Mining Stocks Articles

Do EU Wonks Really Have Endless Time to Get It Right?

March 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Analysis: Europe's social shock-absorbers show crisis strain … With more than 26 million unemployed in the 27-nation European Union, including nearly 6 million young people, the system is struggling, and in some places failing, to cope. Many of the jobless have exhausted their benefit entitlements. "In many countries, the poor are getting poorer," says Laszlo Andor, the EU'...Read More

Shock: Globalist Plan for IMF Failing in US Congress?

March 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Is the US holding back IMF reform? … The legislation would implement reforms agreed by the G20 in 2010, which were described by then IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss Kahn as 'the most important decision on the governance of the IMF since its creation in 1944.' He went on to say that 'what we did today puts an end to a discussion on legitimacy that had lasted for years, alm...Read More

The Debt Crisis Is a Dollar Reserve Crisis

March 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

GOP: We've been lying all along … Boehner's admission that we don't really have a debt crisis reveals his party's ulterior, program-cutting motives … I never thought I'd write these words, but here goes: thank you, John Boehner. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for finally admitting on national television that all the fiscal cliffs, sequestrations and budget battles you'...Read More

The Rise and Fall of Military Keynesianism

March 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Has military Keynesianism come to an end? … The outcome of the sequester ultimatum appears to have taken everyone by surprise. Two long summers ago, when the president and House speaker John Boehner conjured a prospect so terrible that even spending on defense would be deeply cut, they both assumed Congress would buckle rather than approve such a blow to the nation's pride. According to...Read More

The Retirement Crisis That Must Not Be Mentioned

March 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Welcome to the new model of retirement. No retirement. In 1983 over 60 percent of American workers had some kind of defined-benefit plan. Today less than 20 percent have access to a plan and the majority of retired Americans largely rely on Social Security as their de facto retirement plan. As many Americans enter into retirement they are realizing one unfortunate thing. The new retirement plan is...Read More

Do EU Wonks Really Have Endless Time to Get It Right?

March 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Analysis: Europe's social shock-absorbers show crisis strain … With more than 26 million unemployed in the 27-nation European Union, including nearly 6 million young people, the system is struggling, and in some places failing, to cope. Many of the jobless have exhausted their benefit entitlements. "In many countries, the poor are getting poorer," says Laszlo Andor, the EU'...Read More

Shock: Globalist Plan for IMF Failing in US Congress?

March 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Is the US holding back IMF reform? … The legislation would implement reforms agreed by the G20 in 2010, which were described by then IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss Kahn as 'the most important decision on the governance of the IMF since its creation in 1944.' He went on to say that 'what we did today puts an end to a discussion on legitimacy that had lasted for years, alm...Read More

Bombshell Confirmation the Paper Money Hoax Is Real

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

QE for the People: Grillo's Populist Plan for Italy … Comedian Beppe Grillo was surprised himself when his Five Star Movement got 8.7 million votes in the Italian general election of Feb. 24-25. His movement is now the biggest single party in the chamber of deputies, says The Guardian, which makes him "a kingmaker in a hung parliament." Grillo's is the party of "no.&qu...Read More

Shock: Chinese Leaders Contemplating Harsh Austerity Measures?

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Why the Global Economy Is Still Stuck … In the wake of the financial crisis, policies the world round remain focused on the wrong things, especially speculation … The U.S. government has been embroiled in a fight over something called "sequester" for weeks without a solution. The resulting US$ 85 billion cuts in government spending rekindle the risk of double-dip recession. T...Read More

Reuters Editorial Celebrates Bureaucracy

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Bureaucracy will set you free … Two movements, fundamentally opposed, are at work in the world: corruption and anti-corruption. The marketization of the economies of China, India and Russia in the past two decades has exacerbated the corruption in those countries. Businesspeople and politicians, often hardly distinguishable, become billionaires in tandem. But corruption is falling out of fav...Read More

Will China's Social Revolution Turn Out to Be Something More?

