Mining Stocks Articles

Exploiting The Ebola Tragedy?

July 28, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Chief Ebola doctor in Sierra Leone has contracted the deadly disease … The "national hero" chief doctor leading the fight against the deadly Ebola virus outbreak in Sierra Leone has himself been infected with the disease, the president's office has announced …The virus has mortality rates of up to 90 per cent. – UK IndependentDominant Social Theme: Ebola is spreadin...Read More

Bubble Bashing Bankers: Don't Fear Asset Inflation

July 25, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Greenspan says bubbles can't be stopped without 'crunch' … Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has always been a student of the economy. Since the financial crisis, he's become a student of human nature. Sitting in his office with a view of the Washington Monument in the distance, Greenspan is eager to share the insight distilled in his recent book, "The Map a...Read More

Meaningless 'Minder' Interviews Are Not the Real Problem

July 25, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

And minder makes three: For White House interviews, it's never just one-on-one … When NBC News White House reporter Chuck Todd conducts background interviews with government officials these days, he and his source usually aren't the only ones in the room or on the call. Typically, there's a third party: A representative of the White House's press staff monitors the conversati...Read More

Bubble Bashing Bankers: Don't Fear Asset Inflation

July 25, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Greenspan says bubbles can't be stopped without 'crunch' … Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has always been a student of the economy. Since the financial crisis, he's become a student of human nature. Sitting in his office with a view of the Washington Monument in the distance, Greenspan is eager to share the insight distilled in his recent book, "The Map a...Read More

Meaningless 'Minder' Interviews Are Not the Real Problem

July 25, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

And minder makes three: For White House interviews, it's never just one-on-one … When NBC News White House reporter Chuck Todd conducts background interviews with government officials these days, he and his source usually aren't the only ones in the room or on the call. Typically, there's a third party: A representative of the White House's press staff monitors the conversati...Read More

Shock: Colombia to Legalize Marijuana

July 24, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Liberal party looks to legalize medical marijuana in Colombia … Colombia's Liberal Party will support a new bill to legalize medical marijuana in the country, local media reported … The move was announced by Liberal Party (Partido Liberal) Senator Juan Manuel Galan, who explained that the bill would open the door for the use of currently illicit marijuana for medicinal uses, Colomb...Read More

Obama: Pro-Business or Corporatist?

July 24, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

'Obama hates business' is an idiotic distraction. Also: It's wrong … What's gnawing at me is this throwaway line in an editorial from the Economist about the very real problem of slower macroeconomic growth. In reference to an alleged spate of "anticompetitive regulations," the magazine labeled President Obama "…the least business-friendly president for d...Read More

Shock: Colombia to Legalize Marijuana

July 24, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Liberal party looks to legalize medical marijuana in Colombia … Colombia's Liberal Party will support a new bill to legalize medical marijuana in the country, local media reported … The move was announced by Liberal Party (Partido Liberal) Senator Juan Manuel Galan, who explained that the bill would open the door for the use of currently illicit marijuana for medicinal uses, Colomb...Read More

Obama: Pro-Business or Corporatist?

July 24, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

'Obama hates business' is an idiotic distraction. Also: It's wrong … What's gnawing at me is this throwaway line in an editorial from the Economist about the very real problem of slower macroeconomic growth. In reference to an alleged spate of "anticompetitive regulations," the magazine labeled President Obama "…the least business-friendly president for d...Read More

Another Chinese Economic Problem: Sky-High Debt Ratios

July 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

China's terrifying debt ratios poised to breeze past US levels … The China-US sorpasso is looming … The sorpasso may instead be the ominous moment when China's debt ratios overtake the arch-debtor itself … A a new report from Stephen Green at Standard Chartered argues that China's aggregate debt level has reached 251 per cent of GDP, as of June. – UK TelegraphDo...Read More

