Gold Stocks Articles

The Crypto Signal for the Precious Metals Market / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2023

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 / P_Radomski_CFA

What if bitcoin just topped? What doesit change for the price of gold going forward, if anything?Many years ago, people wanted to buy goldbut didn’t really want to store it in their homes, pay for safekeeping andinsurance during transport, and so on. The demand gap was filled by all sortsof e-gold, e-bullion, and overall pooled accounts. This idea might seem odd tothose, who are new to the p...Read More

Jim Rogers: Investment Decisions for a Successful Future

16/5/2023 / Herman James

World Scholars Academy, Released on 5/16/23On this talk Mr. Rogers offers guidance to teenagers on navigating their education, career choices, and investment decisions for a successful future.Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973, helping to steer the fund to a 4200% return before "retiring" at age 37. He is considered to be one of the greatest investors of all time. Rog...Read More

Gareth Soloway: This is the catapult that will send gold to new highs

16/5/2023 / Herman James

GoldCore, Released on 5/16/23Technical analysis expert Gareth Soloway of joins Dave Russell of GoldCore TV for a monthly look at the gold and silver charts. GoldCore's Dave Russell asks Gareth when gold will touch through its all time high and break out, why silver had a failed break out, and why investors are ignoring the (inflationary) elephant in the room.Gareth Soloway is...Read More

Silver Price May Explode / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2023

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 / Avi_Gilburt

Approximately 12 years ago, I wrote my first public market prognostication and it was focused on gold.At the time, gold was enjoying a parabolic rally, and the discussion amongst the general public was how far past the $2,000 mark gold was going to strike during that rally. So, on Aug. 11, 2011, I concluded my first gold articleas follows:"Again, since we are most probably in the final stages...Read More

Florida and Indiana Pass Laws Banning the Use of a CBDC as Money in the State

16/5/2023 / Herman James

Schiff Gold, Released on 5/16/23These laws explicitly exclude a CBDC from the definition of money in Florida and Indiana, Continue... Florida and Indiana Pass Laws Banning the Use of a CBDC as Money in the State added by Herman James on 05/16/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

John Rubino: Other Ways They're Tracking (and Manipulating) Us

16/5/2023 / Herman James

John Rubino's Substack, Released on 5/16/23Turns out that my original list of ways they're spying on us was incomplete. Readers have been fleshing out the story:Continue... John Rubino: Other Ways They're Tracking (and Manipulating) Us added by Herman James on 05/17/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

U.S. has defaulted on its debt three times

16/5/2023 / Herman James

Axios, Released on 5/16/23There have been at least three, admittedly distant, times when the U.S. failed to keep its financial word.Continue... U.S. has defaulted on its debt three times added by Herman James on 05/22/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Fed Dollar Would Make Powell Most Powerful Person on Planet; It Must Be Stopped Urges Bubba Horwitz

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Stansberry Research, Released on 5/15/23"Theoretically, Jerome Powell would be the most powerful person in the world because he controls the money," says Todd "Bubba" Horwitz, founder of When it comes to the central bank digital currency ("CBDC") and how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill restricting the use of CBDCs in the state, Horwitz backs up these measures and adds tha...Read More

Jim Grant: 'The Fed is problem No. 1 in American finance'

15/5/2023 / Herman James

MarketWatch (via MSN), Released on 5/15/23"I think generally that the suppression of rates introduces all manner of distortions in the economy," Continue... Jim Grant: 'The Fed is problem No. 1 in American finance' added by Herman James on 05/15/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Rickards: How Can This Possibly Be Sustained?

