Gold Stocks Articles

Republicans want World War 3 even more than Biden and the Democrats

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Citizen Free Press - Twitter, Released on 2/17/23McConnell wants the war in Ukraine more than Biden does:"The overwhelming majority of Republicans are not only behind the Ukrainians but would send aid more quickly than the president has." Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 17, 2023 Republicans want World War 3 even more than Biden and the Democrats added by...Read More

Illinois Hobby Club Believes Pentagon Shot Down Their $12 Pico Balloon

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Zero Hedge, Released on 2/17/23An Illinois-based hobby group which uses $12 balloons with ham radios for a cheap high-altitude hobby says the object shot down over Yukon Territory on Feb. 11 likely belongs to them.Continue... Illinois Hobby Club Believes Pentagon Shot Down Their $12 Pico Balloon added by Herman James on 02/17/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Microsoft Bing's AI chatbot tells reporter it wants to be human, engineer a deadly pandemic and steal nuclear codes in troubling two-hour conversation

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Daily Mail, Released on 2/17/23The statements were made during a two-hour conversation with New York Times reporter Kevin Roose who Continue... Microsoft Bing's AI chatbot tells reporter it wants to be human, engineer a deadly pandemic and steal nuclear codes in troubling two-hour conversation added by Herman James on 02/17/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Analyst: Mining Co. Hits More Spectacular Grades

February 17, 2023 / Stuart McDougall

Another set of drill results from one vein at this exploration project returned silver grades as high as 4,376 g/t and gold grades up to 11.88 g/t, noted a Research Capital Corp. report.Outcrop Silver & Gold Corp.'s (OCG:TSX.V; OCGSF:OTCQX; MRG1:DB) latest drill results from the Los Naranjos vein at its Santa Ana gold-silver project in Colombia show "spectacular grades," reported Research Capital...Read More

How does the CDC explain this?

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Steve Kirsch - Twitter, Released on 2/17/23Dr. Michael Huang had 10 Vax injured nurses in his office one day and nine out of 10 had clinical myocarditis. Wow. They said this was supposed to be very rare. How does the CDC explain this? Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) February 17, 2023 How does the CDC explain this? added by Herman James on 02/17/2023View all posts by Herman Jam...Read More

Armstrong: Nuclear Arms no Longer Key to Peace

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Armstrong Economics, Released on 2/17/23Russia has fitted its fleet with tactical nuclear weapons both in the North SeaContinue... Armstrong: Nuclear Arms no Longer Key to Peace added by Herman James on 02/17/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Charles Hugh Smith: The Core of the Economy-The Middle Class-Is Crumbling

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Of Two Minds, Released on 2/17/23The net result of hyper-globalization and hyper-financialization is the crumbling of the middle class.Continue... Charles Hugh Smith: The Core of the Economy-The Middle Class-Is Crumbling added by Herman James on 02/17/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Jim Grant: Disinflation For The Short Run, Inflation For The Long Run

17/2/2023 / Herman James

The Julia La Roche Show, Released on 2/17/230:00 Intro0:38 How we got here1:30 Monetary realm as an area of concern2:29 Defining the dollar2:57 Biggest change in the sweep of financial history4:30 Gold standard5:50 Defining the dollar? How has it evolved6:50 Weaknesses of the dollar9:47 Lockdowns wouldn't have been feasible10:30 Origins of the great bulge in public debt13:55 Fed actions during the...Read More

El-Erian Says Fed's 2% Inflation Target Would Crush US Economy

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Bloomberg, Released on 2/17/23Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz and Bloomberg Opinion columnist, says he hopes the Federal Reserve can tolerate US inflation above its 2% target. "I don't think they can get CPI to 2% without crushing the economy, but that's because 2% is not the right target," he says on "Bloomberg The Open."Mohamed El-Erian is the President of Queens College, Cam...Read More

Armstrong: NATO Preparing for World War III

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Armstrong Economics, Released on 2/17/23Perhaps NATO is starting to wake up. They now realize that theyContinue... Armstrong: NATO Preparing for World War III added by Herman James on 02/17/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