More Voter Participation? Mainstream Pols Better Be Careful What They Wish For

July 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Americans hate Congress. They will totally teach it a lesson by not voting … Americans are angry at Congress – more so than basically ever before. So it's time to throw the bums out, right? Well, not really. In fact, Americans appear prepared to deal with their historic unhappiness using perhaps the least-productive response: Staying home. – Washington PostDominant Social The...Read More

Another Chinese Economic Problem: Sky-High Debt Ratios

July 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

China's terrifying debt ratios poised to breeze past US levels … The China-US sorpasso is looming … The sorpasso may instead be the ominous moment when China's debt ratios overtake the arch-debtor itself … A a new report from Stephen Green at Standard Chartered argues that China's aggregate debt level has reached 251 per cent of GDP, as of June. – UK TelegraphDo...Read More

More Voter Participation? Mainstream Pols Better Be Careful What They Wish For

July 23, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Americans hate Congress. They will totally teach it a lesson by not voting … Americans are angry at Congress – more so than basically ever before. So it's time to throw the bums out, right? Well, not really. In fact, Americans appear prepared to deal with their historic unhappiness using perhaps the least-productive response: Staying home. – Washington PostDominant Social The...Read More

The Manipulated Dialectical Destiny of the BRICS

July 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

The dollar's 70-year dominance is coming to an end … Within a decade, greenback's could be replaced as the world's reserve currency … The dollar's hegemony continues to be cemented by the operations of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Founded at Bretton Woods, they're both Washington based, of course, and controlled by America, despite some Francophon...Read More

Rand Paul: Presidential Victory and Then a Long Repentance?

July 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Strange Bedfellows: … Silicon Valley Techies Like Conservative Senator Rand Paul … There's a new app in Silicon Valley — conservatarianism. It's the app that conservative Senator Rand Paul is pushing. He wants to join forces with local techies. But how can technology and liberty flourish side by side? Paul's answer, "shrink government." … Recent polls...Read More

The Manipulated Dialectical Destiny of the BRICS

July 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

The dollar's 70-year dominance is coming to an end … Within a decade, greenback's could be replaced as the world's reserve currency … The dollar's hegemony continues to be cemented by the operations of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Founded at Bretton Woods, they're both Washington based, of course, and controlled by America, despite some Francophon...Read More

Rand Paul: Presidential Victory and Then a Long Repentance?

July 22, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Strange Bedfellows: … Silicon Valley Techies Like Conservative Senator Rand Paul … There's a new app in Silicon Valley — conservatarianism. It's the app that conservative Senator Rand Paul is pushing. He wants to join forces with local techies. But how can technology and liberty flourish side by side? Paul's answer, "shrink government." … Recent polls...Read More

The Logical Conclusion of the Modern, Monetary Argument

July 21, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Republicans want to control, not end, the Fed … The Republicans' latest plan to rein in the Federal Reserve is, to damn it with the faintest of faint praise, their smartest yet. But it's still nowhere near convincing. It might be hard to believe, but Republicans weren't always so suspicious of the Fed's efforts to revive the economy. As Paul Krugman points out, you only have...Read More

Drug Decriminalization: Lesson Learned

July 21, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Federal government moves to reduce sentences of 46,000 drug offenders … The U.S. Sentencing Commission voted Friday to slash the sentences of 46,000 inmates serving time for drug offenses, the latest move by federal officials to ease decades-old policies that have clogged the nation's prisons. If the decision is not blocked by Congress, nearly half of federal prisoners incarcerated for d...Read More

The Logical Conclusion of the Modern, Monetary Argument

July 21, 2014 / Staff News & Analysis

Republicans want to control, not end, the Fed … The Republicans' latest plan to rein in the Federal Reserve is, to damn it with the faintest of faint praise, their smartest yet. But it's still nowhere near convincing. It might be hard to believe, but Republicans weren't always so suspicious of the Fed's efforts to revive the economy. As Paul Krugman points out, you only have...Read More

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