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Daily Reckoning, Released on 5/15/23Right now, the United States is over $31 trillion in debt. Now, a $31 trillion debt wouldContinue... Rickards: How Can This Possibly Be Sustained? added by Herman James on 05/15/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Why Gold is Always Money | Alasdair Macleod

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Deutsche Goldmesse, Released on 5/15/23 (Recorded on 5/5/23)Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. His experience encompasses equity and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy. Read Macleod's writing: gold, m...Read More

Lynette Zang: The Interconnectedness of Global Crises; From food to oil, and everything in between

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Beyond Gold & Silver, Released on 5/15/23Is inflation causing a rise in retail theft? Find out how desperate times are leading to desperate measures and what you can do to protect your possessions and loved ones with insights from Lynette Zang. We also discuss the importance of food security during times of crisis and how to prepare for it. Lynette shares her own experience with tilapia ponds and...Read More

Congratulations America. You just set a new debt record.

15/5/2023 / Herman James

CNBC, Released on 5/15/23Total consumer debt hit a fresh new high in the first quarter of 2023, at just over $17 trillion.New mortgage originations, including refinancings, totaled just $323.5 billion, the lowest level since the second quarter of 2014.Continue... Congratulations America. You just set a new debt record. added by Herman James on 05/15/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

Ron Paul: Bizarre Biden To White America: 'You're All Racist Terrorists!'

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Ron Paul Liberty Report, Released on 5/15/23In a shocking and bizarre speech at Howard University over the weekend, President Biden named "white supremacy" to be the greatest terrorist threat facing America today. For a president promising to unite America, will his divisive language resonate with voters? Also today, while Germany keeps shoveling money into Ukraine, neocons in Washington are panic...Read More

'Genuinely worried' Asian investors flock to safe haven gold amid US dollar woes

15/5/2023 / Herman James

South China Morning Post, Released on 5/15/23Gold has soared in popularity over the past month among investors in Asia's trading hubs of Singapore and Hong KongContinue... 'Genuinely worried' Asian investors flock to safe haven gold amid US dollar woes added by Herman James on 05/15/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+'Read More

John Rubino: The Fiat Currency Experiment Is on Its Last Legs

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Maneco64, Released on 5/15/23I had the pleasure to speak with John Rubino about all the potential flashpoints in the world of finance, economics, and currencies. John also spoke about what one can do to shield themselves from what is coming and even benefit from what lies ahead.John Rubino is the founder of the popular financial website which he sold in 2022. Mr. Rubino is the c...Read More

Biden And DHS Secretary Claim 'White Supremacy' Is The Greatest US Terror Threat

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Zero Hedge, Released on 5/15/23The definition of extremism is changing daily to include values that common people hold dear. Today you are a good and moral person; tomorrow, you're a terrorist. That is how these things have always worked. Continue... Biden And DHS Secretary Claim 'White Supremacy' Is The Greatest US Terror Threat added by Herman James on 05/15/2023View all posts by Herman James ?+...Read More

Jim Grant talks about the markets, risks, uranium, gold and much more

15/5/2023 / Herman James

L2 Capital Partners, Released on 5/15/23In this episode, Marcelo Lopez had a very interesting conversation with Jim Grant, founder and editor of Grant's Interest Rate Observer. Jim talked about the many risks that are present in the markets today, from private equity to high yield bonds. Besides, Jim gave his views on interest rates and inflation, and its potential impacts in the economy. He also...Read More

JPMorgan Opens War Room

May 15, 2023 / James Rickards

The "X-Date" is the day the U.S. Treasury goes broke. It's not the same as the debt ceiling but it is a consequence of the failure of Congress to raise the debt ceiling.Right now, the Treasury is at the debt ceiling. That means it has no legal authority to issue net new debt. It can issue new debt if old debt is maturing. That keeps the total debt unchanged; you're just rolling over maturing debt...Read More

"The American Public Was Scammed": Trump Responds After Bomshell Durham Report 'Exonerates'

15/5/2023 / Herman James

Zero Hedge, Released on 5/15/23"The Durham Report spells out in great detail the Democrat Hoax that was perpetrated upon me and the American people. This is 2020 Presidential Election Fraud, just like 'stuffing' the ballot boxes, only more so."Continue... "The American Public Was Scammed": Trump Responds After Bomshell Durham Report 'Exonerates' added by Herman James on 05/15/2023View all posts by...Read More

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