CSE New Listing - Pivit Exploration Inc. (PIVT); @CSE_News

May 04, 2018 / www.investorideas.com / Article Link

May 4, 2018 (Investorideas.com Newswire) The common shares of Pivit Exploration Inc. have been approved for listing on the CSE. Listing and disclosure documents will be available at www.thecse.com on the listing date.

The Company is engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets in British Columbia. Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to conduct its exploration program on the Lennac Lake Property.The Lennac Lake Property is comprised of eight contiguous mineral tenures covering an area of 2875.46 hectares, west of Babine Lake and approximately 18 kilometres southwest of the town of Granisle in the northern interior of British Columbia.


Les actions ordinaires de Pivit Exploration Inc. ont ?(C)t?(C) approuv?(C)es pour inscription ? la cote du CSE.

Les documents d'inscription et de divulgation seront disponibles sur www.thecse.com ? la date de n?(C)gociation.

La soci?(C)t?(C) exerce des activit?(C)s d'exploration min?(C)rale et d'acquisition d'actifs miniers en Colombie-Britannique. Son objectif est de localiser et de d?(C)velopper des propri?(C)t?(C)s ?(C)conomiques pr?(C)cieuses et de base en m?(C)taux communs et de mener son programme d'exploration sur la propri?(C)t?(C) du lac Lennac. La propri?(C)t?(C) du lac Lennac comprend huit tenures min?(C)rales contigu?<

If you have any questions or require further information please contact Listings at (416) 367-7340 or E-mail: Listings@thecse.com

Pour toute question, pour obtenir de l'information suppl?(C)mentaire veuillez communiquer avec le service des inscriptions au 416 367-7340 ou par courriel ? l'adresse:Listings@thecse.com

The Canadian Securities Exchange, or CSE, is operated by CNSX Markets Inc. Recognized as a stock exchange in 2004, the CSE began operations in 2003 to provide a modern and efficient alternative for companies looking to access the Canadian public capital markets. http://thecse.com/

Investorideas.com is a listed service provider on the Canadian Securities Exchange http://thecse.com/en/services/services-for-listed-companies/investorideascom

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