Mining Stocks Articles

Surveillance State? Washington Post Explains It … Not!

December 05, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show … The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence officials, enabling the agency to track the movements of individuals — and map their relationships — in ways that wou...Read More

Predictably, Krugman Flees the Scene

December 04, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Paul Krugman Consigns To Hell An Economic Slump Of His Own Devise … Public intellectual Paul Krugman recently consigned to Hell, in a New York Times op-ed column entitled A Permanent Slump, the world economy. He wrote: … "[W]hat if the world we've been living in for the past five years is the new normal? What if depression-like conditions are on track to persist, not for anoth...Read More

Mercantilist Monsanto: Driver of Organic Farming

December 04, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Ratted out: Scientific journal bows to Monsanto over anti-GMO study … Rigid criteria exist for a serious scientific journal to accept a peer-reviewed paper and to publish it. As well there exist strict criteria by which such an article can be withdrawn after publication. The Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology has apparently decided to violate those procedures, announcing it is retractin...Read More

Predictably, Krugman Flees the Scene

December 04, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Paul Krugman Consigns To Hell An Economic Slump Of His Own Devise … Public intellectual Paul Krugman recently consigned to Hell, in a New York Times op-ed column entitled A Permanent Slump, the world economy. He wrote: … "[W]hat if the world we've been living in for the past five years is the new normal? What if depression-like conditions are on track to persist, not for anoth...Read More

Mercantilist Monsanto: Driver of Organic Farming

December 04, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Ratted out: Scientific journal bows to Monsanto over anti-GMO study … Rigid criteria exist for a serious scientific journal to accept a peer-reviewed paper and to publish it. As well there exist strict criteria by which such an article can be withdrawn after publication. The Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology has apparently decided to violate those procedures, announcing it is retractin...Read More

Central Banking: Sterile as the Grave

December 03, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Fed unlikely to redraw markers for rate hike … Federal Reserve policymakers have cooled to the idea of explicitly raising the bar on future interest rate hikes, a sign the U.S. central bank is angling for a return to more subtle – and familiar – ways of explaining how it plans to steer the economy. The Fed, still struggling to boost the U.S. recovery from the Great Recession, rem...Read More

UN 'Issue at the Apex of Public Concerns'

December 03, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Edward Snowden revelations prompt … UN investigation into surveillance … UN's senior counter-terrorism official says revelations 'are at the very apex of public interest concerns' … The UN's senior counter-terrorism official is to launch an investigation into the surveillance powers of American and British intelligence agencies following Edward Snowden's revel...Read More

Central Banking: Sterile as the Grave

December 03, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Fed unlikely to redraw markers for rate hike … Federal Reserve policymakers have cooled to the idea of explicitly raising the bar on future interest rate hikes, a sign the U.S. central bank is angling for a return to more subtle – and familiar – ways of explaining how it plans to steer the economy. The Fed, still struggling to boost the U.S. recovery from the Great Recession, rem...Read More

UN 'Issue at the Apex of Public Concerns'

December 03, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Edward Snowden revelations prompt … UN investigation into surveillance … UN's senior counter-terrorism official says revelations 'are at the very apex of public interest concerns' … The UN's senior counter-terrorism official is to launch an investigation into the surveillance powers of American and British intelligence agencies following Edward Snowden's revel...Read More

Party On Wall Street! Larry Summers Wants to Charge People for Saving

December 02, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

At the IMF Research Conference on November 8, 2013, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers presented a plan to expand the con game. Summers says that it is not enough merely to give the banks interest free money. More should be done for the banks. Instead of being paid interest on their bank deposits, people should be penalized for keeping their money in banks instead of spending it. – Paul...Read More

Jim Rogers … Sign of the Times?

December 02, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Legendary investor Jim Rogers not only thinks Federal Reserve policy is incompetent, he thinks the entire institution should be eliminated. Asked by RT television network what he'd do if he was named chairman of the central bank, Rogers said, "I'd abolish the Federal Reserve, and then I'd resign." The world has survived just fine without central banks for most of its history,...Read More

Party On Wall Street! Larry Summers Wants to Charge People for Saving

December 02, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

At the IMF Research Conference on November 8, 2013, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers presented a plan to expand the con game. Summers says that it is not enough merely to give the banks interest free money. More should be done for the banks. Instead of being paid interest on their bank deposits, people should be penalized for keeping their money in banks instead of spending it. – Paul...Read More

Jim Rogers … Sign of the Times?

December 02, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Legendary investor Jim Rogers not only thinks Federal Reserve policy is incompetent, he thinks the entire institution should be eliminated. Asked by RT television network what he'd do if he was named chairman of the central bank, Rogers said, "I'd abolish the Federal Reserve, and then I'd resign." The world has survived just fine without central banks for most of its history,...Read More

ECB Warning: More Directed History

November 29, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

ECB warns of danger from Federal Reserve's policy shift US decision to scale back stimulus is a potential threat to euro zone economy, says European Central Bank … The ECB said the risks to the eurozone's financial system from outside the currency bloc had grown since May. – The Irish TimesDominant Social Theme: Central banks are not aligned. Chaos rises. A beast stalks Bethleh...Read More

Real Message of Global Warming Exposed

November 29, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Public-private partners at UN pledge to seek funding for sustainable energy for all … The United Nations and the World Bank today announced a concerted effort by governments, international agencies, civil society and the private sector to scale up efforts to provide sustainable energy to all, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calling for massive new investments in the face of a rising "...Read More

ECB Warning: More Directed History

November 29, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

ECB warns of danger from Federal Reserve's policy shift US decision to scale back stimulus is a potential threat to euro zone economy, says European Central Bank … The ECB said the risks to the eurozone's financial system from outside the currency bloc had grown since May. – The Irish TimesDominant Social Theme: Central banks are not aligned. Chaos rises. A beast stalks Bethleh...Read More

Real Message of Global Warming Exposed

November 29, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Public-private partners at UN pledge to seek funding for sustainable energy for all … The United Nations and the World Bank today announced a concerted effort by governments, international agencies, civil society and the private sector to scale up efforts to provide sustainable energy to all, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calling for massive new investments in the face of a rising "...Read More

Could We Have Been Any More Correct About the Stock Market?

November 28, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Richard Duncan: Fed Targeting 20,000 on the Dow … Richard Duncan—author, former specialist at the World Bank and consultant to the IMF—says the Federal Reserve plans to stimulate the stock market by 10-15% each year for the next two years. "My opinion is that credit growth will remain insufficient to drive economic growth and, therefore, the Fed is going to have to continue...Read More

The Morality and Usefulness of Sexual Assassination

November 28, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

NSA collected porn visits data to discredit Muslim 'radicalizers' … The National Security Agency has been collecting a mountain of dirt on the online sexual activity of individuals, all of them Muslims, whom the agency seeks to discredit due to their 'radicalizing' efforts. The expression 'all's fair in love and war' just took on a whole new meaning in the ongoing...Read More

Real Message of Global Warming Exposed

November 28, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Public-private partners at UN pledge to seek funding for sustainable energy for all … The United Nations and the World Bank today announced a concerted effort by governments, international agencies, civil society and the private sector to scale up efforts to provide sustainable energy to all, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calling for massive new investments in the face of a rising "...Read More

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