Mining Stocks Articles

Forced Savings Bait-and-Switch

December 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Should the U.S. force citizens to save? Americans aren't saving enough to retire. This gap poses a problem for everyone, not just people who will face near-poverty when they can't work anymore. Does that merit forcing people to save more? Retirement in America is supposed to be financed by three sources: Social Security, employer pensions, and additional saving … Another, potentially...Read More

Schekman's Criticisms of Science Don't Go Far Enough

December 18, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

What's wrong with Science. And Nature. And Cell. A Nobel prize-winner attacks elite journals … BLUNT criticism is an essential part of science, for it is how bad ideas are winnowed from good ones. So when Randy Schekman, one of the 2013 crop of Nobel prize-winners (for physiology or medicine, in his case), decided to criticise the way scientific journals are run, he did not hold back. Dr...Read More

Cognitive Dissonance of Ben Bernanke?

December 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

US Federal Reserve: The Bernanke years … It was a drizzly day in Washington when Ben Bernanke went to his confirmation hearing in November 2005, but all seemed bright for the US economy. Growth was on track to hit 3 per cent. House prices had another five months left to rise. The assembled senators felt indulgent towards the modest academic – variously described by the media as bearded...Read More

Is NATO's Invisible Hand Alone in the Ukraine?

December 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Is NATO's Trojan Horse Riding Toward the 'Ukraine Spring'? … Ukrainian citizens have rallied in the bitter cold at Independence Square in Kiev to demand a better economic future and to protest President Viktor Yanukovych's failure to sign an economic agreement with the EU. But while the draft of the EU "Association Agreement" is being sold as an economic boon for Uk...Read More

Cognitive Dissonance of Ben Bernanke?

December 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

US Federal Reserve: The Bernanke years … It was a drizzly day in Washington when Ben Bernanke went to his confirmation hearing in November 2005, but all seemed bright for the US economy. Growth was on track to hit 3 per cent. House prices had another five months left to rise. The assembled senators felt indulgent towards the modest academic – variously described by the media as bearded...Read More

Is NATO's Invisible Hand Alone in the Ukraine?

December 17, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Is NATO's Trojan Horse Riding Toward the 'Ukraine Spring'? … Ukrainian citizens have rallied in the bitter cold at Independence Square in Kiev to demand a better economic future and to protest President Viktor Yanukovych's failure to sign an economic agreement with the EU. But while the draft of the EU "Association Agreement" is being sold as an economic boon for Uk...Read More

New Era in DC Is Business-As-Usual … Really?

December 16, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The budget deal and Washington's new politics of compromise … The muted market reaction to this week's budget deal in Washington may initially seem like a disappointment. After all, uncertainty over government spending, debt and taxes has consistently emerged in business sentiment surveys as the biggest single factor holding back corporate investment and damaging financial confidence...Read More

Ensuring the Boundaries of Truth

December 16, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Release the Senate Torture Report … A dozen years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the American public still doesn't know the full extent of the laws that were broken and the human rights abuses that were committed. Moving forward as a country demands taking responsibility for past actions and providing redress to victims. And that process can only take place after a full public acco...Read More

New Era in DC Is Business-As-Usual … Really?

December 16, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

The budget deal and Washington's new politics of compromise … The muted market reaction to this week's budget deal in Washington may initially seem like a disappointment. After all, uncertainty over government spending, debt and taxes has consistently emerged in business sentiment surveys as the biggest single factor holding back corporate investment and damaging financial confidence...Read More

Ensuring the Boundaries of Truth

December 16, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Release the Senate Torture Report … A dozen years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the American public still doesn't know the full extent of the laws that were broken and the human rights abuses that were committed. Moving forward as a country demands taking responsibility for past actions and providing redress to victims. And that process can only take place after a full public acco...Read More

Monsanto Marijuana Initiative Grows in Uruguay?

