Gold Stocks Articles

Doug Casey's Top 7 Predictions for the 2020s

1/2/20 / International Man

I suggest three simple actions. Diversify politically and geographically. Buy lots of gold and silver. Have a nice piece of productive land in a reasonably secure jurisdiction.Continue...Read More

Nothing Can Go Wrong - Go Wrong - Go Wrong with John Rubino

1/1/20 / Talk Digital Network

Everything is coming up roses for Donald Trump, impeachment is a major non-event. Yet there are still things that can bring him down. A stock market collapse, a credit collapse or a geo-political event that kills the economy. Junk bonds are now booming, a late cycle event that is a portent of things to come. Another even more important development in the credit market is the total prostitution of...Read More

Bob Moriarty: Beware the Stock Market

1/1/20 / 321gold

Investing at a profit is actually simple. The mob is always wrong. Always wrong. Figure out what the mob is thinking and do the opposite.Continue...Read More

"Tail-End Of A Big Bull Market" - Wine, Diamonds, Classic Cars Are Now Money-Losing Investments For Ultra-Rich

1/1/20 / Zero Hedge

Luxury assets of the ultra-wealthy, if that were expensive wine, fancy diamonds, and rare antique cars all had a down year as the stock market ramped to new highs, reported The Wall Street Journal.Continue...Read More

Craig Hemke - Basics of COT Report Simplified for Gold and Silver Investors

1/1/20 / Silver Bullion TV

*This interview was recorded a week before Christmas 2019SBTV enlisted the help of Craig Hemke, publisher of the popular, to explain the basics of the oft-mentioned Commitment of Traders report (COT report) and how gold and silver investors can use it meaningfully.Discussed in this interview:01:43 Overview of Commitment of Traders report05:15 Focus on the legacy report of the CO...Read More

2019 Was a Bad Year for the "Only Cops Should Have Guns" Narrative

1/1/20 / Mises Institute

On December 29, an armed gunman entered the West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas and shot two members of the congregation. Within six seconds, a third member of the Continue...Read More

Understanding The Keys To Power

1/1/20 / Peak Prosperity

The past decade was undoubtedly shaped by the policy adopted by the global central banking cartel to flood the world with massive amounts of liquidity (over $15 trillion) to "rescue" markets following the Great Financial Crisis.Continue...Read More

Bitcoin Elliott Wave analysis – Be aware of slow down before uptrend resumes

Jan 01, 2001 12:03 / Staff reporter

Bitcoin is trading higher as expected, after a decisive break out of a base channel that also acted as a support after a retest earlier this week. We can see a nice and sharp move up, currently into 52k-53k area where the bitcoin may slow down as former high can represent a strong resistance. So, be aware of some slow down before uptrend may resume, ideally after the fourth wave. Support on nay se...Read More

FOMC sees two rate hikes in 2023, gold didn’t like it

Jan 01, 2001 03:00 / Staff reporter

This article has been deprecated due to an external error The newest Fed’s statement and dot-plot indicated a much more hawkish tone among the FOMC members than the markets expected, and gold dropped. On Wednesday (June 16, 2021), the FOMC has published its newest statement on monetary policy . The statement was barely changed. The main alteration is that the Fed has ceased saying that &ldqu...Read More

Alasdair Macleod: An Unexpected Systemic Crisis For Sure

2/Released on 9/20 / Jay Taylor Media

Alasdair Macleod talks about the impact on gold from a collapse of global banks and how Central Banks are preparing for a monetary reset that could adversely impact liberty.Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More

Chart In FocusIs QE Good For Gold Prices?

QE is Bullish for Stocks, Bearish for Bonds / McClellan Financial Publications, Inc

McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Sep 23, 2020Sep 18, 2020The total Fed holdings of Treasury debt and mortgage backed securities (MBS) held by the Fed are now up to $6.4 trillion, and up by $68.8 billion this week for the weekly data reported on Sep. 16. All of that money-printing is adding to the total money supply, and it has assuredly helped to lift stock prices up out of the February...Read More

Alasdair Macleod: Inflation & Other Revolutionary Forces at Work in America

23/Released on 9/20 / Jay Taylor Media

Alasdair Macleod with a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist explains that we are in an inflationary economy and why its happening is a bad thing.Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More

New Political Party Launched in Britain...'Seeks to preserve and promote life, liberty, prosperity and national sovereignty'

22/9/20heri / Heritage Party

"Recent governments have paid lip service to capitalism while implementing socialism by stealth using the concept of the 'mixed economy' or the 'third way'. Governments have excessively interfered in the free marketContinue...Read More

COVID-19 Is 'Unrestricted Bioweapon': Whistleblower Releases Second Paper Alleging 'Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud'

8/10/20\ / Zero Hedge

Li-Meng Yan, A Chinese virologist (MD, PhD) who worked in a WHO reference lab and fled her position at the University of Hong Kong, has published a second co-authored report, alleging that SARS-CoV-2, the Continue...Read More

Chart In FocusGold Prices Lead Interest Rates

It Takes 15 Months for Yield Curve Inversion To Be Felt / McClellan Financial Publications, Inc

McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Oct 21, 2020Oct 15, 2020Gold prices are important not just to traders of gold coins, but also as a great leading indicator of lots of things that will happen in the future.This week’s chart shows one of the messages we can take from gold prices, which concerns long-term interest rates. In this chart, the plot of gold prices has been shifted forward...Read More

Marin Katusa & Robert Kiyosaki: The Future of Green/Clean Energy

26/Released on 10/20 / Rich Dad

Energy is one of the leading issues in the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election. Supporters of the Green New Deal are shoving this idea to the top of political headlines and are what today's guest calls "Champagne Socialists"-those who push their ideologies unto others but aren't willing to get their hands dirty. We all want a better world for future generations than we have today. But to have an e...Read More

Dinesh D'Souza on Identity Socialism & Why Capitalism is Key - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki

28/Released on 10/20 / Rich Dad

The cast of political groups pushing the United States to a socialist country is skilled at the art of creating a sense of grievance as a mechanism to confiscate the wealth of hard-working people. Today's guest calls today's socialism a marriage between classic socialism and identity politics, "Identity socialism." People who have witnessed and escaped socialist countries, are seeing its resurre...Read More

Chart In FocusStocks and Polls - Different This Time?

My Final 2016 Poll Analysis / McClellan Financial Publications, Inc

McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Nov 4, 2020Oct 30, 2020Since the 2000 election, I have done comparisons of presidential poll numbers and the stock market, which have provided useful insights about how the election was going to turn out.This year, I am not so sure about it working as it has in the past, and for a variety of reasons. This week’s leadoff chart (and I have a bunch mo...Read More

Alasdair Macleod: Preparing for a Monetary Reset

4/Released on 11/20 / Jay Taylor Media

Alasdair Macleod explains why he believes the destruction of dollar and euro are inevitable and how we common citizens can best prepare for a New World Order.Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More

Chart In FocusPost El Niño Cooling Means a Bottom Soon For Bond Yields

Debunking the Fed as the Controller of Inflation / McClellan Financial Publications, Inc

McClellan Financial Publications, IncPosted Nov 12, 2020Nov 5, 2020A peak in global average temperatures in 2015-16 is foretelling a bottom for long-term bond yields.But to understand that point, I need to explain this week’s chart.It shows an inverted plot of Moody’s Aaa corporate bond yield, with proxy data for the years before Moody’s began that series in 1919.Also in that cha...Read More

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