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Investors in China should be wary of revolution. China is heading for a social revolution, according to Fidelity fund manager Anthony Bolton. Mr Bolton is one of Britain's most famous fund managers, having earned investors in his Fidelity UK Special Situations fund an average of 20pc a year for 27 years. He stepped down in 2010 to launch a China-focused investment trust for Fidelity, but perfo...Read More

Libor Scandal to Reveal Metals Manipulation?

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

'A cesspit': Libor scandal may be going on elsewhere …The market for determining one of the world's key interest rates was a "cesspit" and banks cannot be trusted … The market for determining one of the world's key interest rates was a "cesspit" and banks cannot be trusted to be honest in several other major markets, the deputy governor of the Bank o...Read More

Bombshell Confirmation the Paper Money Hoax Is Real

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

QE for the People: Grillo's Populist Plan for Italy … Comedian Beppe Grillo was surprised himself when his Five Star Movement got 8.7 million votes in the Italian general election of Feb. 24-25. His movement is now the biggest single party in the chamber of deputies, says The Guardian, which makes him "a kingmaker in a hung parliament." Grillo's is the party of "no.&qu...Read More

Shock: Chinese Leaders Contemplating Harsh Austerity Measures?

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Why the Global Economy Is Still Stuck … In the wake of the financial crisis, policies the world round remain focused on the wrong things, especially speculation … The U.S. government has been embroiled in a fight over something called "sequester" for weeks without a solution. The resulting US$ 85 billion cuts in government spending rekindle the risk of double-dip recession. T...Read More

Reuters Editorial Celebrates Bureaucracy

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Bureaucracy will set you free … Two movements, fundamentally opposed, are at work in the world: corruption and anti-corruption. The marketization of the economies of China, India and Russia in the past two decades has exacerbated the corruption in those countries. Businesspeople and politicians, often hardly distinguishable, become billionaires in tandem. But corruption is falling out of fav...Read More

Will China's Social Revolution Turn Out to Be Something More?

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Investors in China should be wary of revolution. China is heading for a social revolution, according to Fidelity fund manager Anthony Bolton. Mr Bolton is one of Britain's most famous fund managers, having earned investors in his Fidelity UK Special Situations fund an average of 20pc a year for 27 years. He stepped down in 2010 to launch a China-focused investment trust for Fidelity, but perfo...Read More

Libor Scandal to Reveal Metals Manipulation?

March 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

'A cesspit': Libor scandal may be going on elsewhere …The market for determining one of the world's key interest rates was a "cesspit" and banks cannot be trusted … The market for determining one of the world's key interest rates was a "cesspit" and banks cannot be trusted to be honest in several other major markets, the deputy governor of the Bank o...Read More

The Two Faces of Eve … er, Credit Suisse

March 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Credit Suisse urges investors to jump into stocks … One month after turning cautious on global stock investing, the investment committee of Credit Suisse Group's U.S. private bank has reversed course. "Plentiful liquidity, attractive valuations and low inflation make equities among our best options in an asset allocation context," a team led by Barbara Reinhard, the unit's...Read More

And You Thought the Particle Was Confirmed?

March 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The particle found in the Large Hadron Collider last year "strongly indicates" that it is the long-sought Higgs Fri, Mar 8 2013 boson, the CERN physics research center said on Thursday. But a statement on the latest findings from huge volumes of data gathered during three years of collisions in the LHC stopped short of claiming the boson, believed to be the particle that gives matter to...Read More

Shocker: Desalinization Breakthrough as Memes Fall One by One

March 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Method for Making Cheap, Clean Water Is Announced … Pentagon weapons-maker finds method for cheap, clean water … A defense contractor better known for building jet fighters and lethal missiles says it has found a way to slash the amount of energy needed to remove salt from seawater, potentially making it vastly cheaper to produce clean water at a time when scarcity has become a global...Read More

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