Mining Stocks Articles

Ferguson's Problem Is not Police Racism But a Broken Justice System

March 07, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Ferguson's Conspiracy Against Black Citizens … Despite the uncertainty surrounding the killing of Michael Brown, many black residents of Ferguson, Missouri, immediately thought that he was the victim of a wrongful death at the hands of police officer Darren Wilson, who shot him after a scuffle. [But] the Department of Justice concluded that there is no evidence to disprove Officer Wilson...Read More

Chinese Trap

March 06, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Liquidity evaporates in China as 'fiscal cliff' nears … Unless China changes course, it is set to tighten fiscal policy by 5.5pc of GDP this year, five times Britain's austerity dose annually since the Lehman crisis … Nobody can fault China's leaders for lack of bravery. The Politburo has kept its nerve as the world's most giddy experiment in credit-driven growth fa...Read More

The Growing Divide Between Western Rhetoric and Economic Reality

March 06, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Australia, Where One Central Bank Won't Do … Does Australia need two central banks? The dilemma that faced Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens on Tuesday certainly begs the question: The argument for hiking rates was almost as compelling as the one for cutting them. – BloombergDominant Social Theme: The wisdom of central planners never ceases to amaze.Free-Market Analy...Read More

Chinese Trap

March 06, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Liquidity evaporates in China as 'fiscal cliff' nears … Unless China changes course, it is set to tighten fiscal policy by 5.5pc of GDP this year, five times Britain's austerity dose annually since the Lehman crisis … Nobody can fault China's leaders for lack of bravery. The Politburo has kept its nerve as the world's most giddy experiment in credit-driven growth fa...Read More

The Growing Divide Between Western Rhetoric and Economic Reality

March 06, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Australia, Where One Central Bank Won't Do … Does Australia need two central banks? The dilemma that faced Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens on Tuesday certainly begs the question: The argument for hiking rates was almost as compelling as the one for cutting them. – BloombergDominant Social Theme: The wisdom of central planners never ceases to amaze.Free-Market Analy...Read More

Who are the winners in central bankers' race to the bottom?

2015-03-06 / The MoneyLetter

The European Central Bank, or ECB, ushered in a new era by launching an aggressive bond-buying program in January. The euro zone is one of the global economy's biggest trouble spots. And this move shifts pressure onto political leaders to restore prosperity in the region. So posits John Stephenson, president and CEO of Stephenson & Company Capital Management in Toronto and a regular contributor to...Read More

More Central Bank Transparency Is Inevitable

March 05, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Giving the Fed a hard time might have a point … The transcripts of the highly significant 2009 meetings of the monetary-policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee are out today, after a five-year delay, and generating lots of headlines. These transcripts, and their release schedule, are as best I can tell unique in American government. They're also very valuable. The five-year delay is...Read More

After Win Against Bank of Canada, Populists on Track to Ban Debt-Based Money?

March 05, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Amid Media Blackout, Canada Lawsuit Challenges Banker Rule: Outcome could decide if Canadians have monetary sovereignty … A landmark Canadian federal appellate-court ruling could conceivably lead to the cancellation of Canada's debt-based money system, and its repercussions are expected to be felt by central banks around the world. According to American monetary-reform author and filmmak...Read More

More Central Bank Transparency Is Inevitable

March 05, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Giving the Fed a hard time might have a point … The transcripts of the highly significant 2009 meetings of the monetary-policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee are out today, after a five-year delay, and generating lots of headlines. These transcripts, and their release schedule, are as best I can tell unique in American government. They're also very valuable. The five-year delay is...Read More

After Win Against Bank of Canada, Populists on Track to Ban Debt-Based Money?

