Mining Stocks Articles

Focus on the Inflation, Not the Keynesian Argumentation

April 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

We've enjoyed a pleasant break – prepare for more economic storms ahead … The challenge of managing the exit from QE and returning interest rates to a more normal 5pc or so level will remain … 'It now appears that (a slight blip at the end of 2012 aside), there has been fairly strong growth in the UK since the summer of 2012.' … How is the UK economy doing, wher...Read More

Ubuntu: Tool of the Gods?

April 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Michael Tellinger: Ubuntu Party Elections 2014 Philosophy and Plan of Action … A Blueprint For Human Prosperity, abolish the privately owned RESERVE BANK … Create a PEOPLE's BANK that creates money for the people by the people, tax-free and interest-free, debt slavery, Decentralize the government, escape the grips of Monsanto, Gift Economy, grow organic food … Michael Telling...Read More

Focus on the Inflation, Not the Keynesian Argumentation

April 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

We've enjoyed a pleasant break – prepare for more economic storms ahead … The challenge of managing the exit from QE and returning interest rates to a more normal 5pc or so level will remain … 'It now appears that (a slight blip at the end of 2012 aside), there has been fairly strong growth in the UK since the summer of 2012.' … How is the UK economy doing, wher...Read More

Ubuntu: Tool of the Gods?

April 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Michael Tellinger: Ubuntu Party Elections 2014 Philosophy and Plan of Action … A Blueprint For Human Prosperity, abolish the privately owned RESERVE BANK … Create a PEOPLE's BANK that creates money for the people by the people, tax-free and interest-free, debt slavery, Decentralize the government, escape the grips of Monsanto, Gift Economy, grow organic food … Michael Telling...Read More

Reuters Analysis: Printing Money Is More Important Than Ever for Yellen

April 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Yellen shows her hand … Yellen said this week that she is more worried that a shock to the economy might lead to deflation — a debilitating spiral downward in prices and demand — than rampant inflation. Those who cling to old certainties about the economic notions that dominated policy between the 1980s and late 2008 find themselves today tilting at windmills such as the likeliho...Read More

Marijuana Meme: Another Gatekeeper Bites the Dust

April 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, says he was wrong to ignore marijuana's medical potential when he wrote an opinion piece in 2009 called "Why I would Vote No on Pot." Gupta filmed a documentary that aired on CNN on Sunday, August 11, and earlier this week wrote an editorial on in which he admitted that the research for the movie changed his mind about...Read More

Reuters Analysis: Printing Money Is More Important Than Ever for Yellen

April 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Yellen shows her hand … Yellen said this week that she is more worried that a shock to the economy might lead to deflation — a debilitating spiral downward in prices and demand — than rampant inflation. Those who cling to old certainties about the economic notions that dominated policy between the 1980s and late 2008 find themselves today tilting at windmills such as the likeliho...Read More

Marijuana Meme: Another Gatekeeper Bites the Dust

April 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, says he was wrong to ignore marijuana's medical potential when he wrote an opinion piece in 2009 called "Why I would Vote No on Pot." Gupta filmed a documentary that aired on CNN on Sunday, August 11, and earlier this week wrote an editorial on in which he admitted that the research for the movie changed his mind about...Read More

Oilpatch senior a dividend stocks lover's dream

2014-04-22 / Investor's Digest of Canada

Canadian Natural Resources hikes payout twice in five monthsTyler Reardon and Jeff Martin help cover Canada's oil and gas industry for Calgary-based Peters & Co.And they're nothing if not enthusiastic about Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNQ-TSX, $41).And well they should be. For one thing, the senior oilpatch play is shareholder-friendly.Not only did it boost its dividend to $0.80 from $0.50 a...Read More

Reuters: What Great Beast Slouches Toward The Remnants of Western Wealth?

April 21, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Time to stop following defunct economic policies … Can economists contribute anything useful to our understanding of politics, business and finance in the real world? I raise this question having spent last weekend in Toronto at the annual conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, a foundation created in 2009 in response to the failure of modern economics in the global financial...Read More

Marijuana and the Nanny State - A Predictable Paradigm That Could Be Good for Investors

April 21, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Reefer Madness, and Reason … Marijuana has now been legalized or decriminalized in 17 states and the District of Columbia, with Maryland joining the list just last week. Not to harsh anyone's mellow, but it may be an appropriate time (and day) to bring back another useful verb to associate with marijuana use: stigmatize. The drive toward legitimization will be hard to stop. Most American...Read More

Reuters: What Great Beast Slouches Toward The Remnants of Western Wealth?

April 21, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Time to stop following defunct economic policies … Can economists contribute anything useful to our understanding of politics, business and finance in the real world? I raise this question having spent last weekend in Toronto at the annual conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, a foundation created in 2009 in response to the failure of modern economics in the global financial...Read More

Marijuana and the Nanny State - A Predictable Paradigm That Could Be Good for Investors

April 21, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Reefer Madness, and Reason … Marijuana has now been legalized or decriminalized in 17 states and the District of Columbia, with Maryland joining the list just last week. Not to harsh anyone's mellow, but it may be an appropriate time (and day) to bring back another useful verb to associate with marijuana use: stigmatize. The drive toward legitimization will be hard to stop. Most American...Read More

The Crime of HFT Is 'Freelance Manipulation' Not Market Distortion

April 18, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

The problems of HFT … Never mind Michael Lewis. The most interesting and provocative thing to be written of late about financial innovation in general, and high-frequency trading in particular, comes from Joe Stiglitz. The Nobel prize-winning economist delivered a wonderful and fascinating speech at the Atlanta Fed's 2014 Financial Markets Conference today; here's a shorter version o...Read More

Public Justice Under Attack?

April 18, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

"Free Jeff Mizanskey" Efforts Continue with Billboards and 360,000 Signatures … The billboard is on I-70 in Saline County. Efforts to release Jeff Mizanskey, the only man in Missouri serving a life-without-parole sentence for a nonviolent marijuana charge, are continuing this month with help from Show-Me Cannabis and Show-Me Cannabis has bought billboard space on I-70 n...Read More

The Crime of HFT Is 'Freelance Manipulation' Not Market Distortion

April 18, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

The problems of HFT … Never mind Michael Lewis. The most interesting and provocative thing to be written of late about financial innovation in general, and high-frequency trading in particular, comes from Joe Stiglitz. The Nobel prize-winning economist delivered a wonderful and fascinating speech at the Atlanta Fed's 2014 Financial Markets Conference today; here's a shorter version o...Read More

Public Justice Under Attack?

April 18, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

"Free Jeff Mizanskey" Efforts Continue with Billboards and 360,000 Signatures … The billboard is on I-70 in Saline County. Efforts to release Jeff Mizanskey, the only man in Missouri serving a life-without-parole sentence for a nonviolent marijuana charge, are continuing this month with help from Show-Me Cannabis and Show-Me Cannabis has bought billboard space on I-70 n...Read More

More Evidence That Consolidated Global Power Is Wielded by a Tiny Elite

April 17, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

US financial showdown with Russia is more dangerous than it looks, for both sides … The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot. The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking...Read More

East v. West in High Finance - Directed History or Real Schism?

April 17, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

BRICS countries to set up their own IMF … Very soon, the IMF will cease to be the world's only organization capable of rendering international financial assistance. The BRICS countries are setting up alternative institutions, including a currency reserve pool and a development bank … The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have made significant progress...Read More

More Evidence That Consolidated Global Power Is Wielded by a Tiny Elite

April 17, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

US financial showdown with Russia is more dangerous than it looks, for both sides … The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot. The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking...Read More

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