Gold Stocks Articles

The New York Times apologizes for misgendering Nashville mass shooter

28/3/2023 / Herman James

Ian Miles Cheong - Twitter, Released on 3/28/23Incredible. The New York Times apologizes for misgendering the Nashville mass shooter who murdered three kids and three adults because it disrespects the murderer's memory and identity. Truly a cult. Woke mind virus in full swing. Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 28, 2023 The New York Times apologizes for misgendering Na...Read More

The Digital Iron Curtain: How the RESTRICT Act Threatens to Devastate Privacy and Crush Free Speech Online

28/3/2023 / Herman James

The Free Thought Project, Released on 3/28/23Make no mistake, this piece of legislation is the "Patriot Act on steroids." The RESTRICT Act would seemingly grantContinue... The Digital Iron Curtain: How the RESTRICT Act Threatens to Devastate Privacy and Crush Free Speech Online added by Herman James on 03/30/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Jeffrey Christian: No, the World Isn't Moving Away from the Dollar

28/3/2023 / Herman James

The Deep Dive, Released on 3/28/23Joining SmallCapSteve today is Jeffrey Christian, founder & managing director of the CPM Group. In this interview, we dive into his read on the de-dollarization and central banks buying gold. We also talk about the factors he looks at to forecast gold price, and where he sits in terms of copper prices.00:00 Introduction00:27 De-dollarization - should we be concern...Read More

Rickards: We're the Sucker

28/3/2023 / Herman James

Daily Reckoning, Released on 3/28/23The U.S. and U.K. media have been a continuous source of misinformation and lies on this topic, so it's not surprising Continue... Rickards: We're the Sucker added by Herman James on 03/29/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Ray Dalio: What happened with Silicon Valley Bank and what it means for the economy

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Principles by Ray Dalio, Released on 3/27/23Ray Dalio is an American businessman and founder of the investment firm Bridgewater Associates, one of the world's largest hedge funds. In 2012, Dalio appeared on the annual Time 100 list of the 100 most influential people in the world. In 2011 and 2012 he was listed by Bloomberg Markets as one of the 50 Most Influential people. Institutional Investor's...Read More

Rick Rule: Regulators Are UNPREPARED For Harsh Financial Environment

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Liberty and Finance, Released on 3/27/23Bankers and regulators are not ready the financial environment in this decade. For forty years, interest rates had been falling, making banking easy. But tougher times are ahead. Legendary investor Rick Rule joins us to discuss the recent bank failures and investments to consider in this new financial environment.0:00 Intro1:30 Banking system16:00 Currency r...Read More


March 27, 2023 / James Rickards

Anyone who thinks the banking crisis is over has never lived through one. This is my tenth, starting with Herstatt. And this one is just getting started, despite all the happy talk that the crisis is over.Let's dive in...The litany of recent bank failures has become all too familiar. It began in early March with the bankruptcy filing of Silvergate Bank. Silvergate was not just another commercial b...Read More

Dozens of people are being killed every week in gold-rich province in the Congo

27/3/2023 / Herman James

France 24, Released on 3/27/23A notorious militia in eastern DR Congo on Sunday executed 17 people itContinue... Dozens of people are being killed every week in gold-rich province in the Congo added by Herman James on 03/27/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Are Markets About to Crash? Bitcoin, Crypto, Stocks Update with Gareth Soloway

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Greg Dickerson, Released on 3/27/23Gareth Soloway is a professional trader. He is the President, CEO & Chief Market Strategist for InTheMoneyStocks.Greg Dickerson is a serial entrepreneur, real estate developer, coach, and mentor. He has bought, developed and sold over $250 million in real estate, built and renovated hundreds of custom homes and commercial buildings, developed residential and mixe...Read More

NFL lineman says he was sexually assaulted by TSA agent

27/3/2023 / Herman James

KTLA 5, Released on 3/27/23After I asked the gentleman to please stop BC I'm uncomfortable and I feel that this part of the check is unnecessary (After he feltContinue... NFL lineman says he was sexually assaulted by TSA agent added by Herman James on 03/27/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Tavi Costa: Bad Times Ahead for Stocks, History Shows Something 'Big' Is About to Drop