March 05, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Amid Media Blackout, Canada Lawsuit Challenges Banker Rule: Outcome could decide if Canadians have monetary sovereignty … A landmark Canadian federal appellate-court ruling could conceivably lead to the cancellation of Canada's debt-based money system, and its repercussions are expected to be felt by central banks around the world. According to American monetary-reform author and filmmak...Read More

Why Logic Doesn't Follow Markets Anymore

March 04, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Here's why Nasdaq 5000 should spook you … The market is scarier than it looks … On Monday, the Nasdaq Composite index hit 5000 for the first time since March 9, 2000 … Back in 2000, the technology-heavy Nasdaq hovered above 5000 for just two days. After that, it plunged 75%. – FortuneDominant Social Theme: The market is a rational beast.Free-Market Analysis: This is one...Read More

Vaccine Denial: A Modest Proposal to Reduce the Controversy

March 04, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Vaccine Refusal Is Like Drunken Driving … Should you get your kids vaccinated against measles? Of course you should. You shouldn't do this, however, because it is risk-free. Drugs can have side effects, and although those documented for the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine are either minor or extremely rare, the risk of something bad happening isn't zero. And although the bel...Read More

Why Logic Doesn't Follow Markets Anymore

March 04, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Here's why Nasdaq 5000 should spook you … The market is scarier than it looks … On Monday, the Nasdaq Composite index hit 5000 for the first time since March 9, 2000 … Back in 2000, the technology-heavy Nasdaq hovered above 5000 for just two days. After that, it plunged 75%. – FortuneDominant Social Theme: The market is a rational beast.Free-Market Analysis: This is one...Read More

Vaccine Denial: A Modest Proposal to Reduce the Controversy

March 04, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Vaccine Refusal Is Like Drunken Driving … Should you get your kids vaccinated against measles? Of course you should. You shouldn't do this, however, because it is risk-free. Drugs can have side effects, and although those documented for the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine are either minor or extremely rare, the risk of something bad happening isn't zero. And although the bel...Read More

Obama Builds a New Country One Immigrant at a Time?

March 03, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

WH Plans to Develop a "Country Within a Country" of 15 Million "New Americans" … The White House has plans to legalize 13 to 15 million illegal immigrants who will then establish a "country within a country." – Independent SentinelDominant Social Theme: All that stuff about merging countries is just conspiracy theory.Free-Market Analysis: This article in t...Read More

Like 'One Hundred Flowers,' Protests Bloom

March 03, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Hundreds of Farmers Block Roads in Protest of Monsanto's GMO Crops … Poland's largest farmer uprising … Poland's largest farmer uprising ever has occurred as convoys of tractors took to the roads recently in protest of GMO infiltration and land grabs by biotech and Big Ag corporations. More than 150 farmers blocked roadways and held numerous demonstrations in order to bring...Read More

Obama Builds a New Country One Immigrant at a Time?

March 03, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

WH Plans to Develop a "Country Within a Country" of 15 Million "New Americans" … The White House has plans to legalize 13 to 15 million illegal immigrants who will then establish a "country within a country." – Independent SentinelDominant Social Theme: All that stuff about merging countries is just conspiracy theory.Free-Market Analysis: This article in t...Read More

Like 'One Hundred Flowers,' Protests Bloom

March 03, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Hundreds of Farmers Block Roads in Protest of Monsanto's GMO Crops … Poland's largest farmer uprising … Poland's largest farmer uprising ever has occurred as convoys of tractors took to the roads recently in protest of GMO infiltration and land grabs by biotech and Big Ag corporations. More than 150 farmers blocked roadways and held numerous demonstrations in order to bring...Read More

Defund the BBC?

March 02, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Why the BBC doesn't deserve to have the licence fee increased … BBC executives may be relieved at the latest Parliamentary report on funding but the Corporation needs to put its house in order … There was doubtless a sense of relief in the executive suites on the upper floors of New Broadcasting House this week as BBC bosses digested the contents of the latest Parliamentary inquiry...Read More

Cannabis Legalization: From Trickle to Torrent

March 02, 2015 / Staff News & Analysis

Despite U.N. Treaties, War Against Drugs a Losing Battle … Less than eight per cent of drug users worldwide have access to a clean syringe program. As the call for the decriminalization of drugs steadily picks up steam worldwide, a new study by a British charity concludes there has been no significant reduction in the global use of illicit drugs since the creation of three key U.N. anti-drug...Read More

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