Mining Stocks Articles

What Don't We Understand at This Point About Economics and Unemployment?

June 07, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Employment is still near a 30-year low …The employment-population ratio has barely changed in three years, showing that 58.6% of U.S. adults over age 16 had a job as of April. Forget the unemployment rate. The employment rate – the percentage of adult Americans who hold a job – has barely budged in the past three years. It's hovering near its lowest level in three decades, an...Read More

Do Generations Need to Compete Over Healthcare?

June 07, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Aging Nations Like Low Prices Over High Income: Cutting Research … An elderly woman walks through a shopping street in Okayama, Japan. Wealth effects differ the world over as consumers in Europe and Japan are less affected by changes in equity and home prices than those in the U.S. The older a country's population, the lower its inflation rate, posing a challenge for central banks in the...Read More

Deviant Globalization: Another Sign of the Internet Reformation?

June 07, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The threat of “deviant” globalisation … The threat of “deviant” globalisation And yet it seems hardly surprising. Nor does it seem any more damaging than regular globalisation. A smart member of the global warrior elite “discovers” the next big threat … This convergence is what Stavridis calls “the dark side of globalization.” – The...Read More

What Don't We Understand at This Point About Economics and Unemployment?

June 07, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Employment is still near a 30-year low …The employment-population ratio has barely changed in three years, showing that 58.6% of U.S. adults over age 16 had a job as of April. Forget the unemployment rate. The employment rate – the percentage of adult Americans who hold a job – has barely budged in the past three years. It's hovering near its lowest level in three decades, an...Read More

Do Generations Need to Compete Over Healthcare?

June 07, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Aging Nations Like Low Prices Over High Income: Cutting Research … An elderly woman walks through a shopping street in Okayama, Japan. Wealth effects differ the world over as consumers in Europe and Japan are less affected by changes in equity and home prices than those in the U.S. The older a country's population, the lower its inflation rate, posing a challenge for central banks in the...Read More

Deviant Globalization: Another Sign of the Internet Reformation?

June 07, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The threat of “deviant” globalisation … The threat of “deviant” globalisation And yet it seems hardly surprising. Nor does it seem any more damaging than regular globalisation. A smart member of the global warrior elite “discovers” the next big threat … This convergence is what Stavridis calls “the dark side of globalization.” – The...Read More

Lies the IMF Tells?

June 06, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

IMF: Our Greek bailout was full of 'notable failures'… The International Monetary Fund has published a scathing internal self-assessment of its bailout of Greece three years ago. It isn't pretty. The IMF underestimated the damage that fiscal austerity would do to the Greek economy in its earliest rescue of the nation in 2010. It was too slow to promote a write-down of the nation&...Read More

Obama Admin Ups Social Costs of Carbon Damage by 60 Percent

June 06, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The Obama climate move that nobody noticed … The Obama administration just made a fairly significant move on climate change, and it flew right under the radar … The [social cost of carbon] estimates using the updated versions of the models are higher than those reported in the 2010 [report]. By way of comparison, the four 2020 SCC estimates reported in the 2010 [report] were $7, $26, $...Read More

Lies the IMF Tells?

June 06, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

IMF: Our Greek bailout was full of 'notable failures'… The International Monetary Fund has published a scathing internal self-assessment of its bailout of Greece three years ago. It isn't pretty. The IMF underestimated the damage that fiscal austerity would do to the Greek economy in its earliest rescue of the nation in 2010. It was too slow to promote a write-down of the nation&...Read More

Obama Admin Ups Social Costs of Carbon Damage by 60 Percent

June 06, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The Obama climate move that nobody noticed … The Obama administration just made a fairly significant move on climate change, and it flew right under the radar … The [social cost of carbon] estimates using the updated versions of the models are higher than those reported in the 2010 [report]. By way of comparison, the four 2020 SCC estimates reported in the 2010 [report] were $7, $26, $...Read More

Pay Down Your Debt

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

There's a worse crisis on the way unless we get serious about tackling debt … For all of the talk of austerity, Britain is still drowning in debt, private as well as public. 'Together, families and non-financial firms' debt is still worth 208pc of GDP and is merely back to levels last seen in mid-2007, a time when leverage was already utterly unsustainable. – UK TelegraphDo...Read More

In England, Property Millionaires Are Booming

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Property prices turn one in five middle aged workers into paper millionaires … One in five middle aged people in Britain is a millionaire – on paper at least, a study of official figures shows. It has previously been estimated that around one in 10 people are living in millionaire households but the new analysis shows among some groups the figures is almost three times that. … In...Read More

EU Referendum Looks Serious This Time for Britain

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

MPs warned: block referendum law and it will be 'hung around your necks' … Politicians who attempt to block new legislation to ensure there will be a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU will have their actions "hung around their necks", the Conservative MP behind the proposed laws warns today. – UK TelegraphDominant Social Theme: There is no need for deba...Read More

Brazil's Indian Dilemma

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Brazil calls in army to defuse conflicts over Indian lands … President Dilma Rousseff's government said on Tuesday it would send 110 federal troops to the Brazilian farm state of Mato Grosso do Sul to try to prevent more violence between Indians claiming their ancestral territory and ranchers. The government has been struggling to defuse tensions with indigenous tribes over farmland in s...Read More

Pay Down Your Debt

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

There's a worse crisis on the way unless we get serious about tackling debt … For all of the talk of austerity, Britain is still drowning in debt, private as well as public. 'Together, families and non-financial firms' debt is still worth 208pc of GDP and is merely back to levels last seen in mid-2007, a time when leverage was already utterly unsustainable. – UK TelegraphDo...Read More

In England, Property Millionaires Are Booming

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Property prices turn one in five middle aged workers into paper millionaires … One in five middle aged people in Britain is a millionaire – on paper at least, a study of official figures shows. It has previously been estimated that around one in 10 people are living in millionaire households but the new analysis shows among some groups the figures is almost three times that. … In...Read More

EU Referendum Looks Serious This Time for Britain

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

MPs warned: block referendum law and it will be 'hung around your necks' … Politicians who attempt to block new legislation to ensure there will be a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU will have their actions "hung around their necks", the Conservative MP behind the proposed laws warns today. – UK TelegraphDominant Social Theme: There is no need for deba...Read More

Brazil's Indian Dilemma

June 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Brazil calls in army to defuse conflicts over Indian lands … President Dilma Rousseff's government said on Tuesday it would send 110 federal troops to the Brazilian farm state of Mato Grosso do Sul to try to prevent more violence between Indians claiming their ancestral territory and ranchers. The government has been struggling to defuse tensions with indigenous tribes over farmland in s...Read More

Kidder! Could Central Banking Contribute to Income Disparity? Fed Investigates

June 04, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The Fed and Inequality … Is the Federal Reserve a driving force behind the post-recession growth in inequality? It's a provocative idea, voiced by writers including Neil Irwin and Robert Frank. It is certainly true that inequality, in terms of both income and wealth, has widened since the recession. A study by the lauded economist Emmanuel Saez of the University of California, Berkeley,...Read More

What the BIS Is REALLY Worried About

June 04, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

'Tuned Out' Investors Under Spell of QE: BIS … Equity markets shrugged off weak economic data and uncertainty in recent weeks and continued to extend their "relentless" gains fueled by the prospect of further stimulus, leaving them more vulnerable to shocks, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) said on Monday. – CNBCDominant Social Theme: The BIS is very worrie...Read More

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