Mining Stocks Articles

Cameron Attacks Little Englanders

June 11, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

David Cameron: We can't run away from Europe … Britain's "bloated welfare state" and "under-performing education system" are the key areas of national weakness – but the nation's membership of the European Union should be seen as a strength, the Prime Minister will say today. David Cameron will warn that the country faces a battle for its economic future...Read More

IEA Shock Reversal: Governments Should Use Force to Ration Coal

June 11, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

EU Should Move Beyond Carbon Market to Shut Coal, IEA Says … The European Union needs to think of other ways to prevent new coal-fired power stations from being built because its carbon market won't achieve that this decade, according to the International Energy Agency. Nations should consider measures including bans of new and inefficient plants known as "sub-critical," unless...Read More

No Fan of Natural Law, Boehner Calls Snowden a Traitor

June 11, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

House Speaker John Boehner: NSA Leaker a 'Traitor' … House Speaker John Boehner today called NSA leaker Edward Snowden a "traitor" who put Americans at risk by releasing classified information to the media. "He's a traitor," the highest ranking Republican in the House of Representatives said in an extensive interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos. &...Read More

Cameron Attacks Little Englanders

June 11, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

David Cameron: We can't run away from Europe … Britain's "bloated welfare state" and "under-performing education system" are the key areas of national weakness – but the nation's membership of the European Union should be seen as a strength, the Prime Minister will say today. David Cameron will warn that the country faces a battle for its economic future...Read More

IEA Shock Reversal: Governments Should Use Force to Ration Coal

June 11, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

EU Should Move Beyond Carbon Market to Shut Coal, IEA Says … The European Union needs to think of other ways to prevent new coal-fired power stations from being built because its carbon market won't achieve that this decade, according to the International Energy Agency. Nations should consider measures including bans of new and inefficient plants known as "sub-critical," unless...Read More

No Fan of Natural Law, Boehner Calls Snowden a Traitor

June 11, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

House Speaker John Boehner: NSA Leaker a 'Traitor' … House Speaker John Boehner today called NSA leaker Edward Snowden a "traitor" who put Americans at risk by releasing classified information to the media. "He's a traitor," the highest ranking Republican in the House of Representatives said in an extensive interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos. &...Read More

Edward Snowden: Limited Hangout or a Globalist Step-Back?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Manufactured Hero Edward Snowden – The NSA Whistleblower Exposed as Career NSA, CIA, Special Forces Trained Agent … Oh yeah, he didn't tell us [anything] that we didn't already know. Yeah, he's a hero. UPDATE: Booz Allen Hamilton huh? Do you know who owns them, who our hero really works for? The Carlyle Group. Booz Allen Hamilton, like its rival SAIC, is involved in virtual...Read More

Where Was Mainstream News While the Surveillance State Was Expanding?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Building America's secret surveillance state … "God we trust," goes an old National Security Agency joke. "All others we monitor. Given the revelations last week about the NSA's domestic spying activities, the saying seems more prophecy than humor. First, the Guardian reported details on a domestic telephone dragnet in which Verizon was forced to give the NSA details a...Read More

Austerity Has Failed … So Guardian Suggests 20th Century Regulatory Leviathan

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Neoliberalism has spawned a financial elite who hold governments to ransom … The International Monetary Fund has admitted that some of the decisions it made in the wake of the 2007-2008 financial crisis were wrong, and that the €130bn first bailout of Greece was "bungled"… The problem is that the ruthless sentimentalists of neoliberalism like to tell themselves – a...Read More

Did Small Business Doom Portugal?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The Mystery of Why Portugal Is So Doomed … Did relying too heavily on mom-and-pop businesses hobble one of Europe's most imperiled countries? It's possible. Every unhappy family might be unhappy in its own way, but the same isn't quite true of every unhappy euro country. The common currency's troubled economies all relied on foreign borrowing during the boom, and all went kap...Read More

Have Obama's Backers Decided to Jettison Him?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