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Stansberry Research, Released on 3/27/23"There a lot of themes in the global macro world right now that are firming up for precious metals," says Otavio "Tavi" Costa, portfolio manger for Crescat Capital. "We've really had five very bad decades for the stock market throughout history and I think we're going to have another one here," he tells Daniela Cambone at the 2023 Swiss Mining Institute annu...Read More

Armstrong: Why The Sudden Move to Ban TikTok? Congress Wages War on Free Speech

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Armstrong Economics, Released on 3/27/23 They are attempting to silence the people, and more importantly, they do not want us to know the truth. Continue... Armstrong: Why The Sudden Move to Ban TikTok? Congress Wages War on Free Speech added by Herman James on 03/27/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Disturbing new photos of U.S. Military equipment in Afghanistan

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Citizen Free Press, Released on 3/27/23Additional pictures showing US military equipment left behind by the US forces following the botched Afghanistan Withdrawal.The Taliban also in a statement said the Abu Dujana brigade of the Al-Badr Corps have already repaired over 300 military vehicles and now are ready for use.Continue... Disturbing new photos of U.S. Military equipment in Afghanistan added...Read More

Soccer Players Still Collapsing, Having Heart Attacks, And Even Dying On The Pitch

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Summit News, Released on 3/27/23In the past week, two high profile football (soccer for Americans) players have collapsed on the field of play, continuing a trend that has seemingly now become the norm.Continue... Soccer Players Still Collapsing, Having Heart Attacks, And Even Dying On The Pitch added by Herman James on 03/27/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Kim Dotcom: Here's why the US Govt wants to ban TikTok

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Kim Dotcom - Twitter, Released on 3/27/23The US Govt wants to ban TikTok because it is outside of its censorship and control umbrella.The excuse that China is spying on Americans is a red herring. All US based tech has backdoors by US spy agencies to spy on Americans and the world.- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 27, 2023 Kim Dotcom: Here's why the US Govt wants to ban TikTok added by Herman James...Read More

Douglas A. Macgregor on the latest developments in Ukraine

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Douglas A. Macgregor, Released on 3/27/23Col. Douglas A. Macgregor USA (Ret.) is a decorated combat veteran with a PhD in International Relations from the University of Virginia. He is the author of five books and is the executive vice president of Burke-Macgregor Group LLC, a Defense and Foreign Policy consulting firm in Northern Virginia. UkraineDouglas A. Macgregor on the latest developments...Read More

Mohamed El-Erian: There is no good way out of this

27/3/2023 / Herman James

CNBC, Released on 3/27/23Mohamed El-Erian, Allianz and Gramercy advisor and president of Queens' College, Cambridge, joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss the Fed's next steps, how much banks will reel in their lending, and more.Mohamed El-Erian is the President of Queens College, Cambridge and the Chief Economic Adviser of Allianz, a multinational financial services company. He is the former CEO and co-C...Read More

Jeffrey Gundlach discusses the ongoing banking crisis and his forecasts for the economy and stock market

27/3/2023 / Herman James

CNBC, Released on 3/27/23Jeffrey Gundlach, DoubleLine Capital CEO, joins CNBC's "Closing Bell" to discuss the ongoing banking crisis and his forecasts for the economy and stock market.Part 1 (part 2 below)Part 2Jeffrey Gundlach is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of DoubleLine Capital. He is recognized as an expert in bond and fixed income investments. His investment strate...Read More

Armstrong: China's rise to becoming the financial capital of the world is happening right before our eyes

27/3/2023 / Herman James

Armstrong Economics, Released on 3/27/23China accomplished a once unthinkable feat - a peace treaty between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Continue... Armstrong: China's rise to becoming the financial capital of the world is happening right before our eyes added by Herman James on 03/27/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Robert Shiller: Don't buy a house right now

27/3/2023 / Herman James

CNBC, Released on 3/27/23Robert Shiller, Yale University professor of economics and Case-Shiller Index co-founder, joins 'Closing Bell: Overtime' to discuss what will be the ripple effect on residential and commercial real estate as the burrowing cost rises.Robert Shiller is an American economist, academic, and best-selling author. He currently serves as a Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale U...Read More

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