agenda. Stay alert.- Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) March 11, 2023 Michael Krieger is the creator a...Read More

Panic in the street: One Bank Crashes, A Bigger One RUNS for its life then crashes, and Suddenly it's Panic on Wall Street!

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

The Great Recession Blog, Released on 3/10/23Out of the blue, serious problems emerged in one of the nation's top-twenty banks - Silicon Valley Bank, which grew exponentially during Continue... Panic in the street: One Bank Crashes, A Bigger One RUNS for its life then crashes, and Suddenly it's Panic on Wall Street! added by Herman James on 03/11/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Watch: Fauci Defends Gain-of-Function, Mocks Lab Leak Censorship

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Summit News, Released on 3/10/23In a remarkable interview Thursday, Anthony Fauci had the gall to defend dangerous gain of function research, which in all likelihood was the direct cause of the COVID pandemic, and mocked the idea that a lab leak is being covered up.Continue... Watch: Fauci Defends Gain-of-Function, Mocks Lab Leak Censorship added by Herman James on 03/11/2023View all posts by Herm...Read More

The 2008 crisis was never solved

March 10, 2023 / marketsanity.com

Ponzi Finance - Twitter, Released on 3/10/23Paramount to remember, 08 crisis was never solved. It was just painted over and delayed via costly debt/inflation Japan style. U.S. bailout of fraudulent, mismanaged (or both) institutions enabled situation to worsen. Financial crisis and crash can wipe out inflation real quick.- Ponzi Finance (@BP_Rising) March 10, 2023 The 2008 crisis was never solved...Read More

Two former traders get jail for 'spoofing' precious metals futures

March 09, 2023 / marketsanity.com

The United States Department of Justice, Released on 3/9/23Bases and Pacilio also taught other traders how to engage in the practice of spoofing. As a result of Continue... Two former traders get jail for 'spoofing' precious metals futures added by Herman James on 03/11/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Alasdair Macleod discuss the bank collapse, contagion and crisis as well as what this will mean for the gold market

March 11, 2023 / marketsanity.com

King World News, Released on 3/11/23Continue...Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. His experience encompasses equity and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy. Read Macleod's writing: https://www.goldmoney.com/research. Alasdair Macleod discus...Read More

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