Mining Stocks Articles

'Free-Range' Kids and the Kidnapping Nanny State

April 21, 2015 / Roland Peterson

Parents around the United States are rallying in support of the mother and father of the so-called "free-range" kids, the ten-year-old and six-year-old brother and sister who were dragged into the national spotlight this year due to the harassment the family has endured at the hands of government officials for the crime of allowing their kids to freely wander the community without adult...Read More

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Not About Free Trade

April 21, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

The TPP covers a bewildering range of topics. In addition to conventional trade issues like tariff rates, it includes language on labor rights, environmental laws, copyright and patent protections, e-commerce, state-owned enterprises, corruption, and government procurement.Trade deals like the TPP have grown so complex because the global trade community has figured out how to solve a problem that...Read More

'Free-Range' Kids and the Kidnapping Nanny State

April 21, 2015 / Roland Peterson

Parents around the United States are rallying in support of the mother and father of the so-called "free-range" kids, the ten-year-old and six-year-old brother and sister who were dragged into the national spotlight this year due to the harassment the family has endured at the hands of government officials for the crime of allowing their kids to freely wander the community without adult...Read More

Obama, 'The Wire' and the War on Drugs

April 20, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

Obama … had a chance to interview "The Wire" creator David Simon this week. … "The challenge, which you depict in the show: Folks go in [to prison], at great expense to the state, many times trained to become harder criminals while in prison, and come out and are basically unemployable and end up looping back in," he said.Simon agreed that even the small drug incarc...Read More

Obama, 'The Wire' and the War on Drugs

April 20, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

Obama … had a chance to interview "The Wire" creator David Simon this week. … "The challenge, which you depict in the show: Folks go in [to prison], at great expense to the state, many times trained to become harder criminals while in prison, and come out and are basically unemployable and end up looping back in," he said.Simon agreed that even the small drug incarc...Read More

Uncle Sam Wants Your Keys, Says 'Trust Me'

April 17, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

For months, federal law enforcement agencies and industry have been deadlocked on a highly contentious issue: Should tech companies be obliged to guarantee government access to encrypted data on smartphones and other digital devices, and is that even possible without compromising the security of law-abiding customers?Recently, the head of the National Security Agency provided a rare hint of what s...Read More

Uncle Sam Wants Your Keys, Says 'Trust Me'

April 17, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

For months, federal law enforcement agencies and industry have been deadlocked on a highly contentious issue: Should tech companies be obliged to guarantee government access to encrypted data on smartphones and other digital devices, and is that even possible without compromising the security of law-abiding customers?Recently, the head of the National Security Agency provided a rare hint of what s...Read More

Police Deserve No Sympathy Until the Blue Line Breaks

April 16, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

One of the great ironies in American policing is that because of these highly controversial events that have been documented, there's a perception that the profession is somehow out of control or failing in its responsibilities to engage in fair and impartial policing. That is of great concern. We cannot be believed if we don't take decisive actions when our officers are clearly wrong. Bad...Read More

Police Deserve No Sympathy Until the Blue Line Breaks

April 16, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

One of the great ironies in American policing is that because of these highly controversial events that have been documented, there's a perception that the profession is somehow out of control or failing in its responsibilities to engage in fair and impartial policing. That is of great concern. We cannot be believed if we don't take decisive actions when our officers are clearly wrong. Bad...Read More

Rand Paul's Hat in the Ring

April 15, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

Although Rand Paul — who declared his bid for the presidency on Tuesday — has spent several years now inching toward the Republican mainstream, there is still a tendency among the political classes to view him as a sideshow candidate. The crankiness of his announcement-week interviews certainly suggests that he's still getting a handle on retail politics. And though his policy view...Read More

Rand Paul's Hat in the Ring

April 15, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

Although Rand Paul — who declared his bid for the presidency on Tuesday — has spent several years now inching toward the Republican mainstream, there is still a tendency among the political classes to view him as a sideshow candidate. The crankiness of his announcement-week interviews certainly suggests that he's still getting a handle on retail politics. And though his policy view...Read More

The Myth of Scientific Neutrality

April 14, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

A major publisher of scholarly medical and science articles has retracted 43 papers because of "fabricated" peer reviews amid signs of a broader fake peer review racket affecting many more publications …[T]he Committee on Publication Ethics, a multidisciplinary group that includes more than 9,000 journal editors, issued a statementsuggesting a much broader potential problem. The co...Read More

The Myth of Scientific Neutrality

April 14, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

A major publisher of scholarly medical and science articles has retracted 43 papers because of "fabricated" peer reviews amid signs of a broader fake peer review racket affecting many more publications …[T]he Committee on Publication Ethics, a multidisciplinary group that includes more than 9,000 journal editors, issued a statementsuggesting a much broader potential problem. The co...Read More

We're All Welfare Queens Now

April 13, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

In 2013, Fox News proudly broadcast an interview with a young food stamp recipient who claimed to be using the government benefit to purchase lobster and sushi."This is the way I want to live and I don't really see anything changing," Jason Greenslate explained to Fox. "It's free food; it's awesome."That story fit a longtime conservative suspicion that poor people u...Read More

We're All Welfare Queens Now

April 13, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

In 2013, Fox News proudly broadcast an interview with a young food stamp recipient who claimed to be using the government benefit to purchase lobster and sushi."This is the way I want to live and I don't really see anything changing," Jason Greenslate explained to Fox. "It's free food; it's awesome."That story fit a longtime conservative suspicion that poor people u...Read More

Immigration at the Dinner Table

April 10, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

[T]he economic benefits of immigration may be the most­settled fact in economics. A recent University of Chicago poll of leading economists could not find a single one who rejected the proposition… Rationally speaking, we should take in far more immigrants than we currently do.So why don't we open up? The chief logical mistake we make is something called the Lump of Labor Fallacy: th...Read More

Immigration at the Dinner Table

April 10, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

[T]he economic benefits of immigration may be the most­settled fact in economics. A recent University of Chicago poll of leading economists could not find a single one who rejected the proposition… Rationally speaking, we should take in far more immigrants than we currently do.So why don't we open up? The chief logical mistake we make is something called the Lump of Labor Fallacy: th...Read More

A Simple Solution to the Same-Sex Marriage War

April 09, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

The biggest affront to gay equality in America today is the fact that same-sex couples in 13 states are still prevented from marrying. The laws of Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Ohio, and Tennessee are discriminatory, callous in their effects, and may violate the Constitution.Overturning those laws is the most u...Read More

A Simple Solution to the Same-Sex Marriage War

April 09, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

The biggest affront to gay equality in America today is the fact that same-sex couples in 13 states are still prevented from marrying. The laws of Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Ohio, and Tennessee are discriminatory, callous in their effects, and may violate the Constitution.Overturning those laws is the most u...Read More

Iceland vs Banksters

April 08, 2015 / Philippe Gastonne

Iceland's government is considering a revolutionary monetary proposal – removing the power of commercial banks to create money and handing it to the central bank. The proposal, which would be a turnaround in the history of modern finance, was part of a report written by a lawmaker from the ruling centrist Progress Party, Frosti Sigurjonsson, entitled "A better monetary system for Ic...Read More

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