12 year-old boy drops dead during football practice

17/2/2023 / Herman James

NBC News, Released on 2/17/23"He was so happy to be there. He didn't know that it was going to be his last day," the boy's mother, Raven Brown, told News 12 New Jersey.Continue... 12 year-old boy drops dead during football practice added by Herman James on 02/20/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Anyone who said this on Twitter a year ago, would get suspended

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Dr. Eli David - Twitter, Released on 2/17/23Anyone who said this ??'? on Twitter a year ago, would get suspended.People were fired from their jobs and thrown out of college for not being vaccinated, even if they've already had Covid.It turns out the "scientific consensus" (as they called themselves) was wrong, again. Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) February 17, 2023 Any...Read More

US Navy Lifts COVID Vaccine Mandate For Sailor Deployment

17/2/2023 / Herman James

The Epoch Times (via Zero Hedge), Released on 2/17/23The U.S. Navy will no longer consider the COVID-19 vaccination status of sailors when making decisions about their deployment, according to newly updated Navy guidance published this week.Continue... US Navy Lifts COVID Vaccine Mandate For Sailor Deployment added by Herman James on 02/17/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Grant Williams: Key Question Investors Must Ask Now: Where Can I Get Hurt? (Part 2/2)

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Wealthion, Released on 2/17/23For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HEREGrant Williams is the portfolio manager of the Vulpes Precious Metals Fund and strategy advisor to Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore. Grant has 28 years of experience in finance on the Asian, Australian, European and US markets and has held senior positions at several international investment houses, including Robert Fle...Read More

The Three Tests of Compliance

February 17, 2023 / Jeffrey Tucker

"Thank goodness for the lockdowns; this will end the pandemic."The lockdowns hit us hard from mid-March 2020 and onward, imposed as if they were a conventional response to a circulating new pathogen, though they literally had no precedent in history.All of this was based on the astonishing announcement by the Trump administration: "Governors should close schools in communities that are near areas...Read More

Lobo Tiggre: Many Will Get Hurt; Global Recession Hidden From Plain View

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Liberty and Finance, Released on 2/17/23The global recession will be much worse than expected, says Lobo Tiggre, The Independent Speculator. He remains bullish on gold, silver, uranium, but he has concern short-term for industrial metals because of the recession. Recent data points suggest a road to recovery, but he says the data is misleading. "At the end of the day, reality does matter," he says...Read More

Bob Hoye: Gold, Interest Rates, Recession, Junk Bonds

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Howe Street, Released on 2/17/23Bob Hoye is a trained geologist, successful resource investor and economic historian. Bob is the chief investment strategist for Hoye: Gold, Interest Rates, Recession, Junk Bonds added by Herman James on 02/18/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

David Morgan: Silver, at key times, remains the 'best inflation hedge'

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Goldseek Radio, Released on 2/17/23David Morgan, The Silver Investor, comments on this week's CPI number, and the PMs sector.- Eroding purchasing power.- Silver, at key times, remains the "best inflation hedge."- Gold is an ideal deflation hedge.- The yellow metal may outperform silver at first.- Gold has appreciated 90x's in 100 years!- Potential bottleneck in PMs supply / production?- Mining com...Read More

David Rosenberg calls 'no landing' a nice fairy tale

17/2/2023 / Herman James

CNBC, Released on 2/17/23David Rosenberg, Rosenberg Research founder, joins 'The Exchange' to discuss the latest inflation data and how he believes the Fed will react. David Rosenberg is the chief economist & strategist of Rosenberg Research & Associates, an economic consulting firm he established in January 2020. He received both a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Arts degree in economics from the...Read More

Each day you are reminded you are living in the dumbest of times

17/2/2023 / Herman James

Stalingrad & Poorski - Twitter, Released on 2/17/23Read more here: day you are reminded you are living in the dumbest of times To Increase Equity, School Districts Eliminate Honors Classes Stalingrad & Poorski (@Stalingrad_Poor) February 17, 2023 Each day you are reminded you are living in the du...Read More

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