McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Oct 21, 2020Oct 15, 2020Gold prices are important not just to traders of gold coins, but also as a great leading indicator of lots of things that will happen in the future.This week’s chart shows one of the messages we can take from gold prices, which concerns long-term interest rates. In this chart, the plot of gold prices has been shifted forward...Read More
Energy is one of the leading issues in the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election. Supporters of the Green New Deal are shoving this idea to the top of political headlines and are what today's guest calls "Champagne Socialists"-those who push their ideologies unto others but aren't willing to get their hands dirty. We all want a better world for future generations than we have today. But to have an e...Read More
The cast of political groups pushing the United States to a socialist country is skilled at the art of creating a sense of grievance as a mechanism to confiscate the wealth of hard-working people. Today's guest calls today's socialism a marriage between classic socialism and identity politics, "Identity socialism." People who have witnessed and escaped socialist countries, are seeing its resurre...Read More
McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Nov 4, 2020Oct 30, 2020Since the 2000 election, I have done comparisons of presidential poll numbers and the stock market, which have provided useful insights about how the election was going to turn out.This year, I am not so sure about it working as it has in the past, and for a variety of reasons. This week’s leadoff chart (and I have a bunch mo...Read More
Alasdair Macleod explains why he believes the destruction of dollar and euro are inevitable and how we common citizens can best prepare for a New World Order.Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More
McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Nov 12, 2020Nov 5, 2020A peak in global average temperatures in 2015-16 is foretelling a bottom for long-term bond yields.But to understand that point, I need to explain this week’s chart.It shows an inverted plot of Moody’s Aaa corporate bond yield, with proxy data for the years before Moody’s began that series in 1919.Also in that cha...Read More
McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Nov 19, 2020Nov 13, 2020There is more information in the plot of a McClellan Price Oscillator than just up or down, high or low. Looking at its structures can give us additional information about the strength of a trend.This week’s chart looks at the AMEX Gold Miners Index, GDM.It is showing us things right now which make for a good opportunity for...Read More
The secret to surviving the next few years is keeping your wealth in real money, not in the U.S. dollar. Buy things that hold their value and are exchangeable all over the world. Commodities such as gold and silver have a world market that transcends national borders, politics, religions, and race. The good news is that you still have time to protect yourself. And the smart money already is. The s...Read More
Bitcoin is soaring again, as it just neared $19,000-doubling where it ended in 2019. It can be argued that no other asset has delivered such strong returns in one of the worst financial markets in history. But Robert Kiyosaki encourages everyone to have Bitcoin AND gold and silver. The reason is these assets are insurance against a dying dollar. In this update video, Robert explains this tweet: "B...Read More
When you look at the news today, it's easy to see all of the assets are in a bubble, and it's only a matter of time until this bubble pops. While it's tough to predict the future, one thing is for certain: The U.S. dollar will continue to go down in value, and savers will be losers. With people all over the world piling debt upon debt and spending like fools because we've been in a bull market, be...Read More
Alasdair Macleod explains how the dollar's trip toward the dustbin of history is likely to proceed and what we should be looking for to tell us it's happening.Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More
During the summer, there were approximately 23 million Americans without jobs. To put that into perspective, in the double-dip recession in 1982, we had 2.7 million. The early 1990 recessions, 2 million; the dot-com bust, 1.9 million; the great recession, 2.6 million. This is 10 times higher than any other unemployment rate that the US has ever seen. The lockdowns, jobless rate, and the inability...Read More
McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Dec 23, 2020Dec 17, 2020A lot of people look at Bitcoin as a great trading vehicle, and good for them (the ones who have been long this year).But Bitcoin prices have another value, as a messenger about what is coming for the stock market.I looked at this relationship here back in January 2018, and again inMay 2018,examining how the movements of Bitcoin p...Read More
Join Robert Kiyosaki for this training where he says you are getting ripped off and don't even know it yet! He is joined by financial watchdog Edward "Ted" Siedle. Together they are going to prepare you to not only be aware of, but how to avoid challenges that are looming ahead. We will also have a special guest who is a regular tax-paying employed worker getting screwed by the system. We are goin...Read More
Alasdair Macleod explains what the impact of an impending currency collapse disaster will have on our lives and what that will mean to the masses.Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of international tradeContinue...Read More
McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Mar 3, 2021Feb 26, 2021Liquidity is bullish for the stock market.It is even more bullish for small cap stocks and other types of issues which are more sensitive to liquidity.That is why indicators like the A-D Line are so useful for gauging the health of the liquidity pool.There are more small cap stocks than large ones, and so they have a bigger voice i...Read More
Alasdair Macleod talks about how the current fiat monetary system is doomed to fail and why gold is destined to replace failed fiat money and not cryptos.Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More
McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Mar 24, 2021Mar 19, 2021Congress and the White House seem intent upon spending a lot more of our money.In the past 12 months ending in February 2021, the federal government has spent $2 for every $1 it took in.That has boosted the deficit up to an amount never seen before, neither in nominal terms nor as a percentage of GDP.Spending money that the govern...Read More
Is this the bottom for gold and silver? Join Mike Maloney, Jeff Clark and today's special guest David Morgan as they examine the latest news and market action.Download Mike's best-selling book for free here:< Thanks for sharing and clicking that 'Like' button. For those wondering why our videos don't appear in their subscription feed immediately - we relea...Read More