As a candidate, Barack Obama vowed to bring a different, better kind of leadership to the dysfunctional capital. He'd make government more efficient, accountable and transparent. He'd rise above the "small-ball" nature of doing business. And he'd work with Republicans to break Washington paralysis. You can trust me, Obama said back in 2008. And – for a while, at least &...Read More

Edward Snowden: Limited Hangout or a Globalist Step-Back?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Manufactured Hero Edward Snowden – The NSA Whistleblower Exposed as Career NSA, CIA, Special Forces Trained Agent … Oh yeah, he didn't tell us [anything] that we didn't already know. Yeah, he's a hero. UPDATE: Booz Allen Hamilton huh? Do you know who owns them, who our hero really works for? The Carlyle Group. Booz Allen Hamilton, like its rival SAIC, is involved in virtual...Read More

Where Was Mainstream News While the Surveillance State Was Expanding?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Building America's secret surveillance state … "God we trust," goes an old National Security Agency joke. "All others we monitor. Given the revelations last week about the NSA's domestic spying activities, the saying seems more prophecy than humor. First, the Guardian reported details on a domestic telephone dragnet in which Verizon was forced to give the NSA details a...Read More

Austerity Has Failed … So Guardian Suggests 20th Century Regulatory Leviathan

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Neoliberalism has spawned a financial elite who hold governments to ransom … The International Monetary Fund has admitted that some of the decisions it made in the wake of the 2007-2008 financial crisis were wrong, and that the €130bn first bailout of Greece was "bungled"… The problem is that the ruthless sentimentalists of neoliberalism like to tell themselves – a...Read More

Did Small Business Doom Portugal?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The Mystery of Why Portugal Is So Doomed … Did relying too heavily on mom-and-pop businesses hobble one of Europe's most imperiled countries? It's possible. Every unhappy family might be unhappy in its own way, but the same isn't quite true of every unhappy euro country. The common currency's troubled economies all relied on foreign borrowing during the boom, and all went kap...Read More

Have Obama's Backers Decided to Jettison Him?

June 10, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

As a candidate, Barack Obama vowed to bring a different, better kind of leadership to the dysfunctional capital. He'd make government more efficient, accountable and transparent. He'd rise above the "small-ball" nature of doing business. And he'd work with Republicans to break Washington paralysis. You can trust me, Obama said back in 2008. And – for a while, at least &...Read More

Reuters: People Demand Government Action to Subdue Internet Surveillance

June 08, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Surveillance revelations deepen European fears of Web giants … Europeans reacted angrily on Friday to revelations that U.S. authorities had tapped the servers of Internet companies for personal data, saying such activity confirmed their worst fears about American Web giants' reach and showed tighter regulations were needed. – ReutersDominant Social Theme: We need more government re...Read More

Was Guardian 'SpyGate' Article Planted to Support Pending British 'Snooper' Law?

June 08, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

British Intelligence watchdog flies to Washington to demand answers on snooping scandal … MPs from Britain's intelligence watchdog will to fly to Washington next week to seek guarantees that US spies are not snooping on Britons' emails. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, told The Daily Telegraph: 'We will get a report and decide if any f...Read More

Reuters: People Demand Government Action to Subdue Internet Surveillance

June 08, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Surveillance revelations deepen European fears of Web giants … Europeans reacted angrily on Friday to revelations that U.S. authorities had tapped the servers of Internet companies for personal data, saying such activity confirmed their worst fears about American Web giants' reach and showed tighter regulations were needed. – ReutersDominant Social Theme: We need more government re...Read More

Was Guardian 'SpyGate' Article Planted to Support Pending British 'Snooper' Law?

June 08, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

British Intelligence watchdog flies to Washington to demand answers on snooping scandal … MPs from Britain's intelligence watchdog will to fly to Washington next week to seek guarantees that US spies are not snooping on Britons' emails. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, told The Daily Telegraph: 'We will get a report and decide if any f...Read More

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