Mining Stocks Articles

Chinese Leaders Turn to Urbanization to Cure Economic Woes

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

China's Great Uprooting – Moving 250 Million Into Cities … Moving 250 Million Into Cities … China's government-driven effort to push the population to towns and cities is reshaping a nation that for millenniums has been defined by its rural life … China is pushing ahead with a sweeping plan to move 250 million rural residents into newly constructed towns and cities...Read More

Inaccuracy of TIME

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

NEW TIME POLL: Americans Believe Country Heading In Wrong Direction … A majority of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to a new TIME poll, with President Barack Obama's approval and disapproval ratings essentially tied. Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed said the United States is on the wrong track, with only 33 percent saying it is heading in t...Read More

Shock: Iceland Defies EU, Freezes Membership Bid

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

"We are going to do it our way, this is our decision," Sveinsson, 45, said in an interview in Brussels today. "This government is not going to keep on pushing forward this application. At some time, there will be a referendum, but I cannot tell you when and by whom." EU leaders had celebrated the prospect of welcoming Iceland — a developed nation where the economy grew 1....Read More

Shut Down the IMF

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

IMF warns US economic recovery has been slowed by 'ill-designed' cuts but warns Congress against spending less on infrastructure and education … IMF managing director Christine Lagarde said: 'The IMF's advice is to slow down but hurry up.' … The International Monetary Fund said on Friday that an "excessively rapid and ill-designed" deficit reduction plan h...Read More

Syrian War Is Probably a Good Investment Opportunity for Some

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Syria: The slippery slope to an international crisis … The proposed talks in Geneva, under joint American and Russian auspices, remain the only realistic opportunity for producing a solution to the civil war in Syria … With the United Nations this week reporting 93,000 fatalities in Syria since the civil war began, it is arguably somewhat late in the day to be considering intervention...Read More

Criminal Malpractice: Fitch Blasts China, Predicts Implosion

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Fitch says China credit bubble unprecedented in modern world history … China's shadow banking system is out of control and under mounting stress as borrowers struggle to roll over short-term debts, Fitch Ratings has warned. Fitch warned that wealth products worth $2 trillion of lending are in reality a "hidden second balance sheet" for banks, allowing them to circumvent loan cu...Read More

Chinese Leaders Turn to Urbanization to Cure Economic Woes

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

China's Great Uprooting – Moving 250 Million Into Cities … Moving 250 Million Into Cities … China's government-driven effort to push the population to towns and cities is reshaping a nation that for millenniums has been defined by its rural life … China is pushing ahead with a sweeping plan to move 250 million rural residents into newly constructed towns and cities...Read More

Inaccuracy of TIME

June 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

NEW TIME POLL: Americans Believe Country Heading In Wrong Direction … A majority of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to a new TIME poll, with President Barack Obama's approval and disapproval ratings essentially tied. Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed said the United States is on the wrong track, with only 33 percent saying it is heading in t...Read More

Now Naomi Wolf Has 'Creeping Doubts' About Edward Snowden

June 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

My creeping concern that the NSA leaker is not who he purports to be … I hate to do this but I feel obligated to share, as the story unfolds, my creeping concern that the NSA leaker is not who he purports to be, and that the motivations involved in the story may be more complex than they appear to be. This is in no way to detract from the great courage of Glenn Greenwald in reporting the sto...Read More

US Citizens Doubt Their Political Institutions, Especially Congress

June 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

GALLUP: AMERICANS' CONFIDENCE IN CONGRESS AT LOWEST LEVEL EVER … Nine in 10 Americans say they have no confidence in Congress, ranking it last on a list of 16 institutions for the fourth straight year, Gallup said Thursday. The 10 percent confidence level is the lowest level registered for any institution since Gallup began this poll in 1973, Gallup said. – UPIDominant Social Theme...Read More

Bloomberg: Government Directs the Private Economy … Is There a Name for That?

June 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms … U.S. Intel Swapping Info to Thousands of Companies Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people familiar with the process said. – B...Read More

Now Naomi Wolf Has 'Creeping Doubts' About Edward Snowden

June 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

My creeping concern that the NSA leaker is not who he purports to be … I hate to do this but I feel obligated to share, as the story unfolds, my creeping concern that the NSA leaker is not who he purports to be, and that the motivations involved in the story may be more complex than they appear to be. This is in no way to detract from the great courage of Glenn Greenwald in reporting the sto...Read More

US Citizens Doubt Their Political Institutions, Especially Congress

June 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

GALLUP: AMERICANS' CONFIDENCE IN CONGRESS AT LOWEST LEVEL EVER … Nine in 10 Americans say they have no confidence in Congress, ranking it last on a list of 16 institutions for the fourth straight year, Gallup said Thursday. The 10 percent confidence level is the lowest level registered for any institution since Gallup began this poll in 1973, Gallup said. – UPIDominant Social Theme...Read More

Bloomberg: Government Directs the Private Economy … Is There a Name for That?

June 15, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms … U.S. Intel Swapping Info to Thousands of Companies Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people familiar with the process said. – B...Read More

The Fire Next Time: Protests Against Free Markets Fizzle?

June 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

This crisis has proved that capitalism works … The G8 protesters have little support – there's no public appetite to blame the free market … The bull market may be having a breather, but economies have proved remarkably resilient to the financial crisis … Demos are not what they used to be. Perhaps I shouldn't speak too soon, but so far the anti-G8 "Carnival ag...Read More

Striking a Blow for More Efficient Taxation

June 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Shining the Light on a Culture of Tax Evasion … Tax evasion, particularly among the professional classes, has been an open secret in Greece for years. Such a foregone conclusion, in fact, that banks loaning to individuals find it necessary to estimate their clients' "true" incomes when determining how much money to lend them. Last year, in the midst of the country's financi...Read More

Superman Subsiding? Emphasis on Superheroes Reveals Multi-Culti Crisis

June 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

At 75, is Superman over the hill? … In 1938's first issue of "Action Comics," the world got its first glimpse of a superhero, and it was never the same again. Superman soon became an icon – not "just of truth, justice and the American way" – but a symbol of good for billions of people, through their childhood and beyond. Super-fans told CNN their stories o...Read More

Public Television Eats Its Own

June 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Can you imagine life without the BBC? There's no escape from the BBC's influence – or the complacency that accompanies it … John Humphrys, the Today presenter, said life without the BBC would be 'unimaginable' … John Humphrys has invited Radio 4 listeners to imagine life without the BBC. They are to picture themselves sitting down to watch Countryfile or Holby Cit...Read More

Another Pundit Bites the Dust

June 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Give Edward Snowden what he deserves … I depart America for two blissful weeks in Italy and return to find that my country has been transformed, rather rudely, into a totalitarian state on the order of Iran, possibly even North Korea. My telephone is directly plugged into something called PRISM. Big Brother hounds my email, even when I am only viewing the weather. Soon I shall be wearing a M...Read More

Take Time to Understand Banking

June 14, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Markets suffer too much central bank attention … That restatement of Goodhart's Law is almost perfectly appropriate to today's financial markets. Bonds, stocks, currencies and commodities have all become treacherous terrain for investors. Charles Goodhart, a British economist, developed his law in 1975. He was worried about the central bank orthodoxy of the day, the belief that monet...Read More

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