Mining Stocks Articles

Correct, Mayor Johnson, the Real Problem is Not the EU

May 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Quitting the EU won't solve our problems, says Boris Johnson … Britain's economic problems would not be solved by simply leaving the European Union, Boris Johnson warns. This country's workers are plagued by "sloth" and under-perform compared with their foreign rivals, says the London Mayor. Writing for The Daily Telegraph, he says that if Britain left the EU, "we...Read More

Litigation: The Alternative to the Mainstream Media That Must Be Considered

May 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

U.S. broadcast TV ratings slide pressures ad rates at 'upfronts' … The increased competition will force ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC to settle for their lowest average rate hikes in three years during the "upfront" selling season, Wall Street analysts say. During the upfronts, networks preview shows for their fall schedules, trying to persuade advertisers to buy billions of dollar...Read More

Will Fracking Sink the Dollar and Bring on Global Currency?

May 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

US shale energy creates global oil 'supply shock' … Booming oil production in North America brought on by the shale energy revolution has created a global "supply shock" that is reshaping the industry, the International Energy Agency said on Tuesday. Shale's inexorable rise could see the US cross over from being the world's leading importer of oil to a net exporter...Read More

Fracking, Just in Time to Help the US Economy?

May 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Import prices fell in April due to a drop in oil costs, a positive sign for household finances that also pointed to benign inflation pressures … The tame inflation environment should allow the Federal Reserve to stay on its ultra-easy monetary policy course as it tries to nurse the economy back to health. – ReutersDominant Social Theme: Good thing this technology arrived when it did.Fr...Read More

G7 Sets Policy for Global Tax Regime

May 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Osborne: G7 agree to target tax evasion and avoidance … George Osborne co-chaired the two-day meeting in … The G7 group of industrialised nations have agreed that there must be collective action against tax evasion and avoidance, the UK's finance minister has said. Chancellor George Osborne said after the talks that it was "incredibly important" that firms and individuals...Read More

Correct, Mayor Johnson, the Real Problem is Not the EU

May 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Quitting the EU won't solve our problems, says Boris Johnson … Britain's economic problems would not be solved by simply leaving the European Union, Boris Johnson warns. This country's workers are plagued by "sloth" and under-perform compared with their foreign rivals, says the London Mayor. Writing for The Daily Telegraph, he says that if Britain left the EU, "we...Read More

Litigation: The Alternative to the Mainstream Media That Must Be Considered

May 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

U.S. broadcast TV ratings slide pressures ad rates at 'upfronts' … The increased competition will force ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC to settle for their lowest average rate hikes in three years during the "upfront" selling season, Wall Street analysts say. During the upfronts, networks preview shows for their fall schedules, trying to persuade advertisers to buy billions of dollar...Read More

Gold US$1,100?

May 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Gold Gets Gutted: Here's Why … Gold's been stuck in a pretty tight range, and it's losing ground … Gold dropped three percent Friday, suffering the worst decline of any widely followed commodity as it plunged to a two-week low. Many experts blamed the weakness on the U.S. dollar. The Dollar Index, which compares the dollar to a basket of foreign currencies, has risen nearly...Read More

Universal Basic Income Promotion Hits the Washington Post

May 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Thinking Utopian: How about a universal basic income? … In light of the recent Oregon Medicaid study, several people have discussed the idea of taking parts of the social insurance system and replacing them with cash benefits. This naturally brings up the debate about whether it should be a policy goal for the United States to adopt a universal basic income (UBI). These poverty-level targete...Read More

Spain's Problem is Europe's, Too

May 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Spain is officially insolvent: get your money out while you still can … I'd not noticed this until someone drew my attention to it, but the latest IMF Fiscal Monitor, published last month, comes about as close to declaring Spain insolvent as you are ever likely to see in official analysis of this sort. Of course, it doesn't actually say this outright. The IMF is far too diplomatic fo...Read More

Gold US$1,100?

May 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Gold Gets Gutted: Here's Why … Gold's been stuck in a pretty tight range, and it's losing ground … Gold dropped three percent Friday, suffering the worst decline of any widely followed commodity as it plunged to a two-week low. Many experts blamed the weakness on the U.S. dollar. The Dollar Index, which compares the dollar to a basket of foreign currencies, has risen nearly...Read More

Universal Basic Income Promotion Hits the Washington Post

May 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Thinking Utopian: How about a universal basic income? … In light of the recent Oregon Medicaid study, several people have discussed the idea of taking parts of the social insurance system and replacing them with cash benefits. This naturally brings up the debate about whether it should be a policy goal for the United States to adopt a universal basic income (UBI). These poverty-level targete...Read More

Spain's Problem is Europe's, Too

May 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Spain is officially insolvent: get your money out while you still can … I'd not noticed this until someone drew my attention to it, but the latest IMF Fiscal Monitor, published last month, comes about as close to declaring Spain insolvent as you are ever likely to see in official analysis of this sort. Of course, it doesn't actually say this outright. The IMF is far too diplomatic fo...Read More


May 13, 2013 / FirstQuantumMinerals

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Introduction to Sentinel

May 13, 2013 / FirstQuantumMinerals

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2013 Cinco Resource

May 10, 2013 / Mag Silver

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2013 Juanicipio MinePlan

May 10, 2013 / Mag Silver

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The Problem of Gold

May 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Gold: 3 Essential Facts For Your Future …When any market crashes, it's a shock. For a real nose dive it normally takes something unexpected and dramatic to kick it off. If people had any idea of the reason or that it was coming then the fall would start early and be more shallow. Gold is misunderstood and it is viewed as "the mad metal", so here are three things to remember whe...Read More

US Warns Japan About Currency Debasement

May 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The United States warned Japan on Friday to stick to the rules when it came to the value 6:07am EDT of its currency, setting the stage for a potentially uncomfortable meeting of G7 finance ministers outside London. There has been concern among policymakers that Japan is engineering an export-led recovery that could hinder other regions' ability to grow. – ReutersDominant Social Theme: Th...Read More

How High is High?

May 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Stock Markets Rise, but Half of Americans Don't Benefit … Dollars to doughnuts. The stock market has been doing well, reaching new nominal highs in recent weeks. Economists have been arguing that such equity gains make people feel richer, which might encourage consumers to pick up their spending despite their stagnant wages and recent tax increases. One possible problem with this hopeful...Read More

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