December 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Uruguay becomes first nation to legalise marijuana trade … The Uruguayan government hopes legalising the sale of marijuana will tackle drug cartels … Uruguay's cannabis bill reflects liberal past … Uruguay has become the first country in the world to make it legal to grow, sell and consume marijuana. After nearly 12 hours of debate, senators gave the government-sponsored bill...Read More

Telegraph Article a 'Twofer' When It Comes to Monetary Misdirection

December 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Central banks lose $400bn in gold rout … Fall in gold price catches out central banks' fearful of repeating Gordon Brown's mistake of selling reserves at the bottom … Central banks, fearful of repeating Gordon Brown's mistake of selling the nation's gold reserves at the bottom of the market, have been caught out by the slide in prices this year, with the value of the pr...Read More

Monsanto Marijuana Initiative Grows in Uruguay?

December 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Uruguay becomes first nation to legalise marijuana trade … The Uruguayan government hopes legalising the sale of marijuana will tackle drug cartels … Uruguay's cannabis bill reflects liberal past … Uruguay has become the first country in the world to make it legal to grow, sell and consume marijuana. After nearly 12 hours of debate, senators gave the government-sponsored bill...Read More

Telegraph Article a 'Twofer' When It Comes to Monetary Misdirection

December 13, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Central banks lose $400bn in gold rout … Fall in gold price catches out central banks' fearful of repeating Gordon Brown's mistake of selling reserves at the bottom … Central banks, fearful of repeating Gordon Brown's mistake of selling the nation's gold reserves at the bottom of the market, have been caught out by the slide in prices this year, with the value of the pr...Read More

Top Conservative Pundit Endorses Redistributionist Major Douglas!

December 12, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Rethinking the Idea of a Basic Income for All … In October, Swiss voters submitted sufficient signatures to put an initiative on the ballot that would pay every citizen of Switzerland $2,800 per month, no strings attached. Similar efforts are under way throughout Europe. And there is growing talk of establishing a basic income for Americans as well. Interestingly, support comes mainly from t...Read More

From Obamacare to Single Payer - We Told You So

December 12, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Single Payer Is Getting a Second Life as Obamacare Frustration Peaks … Could anger at the Obamacare rollout make Americans more receptive to a kind of Medicare-for-all system? That's what activists are hoping—and they're plotting a state-by-state fight. As the rollout of Obamacare clunks forward, activists who opposed the law from the beginning say it is time to seize the momen...Read More

Top Conservative Pundit Endorses Redistributionist Major Douglas!

December 12, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Rethinking the Idea of a Basic Income for All … In October, Swiss voters submitted sufficient signatures to put an initiative on the ballot that would pay every citizen of Switzerland $2,800 per month, no strings attached. Similar efforts are under way throughout Europe. And there is growing talk of establishing a basic income for Americans as well. Interestingly, support comes mainly from t...Read More

From Obamacare to Single Payer - We Told You So

December 12, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

Single Payer Is Getting a Second Life as Obamacare Frustration Peaks … Could anger at the Obamacare rollout make Americans more receptive to a kind of Medicare-for-all system? That's what activists are hoping—and they're plotting a state-by-state fight. As the rollout of Obamacare clunks forward, activists who opposed the law from the beginning say it is time to seize the momen...Read More

Buy dividend growth stocks before the correction ahead

2013-12-12 / The MoneyLetter

The MoneyLetter, MPL Communications Inc.133 Richmond St.W., Toronto, ON, M5H 3M8. 1-800-804-8846According to Keith Richards (Portfolio Manager at Value Trend), the major U.S. markets have entered into a new mega-year bull market, having recently broken through a 14-year technical ceiling that began in 1999. Some may argue that stocks should be getting ready for a bear market correction instead. Th...Read More

Real Reason for the US's Global Tax Levy

December 11, 2013 / Staff News & Analysis

US tax deal could prove deadly for small banks … US demands are "barely tolerable both economically and legally", according to Swiss Bankers Association chairman Patrick Odier … Valiant, Berner Kantonalbank and Vontobel are the first Swiss banks to have agreed to sign up to a United States tax declaration programme. Experts warn the associated legal costs of complying with th...Read More

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